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  1. Br. Fidelis Ebeyer

    Shelfing Litters

    Thanks for the tips. I really appreciated experienced advice. So it doesn’t really make a huge difference about what time of day I take the litter to feed? Conceivably could I take them out around midday given it’s the warmest part of the day and see if she’s eager to jump in?
  2. Br. Fidelis Ebeyer

    Shelfing Litters

    I’ve seen in passing posts and comments about Shelfing litters i.e. bringing in the nesting boxes full of kits into a warmer environment so as to avoid frozen kits/escapees. We’re hoping to do that with our upcoming litters given how rough our litters went last winter. I just had practical...
  3. Br. Fidelis Ebeyer

    Nesting box screens

    I stapled a thin mesh screen to the bottom of our nesting boxes so the straw and kits wouldn’t get squished against the 12 gauge wire flooring of the hutches (learned that the hard way). The issue is that now the does don’t seem to want to make the nests in the boxes. Both pregnant does are...
  4. Br. Fidelis Ebeyer

    Artificial Light

    Thanks for the info! So have you noticed any better results from using lights? How do your does lactate and feed? Last year we didn’t use lights and we had quite a few hiccups. This winter we’ve had the light come on a few hours before sunrise to emulate a 15 hr day between artificial and...
  5. Br. Fidelis Ebeyer

    Artificial Light

    Thanks for the tips. Does it make a difference if the light comes on before sunset or after sundown? A local here on the Western Slope told us to do pre sunrise light so the chickens wake up early and can go to bed at sundown. I’m going to try a light and wheat sprouts to help the does this...
  6. Br. Fidelis Ebeyer

    Artificial Light

    So do you have the light on for 12 hours or do you shoot for a combined total or 12 hours between natural daylight and the supplemented artificial light? Do you just use a standard LED light bulb like what you’d use in the house?
  7. Br. Fidelis Ebeyer

    Artificial Light

    Has anyone ever tried using artificial lights with rabbits? We have chickens and we’ve found that using a red light during the winter months helps supplement light and helps with egg production. I’ve heard that rabbits (especially breeding does) can suffer from hormonal issues from the lack of...
  8. Br. Fidelis Ebeyer

    Lost litters and Breeding issues

    We’ve hit a bump in the road and we could use y’all’s help… We have 3 does and 2 bucks and we can’t get anyone to mate 😢 Our Tamuk doe is 6 months old and runs away from the buck of the same age. He seems highly interested but she wants nothing to do with him. Our veteran dam gets in a cage...
  9. Br. Fidelis Ebeyer

    Tamuk Rabbit Standard?

    Thanks for the map! Although I can’t access the Facebook page of the Tamuk breeder in Cedar City, UT. I don’t know if it’s just this device. Does it look like that on your side or would the person who made this map happen to have that contact info?
  10. Br. Fidelis Ebeyer

    Took the colony plunge

    Are you rabbits fine on Koshia? I’m trying to figure out if I should given it to them given it grows like crazy here. I’ve tried researching it and I can’t find much on koshia for rabbits, only articles on cattle feed.
  11. Br. Fidelis Ebeyer

    Tamuk Rabbit Standard?

    I’ve been doing some research into a heat tolerant breed. It’s been quite hot here in western CO and it seems like Tamuks should be more apt to handle that. Our NZ doe is still panting even when I turn the swamp cooler on. So is the NZW a type of Tamuk or is it something else? I’m definitely...
  12. Br. Fidelis Ebeyer

    Missing Kits

    We just had 2 does kindle and both are missing kits. I push the fur aside and check on the pile of kits each day. One doe is missing one and the other is missing two… Has anyone else ever experienced this? I looked around the hutch and I couldn’t find any dead kits. I don’t think the does ate...
  13. Br. Fidelis Ebeyer

    Keeping kits warm. Anyone else have this problem?

    Good to know We just had 2 does kindle. One had 12 and the over only 7. I found a dead kit in the 12 pile. I was kinda confused given he couldn’t have froze since he was well covered in fur. Maybe he wasn’t being fed milk with all the competition? Would you suggest splitting the litter so both...
  14. Br. Fidelis Ebeyer

    Keeping kits warm. Anyone else have this problem?

    Hello Thanks for this extensive post. I found it very thorough. I felt it necessary to check the forums because we’ve been running into a really odd problem for us. Our main breeding NZ doe recently gave us a litter of 11 but the week following birth we were finding frozen kits completely...
  15. Br. Fidelis Ebeyer

    Nest falling apart…

    We keep our nesting does on 12 gauge wire hutches. Pretty standard for meat meats although we’ve had a problem. When the doe nests the straw and fur fall right through the holes. Sadly we actually lost a litter because the fur fell and the kits froze. 😞 Is the straw too small or should we put...
  16. Br. Fidelis Ebeyer

    Your thoughts for a meat herd?

    Good to know! I’ll definitely leave our next litter with mom for 8 wks. We’ve really been trying to optimize our growth rates. I figured that milk is probably the most caloric thing kits can have and therefore the most weight-packing. I just weighed our 9 wk olds and the biggest is 3 lb 4 oz. We...
  17. Br. Fidelis Ebeyer

    New from KY

    I’ll definitely reassess them at 12 wks. I was really hoping to cull around the 6-8 wks marks to economize on time. I thinking of adding some hulled oats and even some dent corn to their diet. Hopefully that can help weight gain. They are in hutches all day. Is that maybe making them depressed...
  18. Br. Fidelis Ebeyer

    Breeding challenges

    Interesting, Can hay stashing be a sign that the doe wants to be bred? We have a doe that hay stashes somewhat randomly but doesn’t really make a nest when I give her the box. I wondered what that meant.
  19. Br. Fidelis Ebeyer

    Breeding challenges

    I do something similar too! A lot of sites say that you should NEVER leave the two rabbits unsupervised for breeding because of possible “fighting”. I've never had that problem. In fact most of my successful breeds were when we left the two by themselves for a few days. The one downside is that...
  20. Br. Fidelis Ebeyer

    New from KY

    Thanks for all the helpful info! So I guess my kits aren’t behind in weight. We have 4 NZ CA mix kits at 8 weeks and they weigh about 2-3 pounds. I thought they were under weight but maybe not… most sites say you can butcher at 6-8 weeks but I guess that’s just wishful thinking. I was...