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  1. hotzcatz

    Losing the desire to keep going with rabbits

    We just did a massive downsize from 38 to 16 rabbits and it's much nicer now. Couldn't find a buyer for them, so they were given to someone who wanted them for fertilizer production although they said they'd also harvest the wool (these are angoras) and sell the wool back to me. If they do...
  2. hotzcatz

    Forage-only diet; what if I exclude grain completely from my rabbits' diet?

    Wild rabbits don't really get any grains, so I don't see that you'd need to feed them grain. Most rabbit pellets are alfalfa based and that's a green leafy plant and not a grain, isn't it? If you're doing meat rabbits, you could get scientific about it and have several litters and then split...
  3. hotzcatz

    Can There be Color?

    In your alphabet soup example you have A_B_cc_E... and that is an albino rabbit. So, doesn't matter what color the rest of the letters will produce, the double recessive 'cc' whitewashes the whole bun and turns it white. For just the five basic letters - which are A,B,C,D & E - the A is for a...
  4. hotzcatz

    Age of your oldest breeding does

    If she hasn't had a litter before, she may have trouble getting pregnant. Which is why folks talk about a 'proven' doe. Usually, when there is a doe in the breeding herd, I try to get her bred before she's a year and a half but before two by preference. But, every rabbit is different, just...
  5. hotzcatz

    Buck suddenly aggressive?!

    Take him out of his space and give them a neutral territory to breed? Also, if he does attack a doe, grab him and thump his nose. Not terribly hard, just enough that he will know not to attack the doe again. They learn pretty quickly if there's consequences to bad behavior.
  6. hotzcatz

    What Are The Chances?

    We had a monorchid who had his second one show up when he was about a year old. Not sure why it took so long. If it's been warm in your area, your buck could be temporarily heat sterile. I think it's temperatures above 83°F (28.3°C) which can cause this condition. Another problem could be...
  7. hotzcatz

    How did you decide to have rabbits?

    Technically, they're livestock, but they're some of the most cuddly livestock imaginable. It wasn't just getting into rabbits, but getting into angora rabbits. They provide fiber for yarn that is an absolutely enchanting tactile sensation that is just amazing as well as something that can be...
  8. hotzcatz

    Do you know who you are eating?

    You could try felting projects with non-angora wool. Since cotton is an absurdly short fiber and it manages to get spun, it seems regular rabbit hair should be able to be spun into something. Maybe a mug rug for your desk? I use not-as-soft sheeps' fleeces for rugs so a smaller rabbit fleece...
  9. hotzcatz

    Exterior nestboxes?

    Good job thinking through the project. As well as sharing so the rest of us will be able to use your ideas with our own rabbits as well. I've found wire bottomed nest boxes stay nicer than solid bottomed ones when the kits are about two to three weeks old. A solid bottomed nest box can get...
  10. hotzcatz

    Pump for water filled trays

    Can you put a screen in front of the pump intake? When it's a really trashy liquid, folks will frequently build a wire mesh box around the intake and not just a screen across the inlet.
  11. hotzcatz

    Dog Crate to Rabbit cage

    If it's a big enough clamshell type kennel, it may be possible to put wire through the middle where they come apart? We've done that to fit more rabbits or adult rabbits of different genders into on shipping kennel. Still, it'd be a PITA to clean. If you have access to your local dump, used...
  12. hotzcatz

    Too small to eat?

    There's always soup. Simmer or stew them until they're tender, cool them down. Pour the broth off, pick out the bones and finish making soup.
  13. hotzcatz

    I need your opinions soon as possible please

    Fennel sounds interesting, although we've never tried it here. When there's a wet nosed bunny, we feed some dry oatmeal for a couple days. Just added to their usual food or sometimes a meal or two of only oatmeal. Pretty soon no more wet nose. Was his nose not round before? Is that a new...
  14. hotzcatz

    I have a mystery. Halp.

    Could it be possible they're not fertile with each other? Doesn't that happen occasionally with other animals?
  15. hotzcatz

    When you take a rabbit for slaughter and don't bring it back, how do other rabbits react?

    The ones here get shifted around a lot since there's up to four doe colonies and up to six or eight buck spaces. A doe can be shifted from one doe colony to another and then sometimes they'll be shifted back to where they started depending on what sorting method is being used. A doe will also...
  16. hotzcatz

    Tired of Social Media... going old school.

    Forums are way better than social media. Folks actually chat and discuss things. Social media is just too ephemeral.
  17. hotzcatz

    Angora breeds & their fiber

    Ah, I'd not thought to look up mulberry on Feedipedia. I forget whether it was in the book 'Rabbit Production Manual' or if it was in an email with one of the book's authors, but that I think that was the source of where I heard the "up to 40% of a rabbit's diet can be in mulberry leaves with...
  18. hotzcatz

    Angora breeds & their fiber

    Hmm, you keep the fiber from individual buns separate? I've only been sorting the fiber into 'white', 'black' and pretty much 'other'. Some notes are kept on each harvest, but that's usually separate on a notepad. Maybe a bag for each rabbit and a notepad to note any changes from the harvest...
  19. hotzcatz

    Angora breeds & their fiber

    Thanks, Kusanar! When we get the new house built, I'll put in a water feature of some sort and grow duckweed for the buns. A water feature with fish in it gets rid of mosquitoes since they lay their eggs in the water and the fish eat them. Feeds the fish while getting rid of mosquitoes and if...
  20. hotzcatz


    You can hand feed kits, if you want to keep the babies. Here's a recipe for baby bunny milk made with mostly kitchen ingredients. The bone meal can be found in the garden section of a hardware store. The hard part is to not get any milk...