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  1. Albert

    New member from Oklahoma

    Welcome, anyone who opens with a pic of their new litter is a winner in my book.
  2. Albert

    Californian X French Lop

    Thank you so much, that's exactly the sort of advice I was hoping for 👍
  3. Albert

    Californian X French Lop

    I'm only breeding for meat and just Cali's. The thing is we used to have this fantastic Siamese cat. I'm not a cat person really but she was something else. We can't have cats here because we already have semi feral cats that keep the rodents down around our property and definitely not having a...
  4. Albert

    Californian X French Lop

    Well I really like French lops and I can't justify starting a whole new line of rabbits or my wife will go nuts! I can probably get away with one to start with but I would have to put it in the breeding schedule to justify it. I don't sell rabbits so that isn't a problem. What is VC VM please...
  5. Albert

    I love Silver Fox rabbits!

    How do you train them to line up like that?
  6. Albert


    Ah I have the opposite problem. I want it to happen but my buck Cheddar is as absolute gentleman and just lays down with her if she's not in the mood 😊 Sometimes he'll give her a bit of a wash/groom on her head to say sorry!
  7. Albert


    I don't know anything about bonding but wouldn't it be ok to continue now as he's been snipped?
  8. Albert


    Oh the bow! So cute! Welcome. Googles "little edible hats for rabbits" 😊
  9. Albert

    Cage Cards

    Very cool! Bit too modern for us old folks who use a piece of old cardboard stuck to the hutch with a drawing pin and in pencil it says "Rabit" in case we can't remember what's in there! 😂
  10. Albert

    New Addition

    He looks like a Mr Noodles to me.
  11. Albert


    I recently bought and read this. It was written for Brits during the war in 1942 and is very much of its time. If you read it, your reading voice should be the poshest British accent you can muster. Oh you bounder you!
  12. Albert

    Questions about californians

    I didn't weigh mine either in fact the only weight check they've had is at the vets for inoculations. I can't really comment on feed because my rabbits are on grass 24/7 so I don't use a compatible amount of feed of hay to anybody else here as far as I can tell? If you've sorted out her stool...
  13. Albert

    Questions about californians

    Let me first say I'm an amateur in all respects but I do have Cali's and can only compare to mine. As an inexperienced amateur I have never tried to palpitate. My view is you get what you get. Fumbling about isn't going to make it any different. In the politest way of saying it. She does look...
  14. Albert

    What do you grow?

    It's very popular in France nearly all trees in public places are pollarded but for ornamental reasons. I have a couple of trees that were pollarded in the past but have since grown out and I'm terrified of doing it again in case I get the timing wrong.
  15. Albert

    Plant Identification

    Thank you that would prove very useful.
  16. Albert

    Hello everyone, I am a new member. My name is Su.

    Oh the temerity! English people don't have yards! They have gardens 😊 which are a tranquil oasis of calm and serenity. (And in this case fluffy bunnies bouncing about willy nilly). A yard in England is a parking lot for a company's utility vehicles and storage for lumpy old stuff that isn't...
  17. Albert

    Hello everyone, I am a new member. My name is Su.

    Your story is a real bugger, sorry. When we stated farming in the UK an old farmer gave me this piece of advice about vets. It doesn't always work but we've had great success with it. They give you the stupid price. They are reliant on you loving your fluffy bunny and paying. Look them dead in...
  18. Albert

    Dreaming of baby bunnies!

    We keep ours on grass all year with no problems but that's probably because we live in the French countryside where everything is perfect. No diseases, poisonous plants or predators. Hang on that's not true at all! I guess we're just lucky and we bought our rabbits locally so they're pretty...
  19. Albert

    Dandelion- More Nutritious than Some Vegetables

    As a European I'm very proud of our contribution of the dandelion. It was probably by accident because we don't usually do anything positive on purpose. Except rabbits, we have come up with some damn fine rabbits. That's why I keep Californians 😊
  20. Albert

    New to rabbits

    Don't use ramps for mothers with kits, we had to change the whole configuration to get the indoor space on the same level as the run. Small fence staples aren't strong enough to hold back a determined bunny. We added screwed aluminium strips to hold wire in place. The weight of the cage with...