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  1. Preitler

    Excessive Rabbit Care (Caring too much?)

    My approach to heat is to give them access to the ground, and underground if they want. I planted Topinambur around the hutches, it grows huge and it produces a very nice, cool shadow and micro climate. Usually they dig shallow pits in the shade under brushes for their bellies, they don't...
  2. Preitler

    Lost nursing doe due to blockage

    Well, it's not like my rabbits were prone to stasis, but it can happen when buns get older, mostly during molting season. Currently my oldest is 10, her mother died last year at 11 (very first rabbit I got). My breeders remain active for 5-7 years, then get retired and live out their lifes as...
  3. Preitler

    Lost nursing doe due to blockage

    That's a first for me in 12 years of breeding rabbits, I had several stasis episodes in my herd and am well familiar with the first signs and symptoms, this was different. My youngest doe Lotte, just a year old and nursing a 10 day old litter of 11, didn't show any signs I'm aware of. But when...
  4. Preitler

    Bottle feeding

    Something to read: I tried it once, with no success. I have still some cans of condensed goat milk, brought over from the US, just in case I might...
  5. Preitler


    Can you move the nest box on this exact spot?
  6. Preitler

    @#$&@$!! RATS!!! Rat proofing project.

    Well, I didn't see or catch any rat, but there sure was at least one - the plastic lining under the poop bins was utterly destroyed, and there were bite marks on the underside of the wooden slat floor. Now I have another litter, second one from my youngest doe Lotte, and I'm hopeful that a rat...
  7. Preitler

    First time mom

    I give them about a tablespoon of oatmeal/rolled oats with a little sunflower seed oil on it (don't have BOSS). They really can use some additional calories and fat. and that's a very happy girl when she sees me with coming with that bowl :)
  8. Preitler

    PSA: kits are not dead until warm and dead.

    I once used a pot with warm water, 37°c; measured with a fever thermometer, and a ziplock bag for the kit, Just held it mostly submerged, as shallow as possible to not get pressure on it, and that worked.
  9. Preitler


    Neither. They developed independently for many years, they have a different focus (pets and lifestock), and look identical because the same software is used now - (there aren't as many options as before social media got big), and I think by now they have same owners. It's distincly different...
  10. Preitler

    Not laying eggs?

    I had a hen that stopped laying, and got extremly fat. So she got an invitation for dinner. What a disappointment, turned out that she was actually skinny but had one huge mass made up of dozens of eggs in her (no shells), she somehow produced them but didn't get them out. So I would check if...
  11. Preitler

    Taking a tamed bunny outdoors?

    Imho there is no benefit for the rabbit, even if it tolerates it. This would be solely about the wishes and vanity of the owner to show off their "cool" bunny. And I would not use something a dog can get into or bite through that easily, some dogs have not very capable owners... Even a harness...
  12. Preitler

    Urine stains on white fur

    If it'S a cosmetic concern just live with it. Unless you need a clean rabbit for a show and it's just stains and not soaked to the skin there is no reason to bath it, or put any chemicals on it. Just because something is marketed for pets doesn't mean it's good for them. You can wipe with a...
  13. Preitler


    Wait, what? There is a rule book? Why didn't anyone tell me? :D Welcome :)
  14. Preitler

    We lost our whole litter

    No, as I read it she was rebred after the first kits went to freezer camp. Breeding after 10 days isn't even back-to-back, so even if it it had been so it shouldn't have been much of an issue.
  15. Preitler

    Is there a market for rabbits?

    Didn't encounter many inconsiderate or wiered buyers here, if any at all, but they are scarce. I'm happy if I can get rid of 1 or 2 of the nicest characters before it's time for freezer camp. I don't sell meat, or for butchering since the way I keep rabbits that would mean working for...
  16. Preitler

    We lost our whole litter

    What kind of nestbox do you use? Could there be some stressor, like predators, or something that she percieve as one in that state? Around kindling I would even keep dogs that are totally cool around rabbits away for a few days. One scenario could be that something scared her and she retreated...
  17. Preitler

    Cage height question

    My hutch floors are at hip height - a few cm higher than the wheelbarrow which makes cleaning them out way easier. I feed mostly forage and hay, and that can pile up. The hutches are rather high, with hidy houses and a second level kits can't reach for a few weeks, a place for the does to get...
  18. Preitler

    New to rabbits

    Right about the insulation, my hutches have an internal plywood roof, 2-4cm styrofoam on that, and then the currugated sheet metal that allows some airflow. I'm pretty sure I would cut those stumble-faceplant-devices on the ground short in the first week of operation ;) , my hutches just stand...
  19. Preitler

    @#$&@$!! RATS!!! Rat proofing project.

    Dang! Just set all 5 snap traps I could find, there is only one kit left from the last, 1 week old litter of 4 :(. I want to keep a doeling from this doe, she's 5 now and time is running out. Going to rebreed her in two weeks.
  20. Preitler

    Studies on mortality in Easter Pets (bunnies/chicks)

    Sounds like fake to me. Someone made up a number as a deadbeat argument to push an agenda. Like that "80% of does unspayed does have cancer at 3years". I hate it when this happens, meant well, but imho it is somewhat counterproductive. Stupid people would think "oh great, so I can buy that...