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  1. H

    Slightly crusty eye

    I noticed this morning my Holland lop has a little bit of crust around his eye. I’ve been worried about an upper respiratory infection because he’s had dirty inner front paws but no sneezing or nasal discharge so I think he has an eye infection. I’m going to pick up terramycin today but I’m very...
  2. H

    Handling babies

    Thank you all! Mama is very well attached to me and runs to greet me and during free roam lounges on the couch with me. I am worried because 2 babies are thinner than the other. Going to check on them after midnight to see if she fed them.
  3. H

    Handling babies

    Hello,, Yesterday my Holland Lop had 3 babies. My vet says to absolutely avoid touching them as mama won’t care for them but I’ve heard this is false? First picture is mama an hour before she gave birth lol
  4. H

    I have a lot of questions

    Just to update everyone she had 3 babies yesterday!
  5. H

    Moving a pregnant doe

    Hello everyone, I recently posted about my 2 new bunnies, and the female being pregnant. Today I got a call telling me my mother is on hospice so I’m currently headed to her, she’s 15 hours away. I couldn’t find anyone to watch my buns as it was very last minute and I’m not sure how long I will...
  6. H

    I have a lot of questions

    It actually wasn’t as expensive as I expected. It was more expensive for my dog to have it done than the rabbit lol.
  7. H

    Babies moving or gut movements?

    Can anyone tell me if the movement in her belly is babies, or normal gut movements? Thank you.
  8. H

    I have a lot of questions

    She has her nest box and she’s already built her nest using the hay
  9. H

    I have a lot of questions

    Thank you but I’ve already had the ultrasound done.
  10. H

    I have a lot of questions

    Hello everyone, I recently took in 2 Holland lops, named Buster and Alice. On July 20th I took them in for a health check and vets confirmed Alice is pregnant (said ultrasound showed follicles but not heartbeats yet) I contacted previous home and they said she’s had 2 litters before, so she’s...