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  1. glynallinson

    Need Advice

    Hi all, hoping someone maybe able to advise on redesign, I currently keep my buns in my garage, 8ft x 15ft. I'm using home made wire cages and converted dog crates with wire floor. see photos I've looked online at different rabbitry designs, sadly sourcing materials in the UK isn't easy. The...
  2. glynallinson

    Breeding Schedule Spreadsheet

    Looking around the net for a breeding spreadsheet, but had no luck. so I made a very basic one, thought I'd share. It might not be any use to anyone (other than me). One is Excel format other is Libre/Open office
  3. glynallinson

    How do you make a wire spring door lock?

    I also tried to make them, gave up after the fifth/sixth attempt. My father told me to use spring plate hangers and admittedly their working well.