ARBA Show questions

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Aug 14, 2023
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Apache Junction, AZ
I'm going to the ARBA ARIZONA STATE R&CBA, OPEN ALL BREED SHOW show on Feb 8, primarily to pick up an order from KW Cages (way cheaper to drive down there than to pay the shipping fee!) but I kind of figure if I'm already going down I may as well check out the show. Especially since I've been thinking about adding an outside doe for a while now and this would be a good opportunity, if there are sales at shows - but I can't find info about this on ARBA or anywhere else, about it. Like, are there even rabbit sales at these shows, when do the sales happen if so, etc. That way I can time my arrival.

Can anyone fill me in on how the shows work, if I'd be able to puchase a rabbit there, or point me to where to find such information on the site, maybe I'm just not knowing where to look? So far all I've found out is that there is no parking or entrance fee and I had to email the show contact to find out even that!
Generally rabbits are sold at shows yes
Usually people will have whiteboards they write "RABBIT(S) FOR SALE" on them and listed what they are and sometimes how much
You should be able to find plenty of people selling if you walk around the show area
I'm going to the ARBA ARIZONA STATE R&CBA, OPEN ALL BREED SHOW show on Feb 8, primarily to pick up an order from KW Cages (way cheaper to drive down there than to pay the shipping fee!) but I kind of figure if I'm already going down I may as well check out the show. Especially since I've been thinking about adding an outside doe for a while now and this would be a good opportunity, if there are sales at shows - but I can't find info about this on ARBA or anywhere else, about it. Like, are there even rabbit sales at these shows, when do the sales happen if so, etc. That way I can time my arrival.

Can anyone fill me in on how the shows work, if I'd be able to puchase a rabbit there, or point me to where to find such information on the site, maybe I'm just not knowing where to look? So far all I've found out is that there is no parking or entrance fee and I had to email the show contact to find out even that!
The catalog for the show is on the Arizona State RCBA Facebook page. Is there certain kind of rabbits you will be looking for?
I'm going to the ARBA ARIZONA STATE R&CBA, OPEN ALL BREED SHOW show on Feb 8, primarily to pick up an order from KW Cages (way cheaper to drive down there than to pay the shipping fee!) but I kind of figure if I'm already going down I may as well check out the show. Especially since I've been thinking about adding an outside doe for a while now and this would be a good opportunity, if there are sales at shows - but I can't find info about this on ARBA or anywhere else, about it. Like, are there even rabbit sales at these shows, when do the sales happen if so, etc. That way I can time my arrival.

Can anyone fill me in on how the shows work, if I'd be able to puchase a rabbit there, or point me to where to find such information on the site, maybe I'm just not knowing where to look? So far all I've found out is that there is no parking or entrance fee and I had to email the show contact to find out even that!
Each show sets their own rules about sales, so you won't get any information from the ARBA. Some shows allow no sales, some only allow animals entered in the show to be sold (like the ARBA National Convention), others have no restrictions at all.

There is a thread where several of us have put up a lot of information for show newcomers here:

Take a look at that to get an idea of what to expect. I'd also suggest that you get a copy of the show catalog (it's often just an email, not usually printed anymore) which will give you the basics of that particular show. The show secretary should be able to email it, or it may be posted on a website or Facebook or something.

You might also contact the show secretary again and ask if they know any breeders of your breed of interest are going to be there, so you can contact them ahead of time. (It depends on how big the show is and how close-knit the group is, but that would work up here. At least the secretary might be able to give you some rabbitries' websites or other contact information.) Exhibitors don't always bring all their sale rabbits along, but if you arrange a potential sale beforehand you might be more likely to find what you're looking for.

Like @RabbitsOfTheCreek says, walking around the showroom and talking with exhibitors is a good way to go. Not everybody posts a big sign, though, so it's worth asking if they have animals for sale or know someone who does. Plus, you might meet new friends. :)
The catalog for the show is on the Arizona State RCBA Facebook page. Is there certain kind of rabbits you will be looking for?
Leaning toward TAMUK composite due to heat resiliency, though I’m aware I probably won’t find that at a show since last I checked they aren’t a recognized breed with a standard (being a composite and all). In less looking for a specific breed and more for heat tolerance, good shape, and then some genetics that are likely to give me more steel coloring bc I fell in love with it and have a doe and a buck that with @Alaska Satin help
I’ve identified as silver-tipped steel.

I’m not on fb since 2019, so I’m not sure if I can get the list from the group but I’ll try with my husband’s account.

