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  1. HOWsMom

    Rabbits keep digging at bedding

    Rabbits dig - it's a natural instinct. I'm not sure you can stop it. Are they spayed / neutered ? I know that can help to stop spraying behaviour, but not sure it would stop the digging.
  2. HOWsMom

    What size nest box for mini rex ?

    15"x11" or 18" x 11" I'm thinking the 15" will be big enough - but I've never done this before !
  3. HOWsMom

    New Cages

    Those are AMAZING looking cages - I am SO jealous !
  4. HOWsMom

    Dave is now a House Bunny

    I am completely NOT surprised they adored Dave ! He's such a nice bunny <3 I'm glad he got a good home :D
  5. HOWsMom

    Feed Options : Purina, Shur-Gain, Floradale

    We have been feeding Purina Performance since we got our rabbits, but 2 others have come to my attention recently. I'm not familiar with either of them, so am looking for input. One is called "Shur-gain", the other is "Floradale"
  6. HOWsMom

    Basement housing

    Thank you. Bunnies will be on wire with pans below - I find it easier (and less expensive) to keep clean that way. And Thierry paws aND bottoms are cleaner too. We always ensure there is a non-wire area for resting on as well. I'm not familiar with hydrated lime - right now we use puppy...
  7. HOWsMom

    Basement housing

    I live in a townhouse, and am trying to make better use of the limited space (and poor layout) of my home. This means I will be moving some of the animals to the basement. It's a semi-finished basement - paneling on the walls, and a concrete or cement floor. NO natural lighting. None. Zero...
  8. HOWsMom

    Anything I can do to prepare a doe for 1st time breeding?

    Okay - we have spinach (everybunny loves it, and the degas too) and ACV (raw stuff with "mother"). Anything else to prepare her ?
  9. HOWsMom

    various wire mesh available

    I wish I'd have known before the Komoka show !
  10. HOWsMom

    Is 1" x 2" 14-gauge wire okay for cage sides ?

    The cages would be indoors, so aside from our dog and cat there would be little concerns romantic other animals.
  11. HOWsMom

    Is 1" x 2" 14-gauge wire okay for cage sides ?

    He does - THANK YOU ♡♡
  12. HOWsMom

    Is 1" x 2" 14-gauge wire okay for cage sides ?

    That's easy enough to do. <br /><br /> -- Fri Nov 04, 2016 10:25 am -- <br /><br /> Would the 16-gauge wire be okay for the sides / top of the cage ? I can find THAT in 1" x 1"
  13. HOWsMom

    Is 1" x 2" 14-gauge wire okay for cage sides ?

    I am having a REALLY difficult time sourcing 1"x1" 14-gauge wire locally, and I'm sure that it's crazy expensive to ship, but I CAN fine 1" x 2" wire by the roll. I'd like to try my hand at making some cages. I know I need the 1" x 1/2" for the floor, and I can find that - but I want sides...
  14. HOWsMom

    Any Judges Here?

  15. HOWsMom

    Br. Choc + Black = ???

    Let me start by stating that my focus is on body type over colour for this, but I am curious what the colour possibilities would be. I have the Br Choc doe - her colour background is as follows : The solid black buck is not mine, and I am not sure of his background at this point - I do hope...
  16. HOWsMom

    BIS/RIS Awards!

    Definitely go towards the photos and bunny toys - the kids will LOVE them !
  17. HOWsMom

    Anything I can do to prepare a doe for 1st time breeding?

    I'm sure they will all love the spinach - I can definitely do that. I'm guessing I need to find some better quality ACV than what I can pick up at WalMart, right ? I'll check the health food type stores for some. No worry about switching her food - she's been on the same stuff all her life and...
  18. HOWsMom

    29Oct2016 - Show-Forest City Rabbit Breeders- Ontario Canada

    That wasn't us. We had a broken chocolate sr. buck, a broken chocolate jr doe, and my friend's Tort sr. doe. All mini rex. And my daughter brought her black dutch for the youth pet show.
  19. HOWsMom

    Anything I can do to prepare a doe for 1st time breeding?

    I have plans to breed my Mini Rex doe later this month - I don't own the buck she will be bred to, so this is a one-shot deal. Doe will be 8 months old, she's housed indoors, fed 1/2 cup of pellets (Purina Rabbit Performance) and unlimited grass hay. Fresh water available. Very occasional...