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  1. A

    Roaming day old kits

    this is a dumor cage. They are often stacked on legs. I was sick and didn't have the energy for legs, so currently. They're literally stacked 2 high, no one in the bottom cage which is sitting on the ground.
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    Roaming day old kits

    Our first litter in 12 years kindled today! (We had rabbits, took a break, and started up again in November. ) Momma (red NZ) was a proven breeder and has had many litters. She build a great nest in the nesting box. She's in a dumor cage. I came home from work and found 2 babies on the ground...
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    Animal Wanted New Zealand White male

    Hey Tommy I'm not sure where you are. I'm in N FL. I have a REW TAMUK NZ with huge ears who I need to sell. Super nice line. We bought a trio that turned out to be a trio of 3 bucks and I don't need all bucks.
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    Unsure about sexing kit

    Someone told me it's usually easy to tell when they're 1-3 days old and then harder to tell until they're about 3 months. It's been many years and we're just getting back into breeding. If that's the case (that it's easier to tell at a couple days old) I was thinking about tattooing just a dot...
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    Aggressive-ish Tamuk white

    Tamuks are supposed to have a nicer disposition, that's part of why I got them. I have 6 total. I got a trio from a breeder, 2 sisters and an unrelated buck. One sister is great. She could make a fun pet. The buck has his moments, but he's good. The other doe (3 mos) attacked me today when I...
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    Free Online Rabbit Feed Formulation Software

    It's been a while since this thread was active. How did the project go or did it fizzle? Sounds like maybe there was a little over-thinking going on, but the idea sounds great. There's a reason why feed bags have min and max values on them. 😉
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    Homemade Feed / should I add anything? Maybe Harry vetch is a other name? I haven't read beyond the Pellet. I know it's a short book. I've just seen it recommended several times. I'm not surprised there's more info here. I found a website to help make your own cat/dog food ( I...
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    Greetings from Florida

    We pick up our first 8 wk old trio tomorrow and a pair on Saturday. We spent the weekend refurbishing/repairing and moving cages. I'm surprised how well they've held up. It's been about 10 years. But we made the frames from an old library periodical shelving unit. The metal is still quite...
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    Homemade Feed / should I add anything?

    I don't know where you live or anything. I've been investing what grows naturally on our property. Hairy indigo is one and it's about equivalent to alfalfa. We also have bamboo. I read that if 10% of their hay is bamboo leaf it helps them absorb their nutrients better, but 20% was...
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    Vitamins in pellets (and pellet ingredient frustration)

    I've been doing a lot of research and reading and comparing of pellets to find the best one for me and my meat rabbits. 1. Rabbits make their own vitamin b so they don't need that in their pellets, but I've only found 2 pellets that don't add it. 1 is almost $1/lb (not economical). The other...
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    Greetings from Florida

    Hi I've been researching lots about rabbits and keep finding answers here, so I thought I should join. We started raising rabbits about 20 years ago with "Mitten," Glove", & "Hat." They were mutts we bought at the auction. We were learning, so it was OK. I don't remember exactly what...