How long can I keep buck siblings together

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Well-known member
Rabbit Talk Supporter
Aug 14, 2023
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Apache Junction, AZ
I have an unexpected surgery coming this Weds and not all of my current litter has sold, I have 2 bucks left. I won’t be able to butcher and it’s getting hot already (80 today!!) so I need to move them back indoors but I only have 1 indoor cage available at the moment. They’re 7 weeks as of yesterday, how long can they stay together before I have to deal with fights and other problems? This is a first for me!
Mine would still be in with mom at that age. Had no trouble untill then and plenty others that grow out untill 16 weeks fine. Just don't seperate them and no does around to make them stupid. You can see more drinking and marking however when they are together.
I have an unexpected surgery coming this Weds and not all of my current litter has sold, I have 2 bucks left. I won’t be able to butcher and it’s getting hot already (80 today!!) so I need to move them back indoors but I only have 1 indoor cage available at the moment. They’re 7 weeks as of yesterday, how long can they stay together before I have to deal with fights and other problems? This is a first for me!
As long as they've been together, there's no telling how long they'll get along. I would think they'd be okay until at least 12 weeks old. As @RabbitsOfTheCreek points out, keep an eye out for fighting. Some pairs just don't get along, and you'll know it when you see chunks of fur and bloody gashes. :( However, I had pair of Rex brothers that lived together peacefully until they were almost 8 months old. But like @tambayo says, keep them away from does - having a doe move in next door was what broke up my Rex brothers!

Also, it's best if you put them in the cage they'll be in right now, and don't move them again. Moving rabbits to a new setting often sets off dominance struggles.
At 7 weeks you should have no problem throwing them in a cage together for a while.

The longest I've kept bucks together is about 7 months, and that was three pairs (its was not planned, I got busy, but it worked out). I think the only way this was possible is because I did not remove one or the other for extended time, maybe 10 minutes tops when doing health checks, and they went from weening to that cage.

I would never try to reintroduce them after extended time apart or introduce them to a new cage after they are like 10 weeks old. They hit the teen years at that age and, if they have gotten a a taste of single life, will no longer like a room mate. We tried this after county fairs a few time (3 days apart) with 12-15 week old, it never went well (maybe once, but I wouldn't recommend trying)
Well, I'll throw a wrench in the discussion. We raise Silver Fox for show and meat. We keep all our kits together until about 8 weeks. At that point we separate does from bucks. That is usually good for 2-3 weeks, at which time our bucks tend to start fighting. We separate them prior to 10 weeks if we have the cage space, as it only takes a second to tear an ear on an otherwise hopeful show rabbit.
Well, I'll throw a wrench in the discussion. We raise Silver Fox for show and meat. We keep all our kits together until about 8 weeks. At that point we separate does from bucks. That is usually good for 2-3 weeks, at which time our bucks tend to start fighting. We separate them prior to 10 weeks if we have the cage space, as it only takes a second to tear an ear on an otherwise hopeful show rabbit.
That’s definitely a good point to consider. Mine are meat rabbits primarily, so it wasn’t something that even crossed my mind. But hopefully this will be helpful for the next person who wonders, if they aren’t solely meat focused!

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