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  1. SarniaTricia

    My Harlequin Project

    Hi Everyone..... It's been a while! I have stopped by off and on during the winter, but I haven't had a lot of Rabbit stuff going on because it was just too cold... I am currently at that "too many rabbits" stage again and will need to do a serious cull of breeders if I am going to keep...
  2. SarniaTricia

    Harlequin color genetics outcome?

    I was going to suggest the rabbit has the best colour saturation...... but then I realized you are breeding away from the Harlequin.... I know I saw a breeder that ended up with 2 wooly Harlequins recently ... so, I'm not sure you will have much trouble adding the Angora back to your new...
  3. SarniaTricia

    MSU Lansing, Michigan March 3,4, 2018

    Hi all ! :cheer2: Looking to see if any of my Rabbit Talk friends are going to this show?? It's been almost 3 months since my last rabbit show!!! And I have been fairly quiet on here lately.... :D The first show of my season happens in 7 short days. Over the past few months I have...
  4. SarniaTricia

    Pen G dosage

    I feel like I should book mark this thread for future reference.... lol... the math Hotzcatz did .... well, lets just say I don't want to have to repeat those calculations with out
  5. SarniaTricia

    Rabbit Facebook Groups

    I stick with breeder groups and show pages on FB... There are just too many ..... frustrating..... people out there. Also, be careful not to feed the trolls.... there is always someone out there trying to stir up trouble.... just don't respond and block those people ASAP. (and double check your...
  6. SarniaTricia

    Oxbow Cage

    In that case BunnyChild... you really need to goto a local show of find the local cage builder.... you can get something similar, larger and better for the same price. The wire enclosure looks too flimsy.. I have rabbits that would pick up wire like that and carry it.. or just move it for fun...
  7. SarniaTricia

    Oxbow Cage

    for that price you could buy a 3 hole stacker cage with duratrays in Michigan!! Try and get to a show and talk with the vendors and if there are not vendors, talk to the breeders to find out cage suppliers in your area... Not the best style of cage to keep rabbits clean and too much money in...
  8. SarniaTricia

    HappyBirthday shazza!

    Happy Birthday
  9. SarniaTricia

    An update on tea and dryer tanning

    So if I understand correctly..... Scrape the hide. Stretch and dry the hide. (with airflow on both sides) Make a VERY strong tea Rub strong tea into hide dry Rub strong tea into hide Run in the dryer with wood blocks to break Likely damp with tea re-break hide using a wringing instead of...
  10. SarniaTricia

    Weird Condition Issue

    I have a few lines of thought after reading this: One of the rabbit people in Michigan was saying that feed companies sometimes change ingredients in feed..... Apparently her issue was with Kent feed... Could your feed mill have made a change? How does your feed smell? (We had an issue with a...
  11. SarniaTricia

    Can't decide on rabbitry name...

    I occasionally post a rabbit for sale as a pet.... The first questions are always ... can you deliver, does that include a cage and are they friendly? When I get those 3 questions: "No, I don't deliver a $10 rabbit, If I did it would cost you $30." "No, I do not have a free $50 rabbit cage to...
  12. SarniaTricia

    Can't decide on rabbitry name...

    My Rabbitry name stems from the damage these animals can do to their servant. (me) I got meat mutts from a friend that was getting out of rabbits.. I had helped a friend with her Rex, showing and just hanging out ..... so I had SOME experience with rabbits.. After getting the rabbits I...
  13. SarniaTricia

    Popples - Colors- Now with PICTURES

    Aha!!! the secret to good bunny line up photos!! Tell us all your secrets Ozarkansas! Thank you!
  14. SarniaTricia

    Christmas Bunny Pictures

    Tell the truth!! How many shots did it take to get all those bunnies to sit in a row!! :lol: :lol: :lol: I wanted one shot with two rabbits at a show and I must have taken 30 photos to get one I liked!!! You have patience and a gifted EYE! Beautiful photos!
  15. SarniaTricia

    PUPPIES...pic heavy

    I think I am in LOVE Unfortunately, the DH said no more indoor pets... 65lb dog and 2 cats is enough.
  16. SarniaTricia

    Boxing or playing?

    Start into the cage with a cup of water.... let them BOX that a time of two.. Stops after the 2nd time usually... (They 'box' the cup; the cup spills water on their face; they don't like that, so they stop) That is my solution
  17. SarniaTricia

    So...I've gotten into pottery...what type of rabbit bowls???

    That is SO awesome!! My first love is pottery..... I was lucky enough to go to a college (right out of high school) for a couple of years that had an amazing ceramics program.... I would suggest checking out used book stores for ceramics and pottery books... there is a lot of old books with...
  18. SarniaTricia


    I agree with Maggie I'd screw some chip board to 3 of the 4 sides and leave one side open...(put the board on the wind sides)... Your rabbit will enjoy the cool weather and make you feel cold just watching it. :lol:
  19. SarniaTricia

    New Rabbitry Design Needs Feedback

    Urine guards will depend on the individual animal... I've had bucks that don't spray an some that are "animals".... the animals get the lowest level and cardboard dividers until they are culled... You mentioned off setting doors.... I have a combination of used an new equipment... I noticed one...