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  1. L

    First time panicked momma

    I know these are bad pictures but here goes, taking a pic alone is kinda hard.
  2. L

    First time panicked momma

    Yeah this is my first time dealing with a new mom. I appreciate my others a lot more now. Hope she comes around I don't have space for bad mothers.
  3. L

    First time panicked momma

    I don't know that I could feel the difference and know by touch if her milk was in. <br /><br /> -- Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:30 pm -- <br /><br /> I'm thinking she fed them today, but not 100 percent. If I posted pics of 24 hour old kits would it be obvious? I looked at the sticky thread. Still unsure.
  4. L

    First time panicked momma

    I don't think her milk is in yet. Kits will try one then immediately look for another they are around 19 hours old I'd say maybe less so I'll try again in awhile. I have no idea of their nursing habits or how kits behave whike nursing since my other does are secretive and seasoned pros.
  5. L

    First time panicked momma

    Guess I wait till morning. :bunnyhop: :gnight: <br /><br /> -- Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:49 am -- <br /><br /> Ugh......she destroyed the nest I made in the box and replaced it with a large pile of berries.
  6. L

    First time panicked momma

    My dog guards the box. Stays up all night when I have babies inside :D
  7. L

    First time panicked momma

    @ES I have one doe with a litter of ten they are almost 3 weeks.
  8. L

    First time panicked momma

    She's not making any attempt to make a nest yet. Not sure what to expect, she was kind of kooky to begin with.
  9. L

    First time panicked momma

    I have them on a pad for the past hour. Figured I'd try bringing them to her around dawn see what she does. Don't want to make any mistakes and lose one needlessly. <br /><br /> -- Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:05 pm -- <br /><br /> I put a bunch in this morning because I knew it was day 31, there was a...
  10. L

    First time panicked momma

    First time, panicked momma Yep :( Only first timer I've had my others are experienced. Don't wanna put them back to get trampled is all
  11. L

    First time panicked momma

    So I got home to find my californian doe had kindled out of box no nest very little fur, six healthy kits. Was about 40 degrees im sure i got to them in time though. Momma is jumping on them or just running over them. Once while I was grabbing them up and I'm sure there was more. Was...
  12. L

    Breeding issues, first timer.

    All ten have survived and eyes are just starting to open. My goodness this doe is a wonderful mom. Three times the temperature has dipped below freezing. And every time she pulls more hair. All ten are very fat too.
  13. L

    Breeding issues, first timer.

    The doe in question kindled ten yesterday morning. All healthy and normal sized. Such a relief. As long as she can feed them all should be ok.. :D :bunnyhop:
  14. L

    Breeding issues, first timer.

    I'm glad I found this forum. I literally have nobody around to ask questions. I don't feel quite as overwhelmed.
  15. L

    Breeding issues, first timer.

    Being completely new I could be wrong but I'm in south central kansas and we've had a very mild summer, and the last few weeks have been mild last week has been chilly with lows at night of 40 and highs at 70. I wouldn't think heat is the problem.
  16. L

    Breeding issues, first timer.

    I tried rebreeding last week, this one definitely wouldn't let the buck breed. I did get 4 fall offs when I bred her, keeping my fingers crossed. With the rebreeding attempts my records look like someone with mental issues has been doing the records, all these different potential due dates :shock:
  17. L

    Breeding issues, first timer.

    There have been behavioral changes, and some digging at the hay on the wire. My other doe who should be further along has no weight gain, at least not noticiably. I didn't think breeding would be so frustrating. Ugh
  18. L

    Breeding issues, first timer.

    I have two does I am trying to brèed currently. They are both proven as well as the buck. I have tried palpation numerous times and I can't feel anything. This morning I noticed one hay stashing this morning. Getting as big of a mouthful as she could and carrying it around. Her due date is...