Is this the same show you’ll be at with your niece? How exciting! I think that’s what I remember from the other topic (which I did scan but didn’t see the info I wanted and I admit I was distracted with watching the confirmation hearing this morning and making sure my head didn’t explode 😂).
Leaning toward TAMUK composite due to heat resiliency, though I’m aware I probably won’t find that at a show since last I checked they aren’t a recognized breed with a standard (being a composite and all). In less looking for a specific breed and more for heat tolerance, good shape, and then some genetics that are likely to give me more steel coloring bc I fell in love with it and have a doe and a buck that with @Alaska Satin help
I’ve identified as silver-tipped steel.

I’m not on fb since 2019, so I’m not sure if I can get the list from the group but I’ll try with my husband’s account.

Is this the same show you’ll be at with your niece? How exciting! I think that’s what I remember from the other topic (which I did scan but didn’t see the info I wanted and I admit I was distracted with watching the confirmation hearing this morning and making sure my head didn’t explode 😂).
From what I heard Tamuk are awesome rabbits! You probably won't find any at the show, but someone there might breed them or they might know someone.

Admittedly, I actually don't have facebook either, I just have my sister use her account to get info I need, lol! I had her screenshot the catalog and text me with it that way.

And, Yes, this is the same show we are going to. I'm excited to go, I'll be showing my blue silver tipped steel english lop!
Leaning toward TAMUK composite due to heat resiliency, though I’m aware I probably won’t find that at a show since last I checked they aren’t a recognized breed with a standard (being a composite and all). In less looking for a specific breed and more for heat tolerance, good shape, and then some genetics that are likely to give me more steel coloring bc I fell in love with it and have a doe and a buck that with @Alaska Satin help
I’ve identified as silver-tipped steel.

I’m not on fb since 2019, so I’m not sure if I can get the list from the group but I’ll try with my husband’s account.

Is this the same show you’ll be at with your niece? How exciting! I think that’s what I remember from the other topic (which I did scan but didn’t see the info I wanted and I admit I was distracted with watching the confirmation hearing this morning and making sure my head didn’t explode 😂).
I'd be very surprised if you found any TAMUKS at a show, but that doesn't mean there wouldn't be any breeders who might raise them. It's worth asking around.

Many of the rabbits there will be locally raised, so more likely to be heat-resistant than rabbits from, say, Alaska. :ROFLMAO: You can mention that's one of your concerns as you talk with breeders. You'll probably want to buy stock from someone who does not have a climate-controlled barn...

If you love the steel variety, it's not hard to keep in your herd. Just find a breed that comes in agouti colors, especially chinchilla (to preserve the silver-tipped look). Some good options would be American Chinchilla, Satin, Rex, or Standard Chinchilla (5-7lbs) or Mini Lop (4.5-6.5lbs), which are a bit smaller but can still be good meat rabbits. Another good option, though you'd get gold-tipped steels for a while, would be New Zealand Red.

There are more and more of us who won't use Facebook, so most likely the show secretary will email you a copy of the catalog, which is how I get them.
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I'd be very surprised if you found any TAMUKS at a show, but that doesn't mean there wouldn't be any breeders who might raise them. It's worth asking around.

Many of the rabbits there will be locally raised, so more likely to be heat-resistant than rabbits from, say, Alaska. :ROFLMAO: You can mention that's one of your concerns as you talk with breeders. You'll probably want to buy stock from someone who does not have a climate-controlled barn...

If you love the steel variety, it's not hard to keep in your herd. Just find a breed that comes in agouti colors, especially chinchilla (to preserve the silver-tipped look). Some good options would be American Chinchilla, Satin, Rex, or Standard Chinchilla (5-7lbs) or Mini Lop (4.5-6.5lbs), which are a bit smaller but can still be good meat rabbits. Another good option, though you'd get gold-tipped steels for a while, would be New Zealand Red.

There are a more and more of us who won't use Facebook, so most likely the show secretary will email you a copy of the catalog, which is how I get them.
I’ll check with the secretary, that’s a good point! And thanks for the breed suggestions, that’s useful!

My barn is climate controlled to a degree as is, we pretty much have no choice here - last summer we had 113 days in a row above 100 degrees at my house, a couple of those months were above 110 every single day, and we probably had 7 months straight of temps above 90. It was 88 on Christmas Day this year! I know they can all handle 80-90 for a few days but not 100-115 for nearly 4 straight months! (Though the cottontails all survive it but they ARE smaller and do dig underground - or likely, under my climate controlled shed 😂)

I currently have American Chinchillas for the most part, even my silver tipped ones have mostly AmChin lineage, the one that first popped the STS kits has a Flemish/NZW 3 gen back and I kept her STS son and will keep one of his STS doeling kits too (from another doe), but even though I know line breeding is ok I’d like to introduce another steel-carrying buck just to be cool.
I’ll check with the secretary, that’s a good point! And thanks for the breed suggestions, that’s useful!

