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  1. Sagebrush

    New Member

    Welcome to the forums!
  2. Sagebrush

    Magpie Color?

    I honestly don't know what she is.
  3. Sagebrush

    Help with color

    Do you know what your buns are mixed with? I ask only in that the first one looks to have silvering coming up and the second one could have harlequin type markings, but would be leaning more to a Tort with clear Vienna Markings. I know others with more knowledge will jump in and make it make...
  4. Sagebrush

    Butchering Knives??

    I use almost any 4-6" SHARP knife, must be sharp, for skinning and portioning. I have bone shears for taking off feet and cutting ribs. I have an old pig cleaver for removing the head after bleeding.
  5. Sagebrush

    Weather-based color changes?

    I had a Himalayan (avatar pic) who would get white patches in his color points when it got hot, but like you said, would get really clear points during the winter. He never got any stray dark patches on his body though. That is a new one to me and I would love to see pictures when you can get...
  6. Sagebrush

    Hello everyone!!!

    Welcome to the forums. I'm from Northern California in the US. I happen to breed New Zealands, Dutch, and Flemish Giants.
  7. Sagebrush

    Howdy, im new to Rabbit talk!

    Welcome to the forums! We are very happy to have you hear. There are many great people here to help with almost everything.
  8. Sagebrush

    Do you find it soothing when petting your rabbit?

    Judging by the pictures from your introductory post, I would say more like a Holland or possibly a Mini Lop, hard to tell size in picture. REW (Red Eyed White, or Ruby Eyed White) can occur in many breeds.
  9. Sagebrush

    Claire, Snowball and Snowflake

    Welcome to the forums! I do have to say that Ladybird beetles are quite helpful in the garden though.
  10. Sagebrush

    Using a Rabbit Wringer, Hopper Popper, etc

    Seems to me she would make a great candidate for a pellet gun. As to use the ringer to the best effect there needs to be calm and trust on both sides.
  11. Sagebrush

    Harli/tri genetics

    Looks like a vienna marked Sallander to me.
  12. Sagebrush

    New Member

    Welcome to the forums! We are glad to have you join us.
  13. Sagebrush

    New to Rabbits and Rabbit Talk

    I'm from Northern California. Welcome to the forums!
  14. Sagebrush

    Not new, but returning!

    I totally understand. It has been over 100* here as well. I lost a doe with 4 week old kits when it was only 85*. So far, no others have shown any signs of heat distress. I have fans and misters going to keep everyone cool.
  15. Sagebrush

    Lathargic 3 month old

    Make a slurry of pellets and water and use a syringe to get it into her mouth. Just do a little at a time to prevent her accidentally breathing it in
  16. Sagebrush

    Not new, but returning!

    So sorry to hear you had another loss
  17. Sagebrush

    Harli/tri genetics

    Breeding a son to mother is like breeding the father to the daughter, it is line breeding and used to set traits. I use it every so often in my own breeding to set my more desirable traits. Don't do it too often as it will also set the undesirable traits and can cause issues further down the...
  18. Sagebrush

    Baby bunnies eating momma's poop

    Babies will nibble at the normal poops as well as the Caecotrophs. The caecotrophs are primarily produced at night. As far as babies getting out of the nest prior to 3 weeks, as long as their eyes are open and they have a way to get back into the nest, I don't worry about it. Instead of taking...
  19. Sagebrush


    I use a program called Kintraks. I only have 10 holes right now so not too difficult but I do make cage cards from index cards in holders that keep them waterproof. Between that and tattoos it is fairly easy for me to keep things straight. But, I also use the program for my reptiles as well.
  20. Sagebrush

    Recommendations for Tattoo Pen?

    I use the TB tattoo pen as well. As far as the numbing goes I use a Lidocaine ointment and let it soak in for about 10 min before I tattoo. I then cover that tattoo once done with some Vaseline ointment, thin layer, and check on it over the next few days while it heals.