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  1. Jennamah

    Another newbie question

    Thanks for putting up with me everyone:) so I read that if eyes are not open by day 12, you should assist with warm water and cotton ball. My question is how do you count kits were born the morning of May 5th. Is that day one or is May 6 th day1 because they are 24 hrs old?
  2. Jennamah

    Help! One kits no gaining weight

    Bummer! If I we're try to supplement what should I use? So say KMR but I saw somewhere in here not to use that.
  3. Jennamah

    Help! One kits no gaining weight

    Hi all! One kit from my litter of 7 is not gaining wgt. She has lost a gram or two each day for the last 2 days. She looks ok and is active. I flipped mom and let her nurse but she still didn't gain. Their tummies are furry now at 9days so it is hard to tell if tummy is rounded. All the others...
  4. Jennamah

    Help.. Kits on the move

    Ok I will go check it out. If I can get past mama. You guys are the best! <br /><br /> -- Fri May 09, 2014 11:54 am -- <br /><br /> Well checked the nest. The other 2 kits were fine so I moved the three from the front back to the nest. We will see if they move forward again. Mama was not happy...
  5. Jennamah

    Help.. Kits on the move

    Checked on one of my nest boxes and 3 of the kits have moved to the front of the box and have made their own nest. They are all bunched together. They seem warm. Mama is guarding the box like a hawk and charges if anyone comes near. Should I move them back into the original nest?
  6. Jennamah

    Weight gain for babies

    Ok when we checked them again. One doe's babies had full tummies. Yeah! The other Doe' s babies were all wrinkly. So my daughter and I pulled mama out and put kits underneath her 3 at a time. After awhile we knew mama was done with this forced feeding and had to put her back. Three of the kits...
  7. Jennamah

    Weight gain for babies

    Thanks all! I checked tummies this am after reviewing the fed-unfed thread. It seems like one or two from each bunch had round tummies but the other didn't. Will some get fed while others get ignored? I am going to recheck in 2 hours.
  8. Jennamah

    Weight gain for babies

    Hi all. So glad to have found this forum. I was wondering if there is a guide to how many grams a day kits should gain. My holland lop babies are 2 days old.