My barn is climate controlled to a degree as is, we pretty much have no choice here - last summer we had 113 days in a row above 100 degrees at my house, a couple of those months were above 110 every single day, and we probably had 7 months straight of temps above 90. It was 88 on Christmas Day this year! I know they can all handle 80-90 for a few days but not 100-115 for nearly 4 straight months! (Though the cottontails all survive it but they ARE smaller and do dig underground - or likely, under my climate controlled shed 😂)

I currently have American Chinchillas for the most part, even my silver tipped ones have mostly AmChin lineage, the one that first popped the STS kits has a Flemish/NZW 3 gen back and I kept her STS son and will keep one of his STS doeling kits too (from another doe), but even though I know line breeding is ok I’d like to introduce another steel-carrying buck just to be cool.
Whew! I'm looking at a high of -2F today, so 110F almost sounds nice - but not quite. You certainly have rabbit raising challenges I don't have to think about.

It'll be tough to find a steel-carrying buck outside the Flemish breed. I'm not a fan of Flemish for meat because they eat more, are less feed-efficient, and have tons of bone. The only other breeds that I can think of that come in steel are the lops, the angoras, Dutch and now Netherland Dwarfs, but most of those won't really help you as far as meat breeds (though Dutch can be a great small meat breed). There are many other breeds with steel out there, but you probably won't find them at an ARBA show. I have found a number of NZ Whites that carry steel and/or agouti, but that's impossible to tell by looking. The thing is, you don't really need steel <E(S)> if you already have it in your herd. All you need is to have the agouti <A_> that will continue allowing expression of the steel. That way you've still introduced new genetics, and since steel is dominant and will be expressed as long as there is an agouti allele, it will be easy to identify bunnies that carry it. If you've already got Am Chins, you've got the chinchilla <c(chd)> you need for keeping your steels silver-tipped.
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Whew! I'm looking at a high of -2F today, so 110F almost sounds nice - but not quite. You certainly have rabbit raising challenges I don't have to think about.

It'll be tough to find a steel-carrying buck outside the Flemish breed. I'm not a fan of Flemish for meat because they eat more, are less feed-efficient, and have tons of bone. The only other breeds that I can think of that come in steel are the lops, the Dutch, angoras, and now Netherland Dwarfs, but most of those won't really help you as far as meat breeds (though Dutch can be a great small meat breed). There are many other breeds with steel out there, but you probably won't find them at an ARBA show. I have found a number of NZ Whites that carry steel and/or agouti, but that's impossible to tell by looking. The thing is, you don't really need steel <E(S)> if you already have it in your herd. All you need is to have the agouti <A_> that will continue allowing expression of the steel. That way you've still introduced new genetics, and since steel is dominant and will be expressed as long as there is an agouti allele, it will be easy to identify bunnies that carry it. If you've already got Am Chins, you've got the chinchilla <c(chd)>you need for keeping our steels silver-tipped.
I’m one of those weirdos that LOVES the heat and sun. I often say I”m very much solar powered and I mean sun+heat. I’m the girl that’s out working on my farm stuff singing and dancing in 110 when everyone else is inside melting LOL. I’m so glad there are climates that accommodate all of us in this country - because I grew up in PNW Washington State (almost in Canada) and the gloom darn near killed me and that’s not hyperbole in the least. It’s where my mood disorders blossomed and were diagnosed, and it’s where I wound up finding out what the locked side of a psych ward door looks like. 😬
Oh! I grew up in WA too! I was near Seattle. I came to the heat to take care of my now late grandparents. I personally prefer cold over heat, but my immune system says differently, lol! I keep my rabbit in an AC controlled building, but even then, I'm worried all summer about losing power in the middle of the day or the AC having issues. I always have ice bottles ready in the freezer... If you are interested, when I first got meat rabbits, I got some from a family who kept theirs outside here year round for their own meat, and the rabbits were several years of generations. I had gotten a buck (ruby eyed white) and 2 does (a chestnut and a fawn). I just gave the 2 does and the 5 babies from the chestnut
to a friend whose just starting out in raising rabbits for her family. One of them is a gold tipped steel buck, I'm sure she'd be happy to sell him if you are interested. Not sure if the gold tipped will ruin your silver tipped though. I also still have his sire (the white), but he is aggresive, that's why my friend wouldn't take him. So he probably will go to the freezer.
Also, I just saw someone selling a pair of Tamuks on Craigslist in Mesa.
I’m one of those weirdos that LOVES the heat and sun. I often say I”m very much solar powered and I mean sun+heat. I’m the girl that’s out working on my farm stuff singing and dancing in 110 when everyone else is inside melting LOL. I’m so glad there are climates that accommodate all of us in this country - because I grew up in PNW Washington State (almost in Canada) and the gloom darn near killed me and that’s not hyperbole in the least. It’s where my mood disorders blossomed and were diagnosed, and it’s where I wound up finding out what the locked side of a psych ward door looks like. 😬
Actually, me too. I grew up in So. Cal. and really, really miss the sun and warmth. I'm not sure I'd want 110F just because of the animals (which is mostly why I also dread below zero - it's such a pain to keep the animals well-watered), but if it was just me, I'd be game. I endure the winters here for many reasons, but I love-love-love the nearly 24-hr sun in the summers! 😍

