Trying to find monthly cost, but I'm doubting my math skills, please help.

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Well-known member
Sep 27, 2021
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I've been thinking about starting my own breeding "program" (like a buck and doe, maybe two does, not really a program). and I'm trying to figure out how much it would cost me per month, but I'm needing someone to double check my math on this, or just advice from someone who keeps a better record of spending.

The only monthly cost I will really have is feed, and a bale of hay like every 3 months.
its about $22.50 per 50lb bag so to give myself some leeway I'll say $25. I feed the rabbits one cup per day which comes out to roughly 5.5 ounces weight. So here's the math.

50lb = 800 ounces
800/5.5 = 145 (so about 145 serving per bag)
145/4 = 36 (dividing by four includes having 2 breeders full time and feeding more to litters and nursing does)

So theoretically, one bag of feed should last me about 36 ish days.

Does this sound right?
i feed holland lop and Dutch who eat about a 1/3 of what you are feeding and triple the amount of rabbits, so yeah, I'd say your math is about right. I don't free fed anything, it's all measured. I feed growers by what they leave behind and over the past twenty some years I've learned that a serving (adult size being 1/4-1/3 cup) plus a half serving per two kits is about what they eat as they mature. So for three kits in a cage they would get a bit less than 1 and 2/3 cup feed per day, less if I'm feeding a whack of greens in the summer.
Looks about right to me, too. My feed is $19.50/50lbs and I’m feeding at the moment 7 adults and 9 kits; the inactive does and the bucks get 6oz, the mommas with kits get unlimited at this point (kits are 4 weeks). 50lb bag lasts around 25 days currently.
I feed mostly New Zealand rabbits .. (the rest are rex).
Those numbers are fairly close to mine as well. My bag runs $24/50lb delivered.. so I rounded up to $25. Plus I did add 1 rabbit for waste.. well that and it made for easier math.
😆 But my litter sizes are all over the place with first time mums and bucks. Plus the # of litters on feed ..