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  1. akane

    Test breed ChinxREW

    Left agouti sable, right regular chin It did take awhile to be certain of adult color. It was only a "probably" sable when I bought him as a 4month old.
  2. akane

    Rabbits having trouble breeding.

    I've had a very small netherland buck breed mini rex does over standard and small mutt does so size is probably not the main issue. If the doe is not lifting even a large buck will have trouble. Is she truly cooperating or is she just playing possum with her butt tucked? They don't have to...
  3. akane

    Any VM's in the Iowa area?

    I don't do lops but there are a ton of breeders in Iowa. It's just hard to find them advertising because it's practically the only thing pet stores buy and they have contracts to only buy from certain lop breeders and take everything they produce. You'd be better off asking around the shows if...
  4. akane

    First litter, Only 3 Kits?

    Late breeding or large gaps in breeding of both genders can reduce litter size for at least a litter or 2. If you breed in the heat the bucks can also have reduced sperm or go completely sterile. Different bucks will take different amounts of time to recover from heat sterility. I've had some...
  5. akane

    Possible Californian with brindling??? (Need opinions)

    I know nonextension(ee) can really fade the points and the harli/brindle(ej) are another modified E locus gene. Partial or uneven change on the points from harli instead seems like it would make sense.
  6. akane

    neighborhood kids

    I thought a double lot yard would at least be an ok compromise for now living in city limits but it's mostly useless. Even with the gates chained shut to the backyard I'd need to drop a few thousand dollars on the best fence the city will allow to prevent climbing thefts. I brought back a pair...
  7. akane

    Keeping Rabbits Cool in hot temperatures

    You should be able to get basic stone flooring tiles from most local hardware stores (home depot, lowes, menards all have them here) for cents to a few dollars each depending on material. I don't buy the chiller tiles for my chinchillas because they are way overpriced compared to what you can...
  8. akane

    Advice on shelving and/or rat problems

    If rats get bold enough they'll attack just about anything and be a challenge even for a small adult rabbit. Usually it's not worth that and they won't go after things that actually fight back but being herbivores that would rely on running rather than fighting rabbits don't really get their...
  9. akane

    Keeping Rabbits Cool in hot temperatures

    Unless I use dry ice I found ceramic tile only stays cool about 20mins. After that it's no different than putting a room temp tile in for the amount of body heat it will help remove so it was kind of pointless to try to stick them in a freezer. I also have broken every single ceramic tile...
  10. akane

    Issues with Rabbit Feed Brands

    Many feeds depend on your local mills because they don't ship the feed from a central location. They have the formula produced somewhere closer to you so the ingredients they should put in are the same but the quality of those ingredients, the resulting pellet, and any contamination is in the...
  11. akane

    Keeping Rabbits Cool in hot temperatures

    With little evaporation any reduced temp by cool water mist will be pretty instantly negated and you'll be back to hot and damp without any noticeable break in the heat. Most small-medium animals rely on their fur pulling heat from their body and air movement or cooler air removing it rather...
  12. akane

    Free Range Guinea Pig Attempt.

    In the wild all they do is wander, eat, wander, eat.... You don't need a weed whacker around every structure in your yard with them loose. They'll use anything to blend against, squeeze between, or duck under while eating.
  13. akane

    Free Range Guinea Pig Attempt.

    Several acres if they have the cover and food sources to visit. They'll establish their favorite locations about 10-100' apart and periodically sprint between them through the day back to what they have determined is the safest home base for longer rests. Ours even recognized the chainlink...
  14. akane

    Dealing with possible mastitis/abscess

    If it's actually in the mammary gland and not under the skin I would try to get antibiotics. I've had abscesses drain and heal fine on rabbits when they were due to a surface wound and did not go deep but I culled the one that got mastitis after trying everything except penicillin injections...
  15. akane

    Peanut??? This isn't supposed to happen in this breed...

    I'm not sure if it's a true peanut and plain runts that occasionally just happen may have development issues without a specific gene responsible. If someone used mini rex at some point to recover the rex coat the dwarf gene has been introduced to mini rex so it's not impossible. I haven't...
  16. akane

    All the litter died and I don't know why - PHOTO

    If it only strikes one litter these silent killers often remain a mystery. If it repeats with that doe's litters and particularly breeding that pair then it is may be something genetic based with her or with that cross. If it's bacterial you generally know it. Even without symptoms before...
  17. akane

    Keeping Rabbits Cool in hot temperatures

    That would actually be just as useful in front of the fan they appear to be running anyway. In a wire cage with an easily stripped floor underneath you don't have to worry about the water. In colonies or probably also for people who can't frequently strip a dirt floor or outdoor ground...
  18. akane

    Would you trust this buyer?

    I'd be more concerned about the back and forth of not picking them up even when free and then disappearing. If someone is committed to getting a specific breed why did they fail to contact you and get a free one only to ask later? If they had gotten one somewhere else why are they asking now...
  19. akane

    Need help deciding cage set up!

    I haven't found bucks to be at all like that. My favorite out every group is usually a buck for it's personality. I've definitely never had an issue caging them side by side even with does around them. I even had a mini rex buck make a big enough gap in my first cage row design to squeeze...
  20. akane

    Need help deciding cage set up!

    There are lots of diy cage options. I do have about 100 c&c panels from doing guinea pig cage builds in the past but the cost for a pen big enough for multiple rabbits is why I build most of mine from more bulk materials and several of the people who bought multiple pets from me did as well...