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  1. Half-Pint Homestead

    Wanted to show off my RoundTop rabbit cages.

    Do your curve lengthwise or crosswise? These curve crosswise to make two cages with a feeder in the center.
  2. Half-Pint Homestead

    Wanted to show off my RoundTop rabbit cages.

    We lived off grid in the woods for a year and a half. One of the reasons we decided to move into town (we're two blocks from the town square) was good internet services. The other was that we realized we were so dependent on our vehicles that we were further away from being self-reliant that...
  3. Half-Pint Homestead

    Wanted to show off my RoundTop rabbit cages.

    Cool! I've never seen anyone else with this particular design, although I've seen ones that curve lengthwise for sturdy "rabbit tractors". I like this design for the built in hay feeder as well as the fact that you use 6' less wire, although there is more cutting so it takes longer to assemble...
  4. Half-Pint Homestead

    Wanted to show off my RoundTop rabbit cages.

    Hi Everyone! Just wanted to show off my RoundTop rabbit cages... and my Silver Fox rabbits of course! I'm not so great at taking pictures of wire so I made a YouTube video.
  5. Half-Pint Homestead

    Fodder sprouting systems, anyone?

    Here's my Micro system in full production. It will feed 4 adult meat rabbits per day and is fully automated You can see more info a To answer the question above about drying Fodder: Yes some nutrients will be concentrated by weight in the dried...
  6. Half-Pint Homestead

    Fodder sprouting systems, anyone?

    What do you mean by leftover seed? Is it seed that didn't sprout when you are growing Fodder?
  7. Half-Pint Homestead

    Fodder sprouting systems, anyone?

    Hi Zee, I just put this tiny system together so I haven't worked out quite how much grain goes into it. Somewhere between 1 to 1 1/2 cups I'd estimate. As the 22"x11" trays I use in my larger systems will feed about 30 rabbits per day, I'm quite sure this one will feed 4 rabbits. One cup of...
  8. Half-Pint Homestead

    Fodder sprouting systems, anyone?

    Thanks Carol, I'm finally getting to the point where my animals are actually at my house!! My three chickens are coming home tomorrow. (the rabbits are still at the breeders and my two Kinder goats are at a friend's. I traded Fodder systems for all of them). So I got their chicken house...
  9. Half-Pint Homestead

    Fodder sprouting systems, anyone?

    Good Morning!! Sherry at Half-Pint Homestead here. My website directory led me here. Just wanted to introduce myself and say Howdy. Nice to see so many people discovering Fodder. :) Sherry