If I'm going for constant litters, I rebreed at four weeks
That way the babies will be about 8 weeks by the time the new ones are born and can be on their own
I once had a Doe who got depressed after hir first litter was stillborn and she didn't eat or drink. It was awful to see
How exactly did they "whimper"?
Tilted how/how much? Can they straighten their head? Do they usually move in a circle?
At two weeks it's possible for them to get Wry Neck. Not fatal, unless they have other health problems
- Date of birth
- Breed
- Color
- Sex
- Parents, grandparents, etc. (I've seen some go up to five generations)
- Ear number/tattoo
- Weight (not 100% needed)
- Name
Help with...? You should really explain [anything...] if you want help with stuff
Also, please don't hold your rabbit upside for an extended amount of time outside of things like cutting nails
I used to have a few rabbits (specifically two or three) a couple years ago that would randomly be paralyzed and unable to move
All we had to do was prop them up in a travel cage for a few days with food and water right next to their mouths and they got back to normal fairly well 🤷