Is it worth the risk to keep this buck?

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Oct 30, 2024
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Over the last month, I had a breakout of snuffles on the pen where I had my buck "Ton" and his 5 growouts. Everyone got infected except for one male kit. White snot, matted paws, the works. The 4 infected siblings got culled but I gave a chance to Ton as he had a mild case and got better quick, until he relapsed badly and in the same period got a skin condition and lost a bunch of weight so he was culled as well.

Through all of this this male kit, "Ran" was completely healthy without a single sneeze or skin issue, so I decided to keep him to breed resistance.

...And now he has been sneezing. His eyes and nose have a bit of a completely clear and fluid discharge, his paws are completely clean and fine, but he sneezes.
Since summer is about to start here I have until end of january to monitor the situation before I breed again, but I'm scared of infecting my beloved does.

Would you give him some time and continue monitoring in the hope of it being just allergies to preserve his apparent resistance, or would you not risk it?
I am just starting with a trip and it's difficult to get breeders where I live (middle of a metropolis) so I am kind of careful with the culling at the moment.
In horses a little clear discharge is no reason for worries, only the colored stuff is. And humans in changing seasons get some of this as a reaction without it being an infection. I have a bit of runny nose going into fall/winter, no infection, just a reaction to diffences in temperature and humidity.
Keep a close eye on it, but on the other side a new animal is just as much a risk.
There were a couple of rabbits here who had the same symptoms and they got better after half their feed was replaced with dry oatmeal for about a week. There's something in oatmeal that seems to decrease sneezes and runny noses. Plus the bunnies like oatmeal.

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