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  1. Homer

    What a week (we have rabbits!)

    Sounds like the time is near! All my girls do the same thing a few days before they pop. Here, I'll lone ya my nurse. :lol:
  2. Homer

    Question About Temporary Housing in Cold Temps

    Good to hear you're keeping out of trouble and busy, busy. :) You could always use a "pet heater" pad if you have enough room. Just make sure they can get away from it if they're to warm. We use one under our outside cat's house. If it gets to cold you can't get him out but he hardly ever...
  3. Homer

    I GOT A JOB!!!!!

    Good for you! The only thing I like better than cooking is eating? Learn all you can, it comes in handy. ;)
  4. Homer

    What a week (we have rabbits!)

    Glad it's all coming together for you guys Nymphagora. Good looking "family" you have there! ;)
  5. Homer

    Happy Birthday, Buttons Palace!

    Geez! I can't even remember 21. :oldgeezer: Oh well, hope it's a good one Buttons! :cheer1: :cheer2: :cheer1: :cheer2: :icecream: :icecream: :icecream: :icecream: :happybday2u: :happybday2u: :pinkbunny: :pinkbunny: :pinkbunny: :pinkbunny: :pinkbunny: :pinkbunny...
  6. Homer

    Does the male have to "fall off?"

    Usually if he doesn't "fall off" she didn't lift for him meaning she wasn't ready for one reason or another. You can always wait a day or two and try again. I've had some you only needed to wait a few hours and try again. "Power of suggestion" :)
  7. Homer

    What a week (we have rabbits!)

    That's GREAT! :thewave: Of course you now the rules, no pictures, it didn't happen. :camera3: :cheesysmile:
  8. Homer

    Broken Silvered Gold-Tipped Black Steel?

    Give it a try in the sunshine Ozark. Sometimes the dark colors under artificial light will fool a digital camera. ;) Especially if you use a flash.
  9. Homer

    Here we go again, (hope not!)

    Thanks Maggie. They all had fat little pink bellies this morning! :happy: Pink round tummies on grey bunnies is pretty funny looking. :lol: One appears to be behind all the others so we'll see how it does. I'll take the delay in mamma feeding anytime over having to hand feed 3 times a day. ;)
  10. Homer

    Here we go again, (hope not!)

    Had my best Doe, (two legs now), give us a present Tuesday evening. Her first litter at 11 months old of 7 Light Grey Flemish Giants. As of this evening they still are not fed. They look OK but their tummies are nowhere as round as they should be. She is eating like a horse and can't get enough...
  11. Homer

    Good breed for rabbit hopping?

    My point exactly with the link to the article I posted. The temperament is the biggest thing here. I've raised 6 week old French Lops that could jump on top of the bathroom counter without a thought. :lol: Biggest lovers you ever saw but everything I've read says, (and it make sense), don't use...
  12. Homer

    Good breed for rabbit hopping?

    Have a look here for some guidance on the subject; I've never done it but it looks fun. :)
  13. Homer

    Hoppy Halloween!!!!

  14. Homer

    Do you know who you are eating?

    I'm sure you're right would be like putting sand burrs in your socks. :P
  15. Homer

    Do you know who you are eating?

    LOL! Some always end up there. The fur is to short for my friends to spin. :mrgreen: As they say, "if you're not ready to deal with the so-so ones, don't raise them". While I do sell some. show a few and keep a few, You can't keep'em all.
  16. Homer

    Do you know who you are eating?

    I don't really care. Buck, Doe, young or old, it makes no difference to me. They're all good. :dinner: Just did a one year old the other day and got 4 packages of meat out of it. Had one package last night and still had leftovers. (Just the wife and I now days) They're livestock around here...
  17. Homer

    New Title: In Indy

    :congratulations: :bounce: Thanks for all the pictures!
  18. Homer

    Big news!

    Fireplace huh? When you get the house done you can go cut a couple cords of wood! :P That will show you where the aches and pains really are. Glad it's going well for you guys!
  19. Homer

    hard boiled eggs--color and ease of peeling

    Don't know about the color thing but...We raise ducks and you can't peel them with a chainsaw! :x We learned a few years ago to put baking soda in the water not powder and they come right out of the shell. :) Yup, I'm bored today too. :lol:
  20. Homer

    Rabbits That Think They Are Dogs!

    Cute picture Loopy. Your "dog" picture should be here; . Good thread if you have an hour or two, have a look. :)