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  1. Zass

    Another steel confusion

    I had the genotype incorrect origionally, and fixed it. I mean to type aa Es_
  2. Zass

    Another steel confusion

    Most visual steels only have one copy of the steel gene, Es_, therefore only 1/4 of the kits from a steel X steel pairing would be super steels. The rest would be viable steels, and even steel-free agouti is possible. Once the self black gene is mixed up with the steel gene, it can become...
  3. Zass

    Political bunnies?

  4. Zass

    California rabbits producing solid black kits?

    Can you post pictures? Something isn't right. Perhaps one of your cali rabbits is an ermine?
  5. Zass

    My buck might have GI stasis help!

    Sometimes they will eat fresh herbs when they are still refusing pellets or hay. I like fennel, cilantro, or parsley from the grocery store. Plantain, lemon balm,dandelion and the leaves of rose family plants from the backyard.
  6. Zass

    California rabbits producing solid black kits?

    My first thought would be that an unexpected buck got involved somehow. Perhaps a child swapped rabbits around, or a loose buck managed to breed a few does through cage wire. Several litters all the same color to cali does does suggest it's probably the work of one buck who doesn't have any...
  7. Zass

    My buck might have GI stasis help!

    Check his teeth, and look over his body carefully. He's definitely telling you that he's uncomfortable or in pain somehow. Try to tempt him to eat with his favorite foods.
  8. Zass

    Rabbit Coat Structure Genetics

    Both rex and angora on the same rabbitis possible, but I've heard it's a matting nightmare. Someone had a lionhead mini rex project in pa, let me see if I can find it. They call them velvet lions:
  9. Zass


    Bowels and bottles both work fine, so long as the bowels are heavy or fixed in place so that the rabbits cannot tip them, and the bottles are functioning properly. I use bottles in summer, and heavy crocks in winter.
  10. Zass

    Anyone visited the vet lately?

    You can tell by just the stars on your profile, you've been a member of RT for 10 years. I would say, you definitely know what a healthy rabbit looks like!!! Did you see any of the paperwork, or have any direct communication with the vet? Asking this, because you aren't the first person I've...
  11. Zass

    which is better?

    Since we're pointing out red flags.. Very very few respectable breeders will sell 5 week old kits, and it actually illegal in many parts of the US. Try to buy meat kits at 8 weeks or older, that way you can at least see what weight the breeder is getting them to at that age.
  12. Zass

    Hi from Missouri

    :yeahthat: I just found out there are show harli breeders who routinely cull any kits over 5 in a litter to maximize individual kit growth. :shock: :-o I raise mine as primarily backyard livestock, but also enjoy showing when I get the chance. I'd sooner cull a doe who couldn't feed at...
  13. Zass

    which is better?

    I would be wary of any breeder selling anything as "rex" without the proper plush fur. :x
  14. Zass

    Rabbitry Website

    Looks fairly comprehensive. I like the high quality pictures, clear policy, and ease of communication.
  15. Zass

    Silver or Tan Rabbit?

    A good option is to locate and contact breeders before the convention, and ask if they have anything to bring for sale.
  16. Zass

    Silver or Tan Rabbit?

    My hunch is that you will have a much easier time finding young tans for sale.
  17. Zass

    BED BUGS!!!!!!!!!!!

    When my mother-in-law picked up bed bugs from a hotel she stayed at, we hired a professional exterminator. It was expensive, but once and done, no more bugs ever, no spreading them to other people's houses, etc..
  18. Zass

    How to get doe to gain weight

    Pumpkin seed is another good weight gainer. Make sure her water supply is clean and plentiful, if it's a bottle, make sure it's functioning well.
  19. Zass


    A meat rabbit's bottom dollar is the flesh they are made of, or, in other words, never sell for less/lb than the meat is worth to you. Grass feeding to 10 lbs may take up to 8 months, as they grow slower on grass than they do on pellets, and grass alone may not have enough calories for them...
  20. Zass

    Paralyzed legs?

    How long has she been paralyzed? I've read a lot of posts over the years by people who have had buns recover from temporary paralysis with rest and restricted movement.