Everybody goes on about the seasons, but I was perfectly happy with year round summer in San Diego (not really, but close...if you wanted snow (why?) you could drive up to the mountains). A few years ago I took a bunch of high schoolers from Anchorage to a science fair in Phoenix, and while most of them panted and exclaimed about the heat, I was in heaven. 😁 The gray PNW would do me in, too. At least where I live in AK it's sunny more often than not...

One of them is a gold tipped steel buck, I'm sure she'd be happy to sell him if you are interested. Not sure if the gold tipped will ruin your silver tipped though.
Gold-tipped steel just means the animal is full-color <C_> instead of having a chinchilla allele in the dominant spot. Breed GTS with chinchilla (or STS) for a generation or two and you'll be back to STS.
Oh! I grew up in WA too! I was near Seattle. I came to the heat to take care of my now late grandparents. I personally prefer cold over heat, but my immune system says differently, lol! I keep my rabbit in an AC controlled building, but even then, I'm worried all summer about losing power in the middle of the day or the AC having issues. I always have ice bottles ready in the freezer... If you are interested, when I first got meat rabbits, I got some from a family who kept theirs outside here year round for their own meat, and the rabbits were several years of generations. I had gotten a buck (ruby eyed white) and 2 does (a chestnut and a fawn). I just gave the 2 does and the 5 babies from the chestnut
to a friend whose just starting out in raising rabbits for her family. One of them is a gold tipped steel buck, I'm sure she'd be happy to sell him if you are interested. Not sure if the gold tipped will ruin your silver tipped though. I also still have his sire (the white), but he is aggresive, that's why my friend wouldn't take him. So he probably will go to the freezer.
Also, I just saw someone selling a pair of Tamuks on Craigslist in Mesa.
I was between Lynden & Bellingham, literally 10 min from the border crossing! Small world!

My husband is worried about power outages especially in monsoon season so one of our first purchases here was a big whole house generator 😂 and when I got the buns he wired the mini split into the generator panel so it’ll work if main power does go out.

I’ll take a gander at the Craigslist option and maybe reach out about the friend you sold to if I am still looking in the next couple weeks. It’s hard to time adding new rabbits here too with quarantine having to be outside.

Speaking of small world… @Alaska Satin we lived in Temecula/Murrieta 2008-2019. Moved to Idaho for one winter before realizing our mistake & moving back to CA in our RV and eventually landed here in Arizona near my closest cousins that I grew up with in WA. I plan to never leave. We’d moved to Temecula from WA and it was my first clue to just how much the weather really impacted me. I totally agree with Cali You: if I want seasons I’ll visit a place that has ‘em and then go home to my steady sunny awesomeness!
I was between Lynden & Bellingham, literally 10 min from the border crossing! Small world!

Speaking of small world… @Alaska Satin we lived in Temecula/Murrieta 2008-2019. Moved to Idaho for one winter before realizing our mistake & moving back to CA in our RV and eventually landed here in Arizona near my closest cousins that I grew up with in WA. I plan to never leave. We’d moved to Temecula from WA and it was my first clue to just how much the weather really impacted me. I totally agree with Cali You: if I want seasons I’ll visit a place that has ‘em and then go home to my steady sunny awesomeness!
Small world, seriously! My first visit to WA was to see a friend who lived in Lynden. And my first wildlife job was at the Nature Conservancy Preserve in Murietta, although that was ca. 1989, so we didn't exactly cross paths..! :ROFLMAO: