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  1. B

    How Many Pounds of Feed

    Anyone have an estimate of about how many pounds of feed it takes to feed out a rabbit from weaning to 6 pounds live weight? I realize it is going to be vary based on breed and type of feed, but just looking for a number to do some rough projections.
  2. B

    Fodder and Mulberry Leaves

    I am currently feeding my meat rabbit (parent stock) barley fodder and baled grass hay for roughage. I have an abundance of Mulberry trees growing in the woods and around my property. If I were to eliminate the hay and start feeding the fodder and mulberry leaves, would the Mulberry leaves...
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    32 days - No Kits Update - WE HAVE KITS!

    Could I get that in writing and give it to my boss? LOL
  4. B

    Colony Grow Out Pen Density and Other Questions

    In the near future I will have bunnies to grow out, and I am considering doing them in a colony. First question is how much space should I allow for each? Is there any issues of having the colony pen on concrete so long as I bed it with wood shavings or straw? If I put my colony on pasture or...
  5. B

    32 days - No Kits Update - WE HAVE KITS!

    I checked this morning and nothing, no hair pulled or anything. I just got a call from home, and she had them! They couldn't see how many, just a pile of hair and movement under it. Guess I just got too anxious. Thanks everyone for your support and advise.
  6. B

    Start to finish...Processing Video.

    I have a 7 year old daughter at home is all gun-ho to butcher rabbits when the first time comes. I sent this link for her to watch. I got a call a few hours from my daughter wanting to know where my pruners where. I asked her why, and she said she was getting all the stuff we needed to...
  7. B

    Start to finish...Processing Video.

    Wow! Good lookin gals and rabbit guts on the same screen....very nice. Seriously, thank you for sharing this. It is very helpful.
  8. B

    32 days - No Kits Update - WE HAVE KITS!

    Thanks all for the kind words and reassurance. I feel better now.
  9. B

    32 days - No Kits Update - WE HAVE KITS!

    My journey back into rabbits is starting just like it ended when I quit. I bought a bred doe that was due Monday, but here it is Wednesday, and no babies. This doe was supposed to be a good breeder that never had any problems and is a good mom. I put the box in late last week, but she never...
  10. B

    Babies and Fodder

    I didn't mean it as a hermaphrodite thing, I just didn't know if you were a man or a woman.
  11. B

    Babies and Fodder

    yes he/she is! :evil:
  12. B

    Babies and Fodder

    So how would you prevent the kits from eating momma's fodder once they are out of the box but still nursing? I am giving the does hay for fiber. It's crappy grass hay, but they eat all I give them. Your chickens will come around. Mine love it. When I throw them a mat of it, stuff is flying...
  13. B

    Babies and Fodder

    I have 2 does that are due soon. Since getting them, I have transitioned both of them over to fodder and they are doing very well. I see some are suggesting 8 oz per day for adults, which I would say is about right. I don't go off weight of the fodder, but use the same size piece everyday...
  14. B

    Silver Fox and Blue Americans to build up numbers?

    I recently bought a Cali doe that is bred to restart my meat rabbit journey. I have located a pair of Silver Fox juniors and he also has some Blue Americans. I have read both are good meat rabbits. Are these a good choice? I have mostly heritage breed animals on my farm, so they are tempting...
  15. B

    Fodder sprouting systems, anyone?

    Miss M, thank you for the detailed lesson on rabbit digestion. I didn't know any of that information and that clarifies at which stage of fodder growth it should be fed to 8 in my system. Mystang89, thank you for the link. These are the nutritional values for 8 day growth...
  16. B

    Fodder sprouting systems, anyone?

    Wow! What a thread this is. I would like to add some of my experiences to the discussion. I first saw a fodder set-up about 8 months ago. It was at an organic dairy near me. His set-up can produce 240 lbs per day, which was quite impressive. I didn't ask many questions at the time, but in...