PB Holland Lop Doe. How does she look?

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Cedar Point Rabbitry

Well-known member
Jan 7, 2015
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
This is Cedar Point Aliya, I posted pictures of her awhile ago. So here are some updated pictures of her! I'm really happy with how she's turning out :)
She's around 3 months old now (DOB March 30/15)

What are some thoughts on her? I'm hoping for a good critique of her :)
Bit of length in shoulder, had as short but after pulling up and marking does have a bit to her, but I really like the top of her head shape. Can't really see the rest of her face/shape head wise though. She looks like she has some width and full in the midsection thru to her but also length (front legs look like she has weak angles). She also looks like she has a slightly undercut hq, instead of a straight gradual drop to the floor it rounds back underneath. Looks like she has a good headset though, definitely worth growing out! Her ears look to be nice size, but would watch as they look pointed/folded. I'm not sure if that's just because she's being grumpy/difficult or just her though. Overall and with time, could grow out to be a very nice sr doe. I'd keep her to see how she'd do :)
Thanks! Yup, she was NOT happy with me trying to pose her...that's pretty much the best one I got her her, but I'll try upload a couple more side shots of her. Although those pictures will have to wait...they're not wanting to upload.

Rebel.Rose.Rabbitry":2o9i4di0 said:
...had as short but after pulling up and marking does have a bit to her...I'd keep her to see how she'd do :)

Would you mind explaining what you mean there? I'm not quite getting it :)
And thanks! I'm happy with how she's looking, a big improvement over her dam!
Red line is what and where when I see the issues with shoulder, feet, undercutness, ear. The blue line is more of what would like to see and some of her good points :) but along the hq I didn't mean to get that much of a drop off though. I hope that helps :) <br /><br /> __________ Sat Jul 04, 2015 7:46 pm __________ <br /><br /> Some of the things I am seeing could be my perspective too, always take things like that with pictures online into account. The slightest change in angle can some times been the difference between a nice full rabbit and one that looks like supper or a pet. If you have the opportunity to, I'd take her to a show for comments :)


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Thanks for doing that, Rebel.Rose! It's really helpful at showing what you're looking at :) I would love to take her to shows this fall...hoping I'll be able to :)
I'll try get some more pictures of her uploaded Monday.
Pretty girl!
I am really working on my 'eye' and this is so helpful (and glad I see some of the same things as marked on the diagram~).
At 3 months, would you say you expect a lot of change still? Just curious because my one buck who looked terrible at 3 months is actually looking MUCH better now at almost 5 months!
Yes, 12 weeks is a bad time for most to be looked at and weeded through. I do my first cuts on them early, general dq's and what looks the best at that age stays longer to grow out. Holland Lops can go through some pretty awful uglies, some that make you question if its even the same rabbit you decided to hold back as a picture perfect 6-8 week old. Usually about the 5-6 month mark they come out of it, then some will go through another period of "uglies" not as traumatic as the first usually though. Holland Lops, some not all, can take up to 2 or 2.5-3 years to fully mature head wise. Of course, if the genetics aren't there, not going to get that.
Yes, my one boy was awful at the 3 month mark but is now filling in, head and body, ears dropped and he has much better type.
Now if only his DQ white hairs would disappear LOL (he is blue but at about 12 weeks a crop of white hairs popped up on his nose and base of ears)
What surprised me about this girl is that she's not getting as "ugly" as I thought she would. Her face is, but I thought her ears would get way too big, etc...and they're not!

Had a peek at her ears today, they're not as pointy as in the picture. She's also not as long when she's actually sitting nice :) Here's back and front pictures of her. I like her width, she's feels nice and stocky when I pick her up.


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Thanks! I was quite surprised by that, but super happy about it :) You can tell on her head/face she's going through "the uglies"...she used to have an adorable face! Hoping that comes back.
She's so pretty! Super gorgeous :)
Thanks! :) Hope her dam has more kits like her, on her next litter - she's bred to this girl's sire again :)

__________ Thu Jul 09, 2015 9:15 am __________

Here's a picture of her posed better. Rebel.Rose, how does she look? :)

__________ Fri Jul 10, 2015 9:56 am __________

Her head is having problems right now :lol: she's molting a bit between her eyes, plus it growing, NOT a good combination!
Weighed her today, she's 3lbs 5oz. DOB is March 30/15. So a bit over 3 months old. Will she get too heavy for the breed? I'm a little worried about that.

Her sire is 3lbs 8oz, her dam is 5lbs 3oz....but she's also bred, and due in 2 weeks. <br /><br /> __________ Fri Jul 17, 2015 8:41 pm __________ <br /><br /> Bump :)


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