Kits starting to move around

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Jan 13, 2024
Reaction score
You guys didn’t warn me that Calf Manna was like crack to bunnies! 🤣 As soon as momma catches a sniff of the bag being open, she comes running over to the corner near the food bins. She even stands in her water to try to get closer.

As a side question, the kits now have open eyes and are starting to more more (will be 2 weeks old Sunday). Do I need to move her food/water or are they okay? (Overhead picture).
Thank you so much!!


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The food should be fine but I'd definitely raise the water, just in case
Thank you! Do they not need water, get it from mom? Or should I lower the water bottle? I added the bowls because of the recent heat and she started drinking a lot more after they were born.
Thank you! Do they not need water, get it from mom? Or should I lower the water bottle? I added the bowls because of the recent heat and she started drinking a lot more after they were born.
I have a few month old Kits and they occasionally try to drink from the does' water bottles, my main concern would be them getting stuck in the bowl and having water drop into them
I have a few month old Kits and they occasionally try to drink from the does' water bottles, my main concern would be them getting stuck in the bowl and having water drop into them
Gotcha! That makes sense. They’re starting to try to get around but if they flipped in there by accident they definitely wouldn’t be able to get out.