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  1. M

    Upscale ?

    I agree with Phrick. I'm in Mississippi and the law here puts rabbits in the same class as exotic animals like emu, cavy and ostrich. I cannot butcher and even give away meat from my own property without having inspections from the USDA on the meat, and the EPA and DEQ for water and offal...
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    The Weekly Quiz! (Posted Every Wednesday).

    I was solid until we got to DuDu..... I didn't remember ever seeing that one. There's always something new when I think I have a solid grip on rabbit genetics. Oy.
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    The Weekly Quiz! (Posted Every Wednesday).

    Woohoo! I wouldn't have thought ventilation was so important, but I guess since I have an open air rabbitry here in the Southern US, it didn't occur to me to think about closed in rabbitry buildings. Thanks for the links too!
  4. M

    The Weekly Quiz! (Posted Every Wednesday).

    Safety, hygiene, and recordkeeping
  5. M


    I personally keep alot of digital pdf calendars, litter sheets, breeding record cards, accounting, etc in my Amazon scribe which has been amazing @seashore, this sounds like it would be a fantastic stand alone thread with instructions! I'll have to look into appsheets for myself for other...
  6. M

    Not new, but returning!

    Thank you for this. I edited and condensed your response so I could take a succinct screen shot for making notes on later.
  7. M

    Fried Rabbit pictures

    I made fried rabbit for the first time last week! My favorite part was the little squares of belly flap I soaked, battered and fried first. Snacked on that appetizer while cooking everything else. Yum!
  8. M

    Do you have specific criteria for retiring a doe/buck?

    If I can ask, what do you consider a "heavy production" schedule?
  9. M

    What would you call these odd colors?

    Yes, precisely! I didn't know there was a term for this. I need to go and read all of the things reh has written. I find I need to take it in in batches or I won't retain anything useful reading everything at once. One of these kits is almost completely white now. This is what happened to the...
  10. M

    What would you call these odd colors?

    That litter was completely smashed by mom, so I cannot compare... the other purplish bum from the first litter this mom had grew out to have grey tips, but a white undercoat at 11 weeks. I mention this because her newest litter had 2 kits that appeared to have very light purple spots on the...
  11. M

    Question about Charlies

    Yes. Same doe that is the broken I assumed was a full himi but you pointed out her white feet. OK, I think what I misunderstood is that this doe would be considered a broken himi. I thought it was either or. I thought himi acted like REW and covered all coloring, not partial. When you had...
  12. M

    Question about Charlies

    Last month I had a litter of 6 to my charlie(whom I thought was Hemi but with white feet) and A chinchilla coloring buck. That litter had a solid agouti, a good broken and 4 seemingly REW. I admit that I have very little understanding of the hierarchy of different gene dominance pairings.
  13. M

    Close-up hair photos for banding/ticking

    Here is his Sire when he was little and again as an adult. He had a large yellow band when he was younger but as he grew he lost the yellow in his banding and the orange triangle at the nape of his neck. All four of her feet are indeed white. He does not have white feet. I haven't had...
  14. M

    2 does smashes litters

    This is great. The worry with poison is our dog will seemingly eat anything she can fit in her mouth. I'll check to see if baking soda will harm her.
  15. M

    Close-up hair photos for banding/ticking

    This! I have a Himi doe that I bred to my chin agouti. The litter that just died was 4 solid white, 1 broken, 1 black otter(which I assume would have grown up agouti and not solid based on prior experience breeding this buck.) This means that she carries Enen under her himi, and the agouti buck...
  16. M

    Close-up hair photos for banding/ticking

    Haha your quote of my post made me realize autocorrect on my phone made it say pungent. 🤣 Glad my biology isn't totally failing me from college years ago. I have pages upon pages of notes per locus based on these threads currently. I need to sort them so I don't lose the order of information...
  17. M

    Close-up hair photos for banding/ticking

    This post is either one about steels or wideband modifiers. Here are 5 kits from the same litter. They have definitely grown into their coloring, as I believe @Alaska Satin mentioned Agouti rabbits tend to do. They are currently 11 weeks, but a good set for the banding conversation. This time I...
  18. M

    Close-up hair photos for banding/ticking

    So helpful. This entire post is very informative.
  19. M

    Close-up hair photos for banding/ticking

    So even with the orange triangle, all my kits were born black, so they would all be considered chestnut agouti. Oh, or steel when I get to that bit based on if they have banding or just tipping, correct? I sae your example of this optical illusion on the other thread. It was a great...
  20. M

    Close-up hair photos for banding/ticking

    Does it not work where two Dd could also produce a dilute dd? This may alter what I thought I understood about basic genetics if rabbits don't follow a regular pungent square genetic pattern. I admit I'm still having trouble with the steel genes, so I'm shelfing that mentally until I get a grip...