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  1. Sagebrush

    New Rabbit... Name?

    Do you have a theme for your rabbitry? If not, can I suggest "Rock Candy"?
  2. Sagebrush

    Wirehair in rabbits?

    Wirehair is not a term I have heard in regards to rabbits. Maybe someone else has heard of it?
  3. Sagebrush

    When is it time? Older Rabbits

    it was maybe a day or 2 of noticing he wast eating that got the water bottles out and filled for him. later that same day i offered the bowl. but all is for not as he has given up completely and i need to help him cross the bridge. i wont be on for a bit as i try to come to terms about it all...
  4. Sagebrush

    When is it time? Older Rabbits

    I just came in from checking on him this morning. He has been drinking as the bowl was half empty this morning, when I checked last night before I couldn't stay up anymore he had started to drink some of it. I changed out the fresh greens this morning, taking out the old ones, and he showed...
  5. Sagebrush

    When is it time? Older Rabbits

    Thank you Alaska Satin. I did move him back and have offered him everything I can. I am just waiting to see any improvement. This is the rabbit that was born in my kitchen on Easter Sunday in 2017. I tried moving one of the grow outs over with him as he has always groomed and loved on the kits...
  6. Sagebrush

    When is it time? Older Rabbits

    I know that with all animals when they start to get older they often loose condition and it shows, no matter how much they eat or lounge around. I just find myself wondering when is the right time with our older buns to let them cross naturally or if we should help them. I ask and wonder this as...
  7. Sagebrush

    Not new, but returning!

    Beautiful babies!!
  8. Sagebrush

    Raising Rabbits in TX

    Those are all beautiful colors within the rex. Welcome to the forums!!!
  9. Sagebrush

    Question about the ARBA convention

    That makes a lot more sense to me! Thank you for explaining it better then even I ever could.
  10. Sagebrush

    Who here allows your bunny to sit on your lap?

    @Rabbits by Accident I have actually made my own harness for him using old leashes from the shelter I used to volunteer for way back when. The one in the photo of Tiny was purchased at Walmart for a cat actually. He is a Himalayan and therefore a bit skinnier in the chest than most rabbits...
  11. Sagebrush

    New Guys

    What are you feeding your bunny? Hard to tell how old it is and that can play a part in how well it keeps condition.
  12. Sagebrush

    2 weeks old Sick??

    Any updates on this little one?
  13. Sagebrush

    Preparing for summer weather

    I use a box fan to move the air around but I also have misters that I use to cool the air as it is being moved by the fan. I recently moved my rabbits over towards my garden and under some shade trees using an old 12' x 12' pop-up frame with some weather resistant tarps to keep the sun off them...
  14. Sagebrush

    Who here allows your bunny to sit on your lap?

    My breeders are my pets, but even then I sometimes have to cull the number I have on hand as I cannot keep every rabbit. I have neither the space or the resources to keep all of them. As a result, I do sell the ones I can but others go to the freezer. I can absolutely guarantee that Tiny, the...
  15. Sagebrush

    What other critters do you have?

    We have 2 dogs, a BCI boa, Corn snake, and 5 leopard geckos, 2 California Toads, and a Gargoyle Gecko. I don't appear to have any pictures of my Leopard Geckos but at least there is some of the others.
  16. Sagebrush

    Interesting litter

    Yes Alaska Satin, he was a junior in those first pictures back in November. I could try getting a video of him when the sun decides to show itself again, having my boyfriend hold the camera as this buck can be a bit of a jerk when getting him in and out of his cage. I don't have another buck yet...
  17. Sagebrush

    Interesting litter

    Thank you Alaska Satin for your reply. I did get some updated pictures yesterday and got to pay the price for it lol. However here they are, he is now 9 months old.
  18. Sagebrush

    Flemish Giant x New Zealand

    Yes they are. I supplement with fresh greens when I can, but with 4 breeding does and 2 breeding bucks I was going through a 50# bag of pellets every week. Granted my does would give 12-17 babies each litter but still, that is a ton of feed.
  19. Sagebrush

    Flemish Giant x New Zealand

    I breed Flemish for meat. Unfortunately mine seem to be cross breeds. Though I mainly keep them for their fur. I wait till they are 6-8 months old in order to do so. I just recently got some Dutch as a different meat rabbit that I can also sell as pets and working on getting into possibly...
  20. Sagebrush

    Eastern Iowa

    Welcome to the forums!!! If you have any questions the people around here are awesome and will help out with answers or with at least comradery if we don't know the answers right away.