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  1. L

    death by color?

    Well, I guess we'll see with the next two litters. She is due 2/12 as a breed back to the same buck where she lost the 5 bkn blue babies. If it happens again, I will never rebreed her to him. After those babies (or lack thereof) I will be breeding her to the solid blue buck. If there is no...
  2. L

    death by color?

    The color itself isn't really important, since color is not an issue for elops. They show only as solid or broken. I don't breed for color at all. My main concern is that if this particular cross will produce non viable bkn blue babies each time, I am wasting my time making it. I purchased this...
  3. L

    death by color?

    Yes, she will be bred to a solid buck after this upcoming litter. I purchased her for her butt! Her ears aren't spectacular, but she's got a fantastic loin and rear. Was hoping that would help my apparently narrow, somewhat hollow line I have now. I have since purchased a monster buck out of...
  4. L

    death by color?

    No charlies. As I said, Mama is a REW out of a bkn and a solid and Papa is a bkn out of a bkn and a solid. All of the bkn blue babies were very heavily marked, with very little white. The ideal color pattern for bkn Elops. Papa has never thrown me a charlie, even when bred with another bkn...
  5. L

    death by color?

    Out of a litter of 10, I have 4 survivors. One was born dead, and 5, all broken blue, died between 3-4 weeks old, one right after the other. The surviving siblings are 2 solid blue and 2 broken blue torte. Is there such a thing as a lethal color gene? The breed is English lop. Parents are...
  6. L

    "X" needs a better name

    He looks like a Spud to me. It doesn't have anything to do with X, but Spud was what I immediately thought of when I saw the pic.
  7. L


    It has been 10+ years since I dealt in ND, but I wouldn't have them again. I found them nippy, hard to handle, difficult to raise and really not worth the trouble. They are certainly not kids pets, and the show competition is fierce. A rabbit of nearly the same size is the Polish. I found them...
  8. L

    I may be getting a giant chin

    That's what I thought. You may want to do a craigslist search of the Tulsa area. I'm sure you know who this is. I'm not sure I'd want my name associated with the pictures she is showing of purebred Giant Chins. They definitely do not just have tips. These are full color chestnut agouti.<br...
  9. L

    Used cages repurposed.

    I would be thrilled if I could find some used cages that look as good as yours grumpy. The ones I find generally look like they've been drug behind a truck. Or perhaps sat on by an elephant. Or usually rusted so bad that the remaining 4" of wire isn't worthwhile. I find it isn't so much the...
  10. L

    I may be getting a giant chin

    I'm still not sure whether I want to get a buck or doe. I want the size of the doe, and she actually has a young bred doe for sale, but I have found the personalities of bucks usually make for better pets. Maybe I'll get both! I thought GC only came in the silver chinchilla color, but I have...
  11. L

    Baby E-lop pics

    I didn't notice it at the time, until I put bunnies back in the nestbox, but the little snots peed on my grooming table! Didn't know I had taken a pic of it. Sorry! where is that extra piece of carpet!....
  12. L

    I may be getting a giant chin

    Feel better this morning finally. It's been several hours since my last hard cough and I made it thru the night without having to get up and blow my nose. This has been going on for over a week. I'm so sick of it. Trying to work something out with the breeder as we speak. She works today. I'm...
  13. L

    I may be getting a giant chin

    Unfortunately, I believe I may have walking pneumonia, and didn't make it out to see the bunnies today. So much congestion my head was just dizzy and I didn't feel safe to drive. Thankfully, much better this evening. I hope to see a rapid improvement! I used to have a Flemish doe that ran about...
  14. L

    Baby E-lop pics

    These babies were born 12/30, so 12 days old in these pics. I am very happy with the ear development on a couple of them. The litter (actually 2, one Mama had 5, one Mama had 4) A few loose on the grooming table, about as many as I could keep corralled at one time. One in particular that...
  15. L

    I may be getting a giant chin

    Going to look at a litter tomorrow. Don't know that I've ever seen the breed in person. Looking forward to it. Anyone have giant chins?
  16. L

    Wanted and For Sale

    Like I said, I've already found a baby scale I like on ebay. Just thought someone may have one they were no longer using. I've kept an eye out at garage sales, thrift stores and flea markets for awhile with no success. Taking them to Petsmart to be weighed is getting old. Nobody interested in...
  17. L

    Wanted and For Sale

    WANTED - a weight scale I can use for my English Lops. Prefer a digital baby scale, but open to suggestions. Needs to measure 0 - 20 lbs at least, with ounces. I can find them on Ebay, just thought someone may have one they aren't using anymore. FOR SALE - EZ Tatt tattoo pen. In it's own...
  18. L

    last chinchilla herd member

    Admittedly, I don't begin to know the first thing about chinchilla's, but why is it called ebony white? I've always considered ebony black and white is white. The pictures are obviously not of a solid white animal. Is the skin black? I had a horse that way once. Looked solid white until you...
  19. L

    What Colour Are These Vlops?

    I know what lynx is. I'm just saying elops don't "normally" come in that color. Same for chocolate and himilayan. Yes, there are a few random people working on various different colors, and there are some "sport" animals which are those colors, but elops just don't "normally" come in them yet...
  20. L

    Rabbitry plans for 2014

    Wow, plans. I've got tons of them! Since I just finished the barn, I've purchased 2 rolls of wire to begin making more cages. Bunnies are in the nestbox, and more does are being bred. The barn itself is usable, but still has a few cosmetic things that need to be done, as well as 3 doors...