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  1. Random Rabbit

    Goats vs Sheep

    We have raised both...and enjoyed both. However................ for social interaction... goats are wonderful ! They, especially if hand-raised or handled a lot as very young animals... will become very friendly. The sheep... even bottle raised ones, seem after a year of age to be more...
  2. Random Rabbit

    New to shows

    Most show rules state that the rabbits must be in leak proof carriers. Since they rent the facilities they do not want urine and manure on the floors. People have used cat carriers... but the floors of those are smooth and the rabbit can slip and side during travel. Plus the rabbit would be...
  3. Random Rabbit

    BOX NEIGHBORS!! (Cats being cute!)

    Cats and boxes !!! So much fun !!!!! Could You even imagine if they had some cat-nip as well ??? :D
  4. Random Rabbit

    Happy Thanksgiving

    Happy Thanksgiving !!!
  5. Random Rabbit

    new pack member soon - first hike

    Waiting to hear how You made out. Fingers crossed that it worked as You hoped.
  6. Random Rabbit

    Orange, rosemary and mint

    yep.... as fast as i read it... the song started playing..... :lol:
  7. Random Rabbit

    A bit fustrated

    I have seen EA breeders giving bucks a "Sanitary clip"... to help keep the wool clean. Also... some with Full show coats will gather the wool into "ponytails"...only word i can think of at the moment. to hold the coat . There are groups for the Angoras on Facebook... Someone there might...
  8. Random Rabbit

    Funniest question I've ever been asked *Pics included*

    We have all had the junior rabbit that was smokin hot as a youngster... then totally falls apart as a senior. More rarely... a so-so junior that pulls together into something extra special as an adult. I agree.... rabbits can change significantly as they grow. So i agree with You ! :)
  9. Random Rabbit

    Is all wool created equal?

    There are advantages to Both choices. Shearing... You can get the coat off in one swoop. Shear and done. Plucking... You can only Take what is already loose The rabbit will need to be gone over several times over several days, to get the entire coat .
  10. Random Rabbit

    Sorry for vanishing!

    Glad to know You were spared in the flooding. I thought of You and hoped to read things were ok. Breathing issues are not pleasant to deal with. Hoping for complete recovery for You !
  11. Random Rabbit

    93rd ARBA Convention and Show in October

    Most of the judging will be on Sunday... and finishes on Monday. Then Tuesday is the presentation of new breeds / varieties. While all of the above is going on... The various breed clubs will be having meetings and banquets. It is similar to a big three ring circus... :D If You are taking...
  12. Random Rabbit

    93rd ARBA Convention and Show in October

    I believe there Is a charge to Park on the grounds... but there is no fee to get into the show hall. It is something to see.... All the recognized breeds... and some that are in development. Booths for almost all the various breed clubs and lots of vendors selling everything imaginable related...
  13. Random Rabbit

    What a day...

    So sorry for Your rabbit Sailor. It is hard to let them go... but if we remind ourselves that they were not having much quality of life and possibly in pain... it is a bit easier for "us" to accept. Congratulations on a Good foster momma !
  14. Random Rabbit

    I just won my first BOB

    Congratulations !!! Pictures ???
  15. Random Rabbit

    At a show now

    I think it is a "rule"... that whatever breed one has.... That is the breed that will be called last. ;) If one has all day and wants to visit with friends and acquaintances one will be judged and done early. If one would really like to get done and do something else that day... yup... they...
  16. Random Rabbit

    Ordered to Hospital. (22 month Post-Op UDATE)

    Glad to hear You are on Your way to recovery !! Hope it goes quickly for You.
  17. Random Rabbit

    Ain't This the Truth.....

  18. Random Rabbit

    Ordered to Hospital. (22 month Post-Op UDATE)

    Coming up soon. You will be in my thoughts and prayers for a successful outcome... and a quick healing.
  19. Random Rabbit

    Cage Divider Idea....

    Our rabbitry is made up of stackers put side by side. When we had the large breed rabbits... They were fine... with the exception of the occasional buck spraying. With the small breed Jersey Wooly rabbits... we have some issues with them playing Bitey Face..or Bitey Feet thru the wire. They do...