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  1. Homer

    HELP! My rabbits die after kindling

    McRabbitty What are you feeding your rabbits? How are you housing your rabbits? Is their water supply clear of any parasites? Can you take some pictures of these things and post them here? We all have a lot of experience with raising and breeding rabbits but need a bit more to go on...
  2. Homer

    Gardening for calories

    I've thought about trying these over the last few years when you bring them up but...our soil gets so hard later in the year I don't know. Potatoes sure don't do well here (read a little bigger than golf balls) and I put a years supply of "rabbit" and bedding in the soil every year. (~12 Full...
  3. Homer

    Huston, we finally have contact!!!

    Good for you GBov! I was starting to wonder about Bucky. :P
  4. Homer

    Merry Christmas

    :nana: If we're lucky it will be 0 c here today Catherine.
  5. Homer

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all my rabbit friends and their families.
  6. Homer


    Hand feed this; , works very well.
  7. Homer

    A brand new start

    Good looking boy there GBov!! Love the broken should get her too. :P Sorry things didn't go the way you hoped for.
  8. Homer

    Breeding season is under way again!

    Looking good there Nymph! But then again, you know you're in "Bad Company" right? :P One of my favorite bands!
  9. Homer

    Breeding season is under way again!

    Great pictures Nymph! Glad to see I'm not the only one that has one that thinks its bowl is a lounge chair. :laugh2:
  10. Homer

    their making a mess

    Raise the feeders up higher so they can't get their feet in it. I assume it's the little one doing the digging. Don't feed treats in the feeders either. Use a little bowl on the side for that. If you put something like oatmeal in their pellets say, they will dig for the goodies until there is...
  11. Homer

    Hatchery Meat Chick Suggestions?

    I've used Ideal a few times and had very good luck. Their prices are pretty darn good and they don't beat you to death on shipping. :) Juat looked and they have "assortments" available for pullets and heavies right now. $2.71 ea. White layers $2.81
  12. Homer

    Breeding season is under way again!

    Well OK Nymph, we'll let it slide this time. :P I know how it is though. This thing called "life" gets in the way every now and then. Good grief. I don't think I've ever seen a rabbit SMILE like that in all my years! That is one content bunny! :clap2:
  13. Homer

    Comment by 'Homer' in media 'eat the cloud'

    Cute little furry OTB.
  14. Homer

    Lilac??? And ‘brassy’ Chins...

    :hmm: Um, those aren't squirrels my dear. Those are rabbits! :P Taking notes on your hand again I see. :tomato: Sorry, have no clue but had to try and get this thread going. :)
  15. Homer

    Marking kits to tell them apart

    I use a red sharpie. It seems to last longer than the black.
  16. Homer

    Happy Birthday Nymph!!!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Nymph! WOW! I almost missed it. :oops: :cheer1: :cheer1: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer1: :cheer1: :cheer2: :cheer2: :wbounce: :happybday2u: :happybday2u: :choir: :choir: :cheesysmile: Hope it was a grand day! :)
  17. Homer

    Urgent question, please!

    I agree with Nymph. Put 3 in with the single one. Singletons chances of survival are not very good. Like said, it will be better for the mamma too. Be safe with that nasty storm on top of you. :)
  18. Homer

    Christmas lights to help hens lay?

    Yup. Got to keep those neighbors guessing. I like to think of it as "sport". :lol:
  19. Homer

    Pressure Canning Off Cuts? Graphic Question

    Can you WHAT!!!! :P lol (I don't think I would) I cold pack the meat, add hot stock (chicken bouillon, thyme, onion and canning salt) and process 90 minutes @ 15 psi. Hasn't killed me yet. ;)