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  1. RabbitsOfTheCreek

    When to rebreed

    If I'm going for constant litters, I rebreed at four weeks That way the babies will be about 8 weeks by the time the new ones are born and can be on their own
  2. RabbitsOfTheCreek

    2 year old doe not feeding

    I once had a Doe who got depressed after hir first litter was stillborn and she didn't eat or drink. It was awful to see How exactly did they "whimper"?
  3. RabbitsOfTheCreek

    Unbalanced 17 day old kit

    Tilted how/how much? Can they straighten their head? Do they usually move in a circle? At two weeks it's possible for them to get Wry Neck. Not fatal, unless they have other health problems
  4. RabbitsOfTheCreek

    Beginner at breeding

    I always give my Does a week off but you can bred her right away How recent was this? You could wait a couple days to see if she has more
  5. RabbitsOfTheCreek

    Hole in rabbits ear

    Just looks like they got into a fight and the opponents went for the ears
  6. RabbitsOfTheCreek

    Update on my Sable Magpie x Steel Agouti Sable kits

    Wouldn't "Blue Sable" just be Siamese Smoke Pearl?
  7. RabbitsOfTheCreek

    Pedigree Regulations

    - Date of birth - Breed - Color - Sex - Parents, grandparents, etc. (I've seen some go up to five generations) - Ear number/tattoo - Weight (not 100% needed) - Name
  8. RabbitsOfTheCreek

    Not new, but returning!

    I highly advise against that, also, please don't start making threads about random unrelated things
  9. RabbitsOfTheCreek


    Help with...? You should really explain [anything...] if you want help with stuff Also, please don't hold your rabbit upside for an extended amount of time outside of things like cutting nails
  10. RabbitsOfTheCreek

    Bringing Rabbits to Sell

    You can just bring them and try to sell them 🤷 I suggest setting up a small whiteboard or something listing the price, breed, etc.
  11. RabbitsOfTheCreek

    Doe has Kits early?

    All 7 of her daughters' Kits have been doing very well, it's like they're milk machines 😅
  12. RabbitsOfTheCreek

    Doe has Kits early?

    She's gone back to eating and acting normally Probably going to sell her soon, might replace her with one of the Kits
  13. RabbitsOfTheCreek

    Animal For Sale Champaign, IL- Pet rabbit needs home

    Mostly all those pet rabbits people who hard believe they need at least a pair of rabbits and "they're less likely to get cancer" 🙄
  14. RabbitsOfTheCreek

    Splay legs

    Might as well see how they do for a couple more weeks, they're a Kit and it could just be weak legs
  15. RabbitsOfTheCreek

    Paralyzed but still alive..??

    I used to have a few rabbits (specifically two or three) a couple years ago that would randomly be paralyzed and unable to move All we had to do was prop them up in a travel cage for a few days with food and water right next to their mouths and they got back to normal fairly well 🤷
  16. RabbitsOfTheCreek

    Thinking about fostering

    I get it all the time from one of my Does (she watches me to make sure I put all the Kits back)
  17. RabbitsOfTheCreek

    New Guy!

    Are you ever able to handle them well considering you don't even see the Kits for a while?
  18. RabbitsOfTheCreek

    Baby colors REW?

    From my knowledge smut doesn't come from stress (not sure that'd even be possible)