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  1. Lil Acorn Acres Farm

    Best method to mount cages in a barn - hanging, shelving brackets?

    I did the hanging method as well. It worked great. Then my husband made it better by hanging the cages at my arm level so i can reach all the way to the back. Planning is important.
  2. Lil Acorn Acres Farm

    What age to dispatch?

    Its odd out here. We have power off, then its on for 12 hours, then the winds pick up again and its off again. Which is better because we can grab a shower, load up the water buckets, water the garden & trees. We do have 2 generators. One in the back of the truck to drive to the barn, cause I...
  3. Lil Acorn Acres Farm

    What age to dispatch?

    Yes. We are safe. 5 miles as the crow flies to the US/Mexico border. 2 hours east of the ocean, 2 hours west of Yuma AZ. The 24/7 Fire station is my back yard neighbor. The Sheriff is across the street. But, because of the fires and wind they shut off electricity to us. So our wells dont work.
  4. Lil Acorn Acres Farm

    What age to dispatch?

    My buck Scroggins loves to be petted. But my buck Ramon doesnt. All my breeding does like attention also. My does Boo and Boo Too, don't give large litters, but the kits are big and healthy, ready to slaughter about 9 weeks. Hip and Knee ( named after the calamities we had June And July 2024.)...
  5. Lil Acorn Acres Farm

    What age to dispatch?

    Mine are not white. They are this color. And some are brownish with black outlines. Think it maybe called "tort". Not sure cause I thought that was a legal term.
  6. Lil Acorn Acres Farm

    What age to dispatch?

    I'm kinda old. I find its easier to butcher younger rabbits. Basicly the skin isnt so attached that I cant pull it off. At least that has been working for me. 12 weeks and older I have to put my whole weight into it. Sometimes joints get dislocated. (Not mine, the buns) Start to finish I can...
  7. Lil Acorn Acres Farm

    What age to dispatch?

    I butcher when they reach 5 lbs. The Tamuks have consistantly been 5 lbs. At 9 weeks.
  8. Lil Acorn Acres Farm

    Can you make you your own timothy biscuits?

    No. But now im gonna try. Looks like apple is in it so ima make a mixture of the two and see how it goes. Good Idea too. What a great way to make future feed in times of abundance.
  9. Lil Acorn Acres Farm

    Another question for the elders

    Thank you. She raised 11 last time no problem, so i was looking for a reason this time is not the same.
  10. Lil Acorn Acres Farm

    Another question for the elders

    Winter nesting boxes. I have 3 metal boxes and 2 wooden boxes. Two does are due to get nesting boxes next week. I currently have 3 does with 2 week old kits. 2 have wooden boxes, 1 has a metal box. The metal box doe has lost 2 kits in the last week. Both were in the nest pile. But touching the...
  11. Lil Acorn Acres Farm

    It finally happened.

    I have read here many times how does will kindle later than their due date. I've only been at this 18 months. Every time it has turned out my doe wasnt bred. So I was like, "yeah sure". Then my Doe had 2 kits 1 day late. So from reading here I bred her a few days after kindling. She was due...
  12. Lil Acorn Acres Farm

    looking for rabbit

    Can yougo to Yuma?
  13. Lil Acorn Acres Farm

    How far can Bucks spray?

    I recently moved my rabbits to an indoor barn. Every day. The window looks sprayed. I clean it. Cime back later then by morning it is sprayed again.
  14. Lil Acorn Acres Farm

    New Project: Built Small Rabbit Colony Cage - Inspired by Kummer Homestead on YT

    I would love to let my rabbits live in small colonies, but we live where rattle snakes roam. I have suspended cages for that reason.
  15. Lil Acorn Acres Farm

    Not new, but returning!

    I took these clips off by hammering a sharp nail in and then a bigger nail in. Mine were empty so i could turn them to get the angle. Kinda had to go inside the door to hold it.
  16. Lil Acorn Acres Farm

    6 week old tries to bite me.

    Update. I did stop picking him up as much and gave him more head petting when I did need to. I gave him a pine cone to chew and play with. He successfully bred his first doe. However. I switched him out because I am now doing only Tamuks. No more fretting over this heat. They tolerate 90° easily.
  17. Lil Acorn Acres Farm

    New Member

    Welcime fellow Tamuk enthusiast. I just got back from South Texas last month with 2 Tamuks. So far they are not having problems with our high desert heat here in SoCal.
  18. Lil Acorn Acres Farm

    Building cage... advice, suggestions, or warnings please.

    I just finished changing my entire set up to Alaska Satin pole hanging cage system. Power washed the entire barn first. Then the cages. The white pee stains are impossible to remove. Even with the turbo nozzle. Now everything is a lot more cleanable.
  19. Lil Acorn Acres Farm

    Not new, but returning!

    I have those and love them.