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  1. M

    Side Entry Nest Box

    If the side entrance is at floor level, the baby will get pushed back in when the doe stuffs the entrance. I agree that if it gets missed it may perish, but I have had fewer losses of that kind since using them.
  2. M

    Side Entry Nest Box

    These are similar to mine, but I don't make the floor deeper, and mine are fully rectangular.
  3. M

    Side Entry Nest Box

    My nest boxes are made to resemble a wild rabbit's burrow, fully enclosed with one opening at the side. The does love them and also stuff the entrance with hay - which is a wild rabbit behaviour not normally seen.
  4. M

    cuniculi head tilt- cant get panacur

    Panacur is Fenbendazole, so you might be able to find it under a different name.
  5. M

    Caught Mama Bunny Eating Placenta ON CAMERA!!! (Video Attatched)

    They do look rather zombie-like when eating them - eyes glazed over as the hormones are saying "Youuuu muuust doooo thiiiis" while the mouth and teeth are screaming "No! No!"
  6. M

    Rabbit Injury (Need Help) Graphic Imagery

    A good antiseptic cream twice a day. It will act as a barrier to keep dirt out, and and so keep the wound open so it heals from within. I've had this happen several times in the past - one breed I had seemed prone to it, and the antiseptic cream worked perfectly. I used Savlon (I'm in the UK)...
  7. M

    Close-up hair photos for banding/ticking

    Your wild/hare grey = Chestnut (USA), Agouti (UK), but also called Brown-Grey or Grey/Gray in some breeds. Your hare colour [Haaskleur] - red agouti (UK). I don't know what that is in the US, I don't think they have any breeds with that colour except for the Belgian Hare. Here in UK we have...
  8. M

    Just for fun - my first litter of Dutch bunnies

    Dutch babies are always so wonderfully cute! The blaze makes them look so cheerful and happy.
  9. M

    Pasterella "snuffles" in rabbits

    Yes there are several organisms that cause respiratory illness in rabbits. For example, Bordetella, which can be caught from dogs with kennel cough.
  10. M

    Black Otter or Seal Martin Rex?

    Going off-topic a bit, but that's a strange website. Much of the written information is correct, but some of the photos are inaccurate. According to the pics, the Alaska breed is white... but the written content states it's black and one colour only (correct). And there's a photo of a UK Polish...
  11. M

    Do Creme D'Argent Rabbits have the Wideband gene (ww)?

    Historically, there was a large brown-eyed white breed called the Blanc de Chauny, in France. I believe it was made similarly to how you intend to create yours, but there's next to no information about them as they became extinct a long time ago.
  12. M

    How did lynx happen

    Unless the Smoke Pearl was a marten then it can't have come from there and must have come from the REW.
  13. M

    How did lynx happen

    Cinnamon is chocolate agouti, called cinnamon in Netherland Dwarfs, Amber in Rex. The actual breed called Cinnamon is black tort.
  14. M

    Sussex cream and gold babies are here!

    Your best bet is to contact Judy Le Marchant, who was the originator of the breed. She's contactable through the Rare Varieties Rabbit Club. Marten Sussex, both Gold and Cream, are also now standardised.
  15. M

    Runt getting naked

    Looks like it could be a Rex, some can have waved coats when young, and also some lines of Rex do lose their coats when young, before growing it back again. If the bald areas are on both sides in the same places then I'd say that's what it is,
  16. M

    Rabbit names

    You already have some tree names there, so you could continue with trees - such as Aspen, Cedar, Ash, Spruce. Other ideas: Flowers Herbs Birds Colours Sweets/Candies Cakes and as it's almost Christmas, why not names of Cocktails? It's very easy to go onto Google and type in 'list of flowers' or...
  17. M


    Wait a while. I've had a couple of instances where a doe has passed a pre-term kit and then gone on to deliver a live, healthy litter on the expected date. They can reabsorb up until around the 19th day; after that the skeleton forms and they will abort instead.
  18. M

    Self Blue or Otter?

    ED hasn't been proven to exist, and a molecular study was unable to distinguish between ED and ES, so it may just be the way ES interacts with agouti that 'suggests' a dominant black gene. Mutations in the melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) gene are associated with coat colours in the domestic...
  19. M


    They're not a breed recognised by ARBA, and I'm not aware of any in the US or Canada, so your chances of finding one would be slim to none. I think you'd have to import one from the Netherlands. There's only a couple of breeders of them in the UK and they're not recognised in all European countries.
  20. M


    That's a rabbit show here in the UK, and the RVRC is the club for the rare breeds like Hulstlanders. There would have been a RVRC show alongside the main one. Hulstlanders have blue eyes, and I am fairly sure yours has brown eyes and dark tips to the fur around the face and ears.