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May 24, 2022
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So she had 5 kits this evening at 6pm, she had 4 in the box and 1 outside the box afterwards. 2 in the box were stillborn and 1 outside the box was too. Out of tge 2 that survived 1 is half the size of the other but very active compared to the bigger one.

I did notice today the kits were not as active today in her belly like they were yesterday

Im heartbroken, she was not disturbed at all during, I left her 30 min to be sure then on checking she had come out of the box, so I checked on her and the kits.

praying the 2 kits survive, mum has been amazing during pregnancy and was doing all the right things with great instincts. Even hay stashing on day 12, and started again from day 26, nest with fur has been built since then.
she don’t eat the placenta though.


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Is it her first time
Yes it’s her first time. Her mothering instincts have been so good to, she was haystashing on day 12 and then again on day 26 with nest building, digging hair pulling. They looked a good size but we’re warm and floppy. I’m thinking that maybe 1 got stuck or something like that. Really disheartening 😞.
Yes it’s her first time. Her mothering instincts have been so good to, she was haystashing on day 12 and then again on day 26 with nest building, digging hair pulling. They looked a good size but we’re warm and floppy. I’m thinking that maybe 1 got stuck or something like that. Really disheartening 😞.
I have yet to have a first-time mom even have surviving kits, so it just sounds like a first-time mom thing to me
I have yet to have a first-time mom even have surviving kits, so it just sounds like a first-time mom thing to me
Reassuring to know, maybe it will be worth trying again when she has fully recovered.
just hope the 2 from last night survive.
Treat her as normal. Be sure she has plenty of fresh water and food. It is hard to know why the kits died. Too cold, too hot, weak, etc...
To date, I have had three first time Dams kindle. They have all successfully raised their litter.

The baby outside of the box most likely got too cold.
The two remaining will most likely be fine.
I never had any issue wit first timers, but that might vary with breed, size, line etc. - mine are well sized 10lbs meat mutts, small breeds might really be a different matter.

If you ever find a cold kit it's worth to try to warm it up (plastic bag, body warm water), sometimes they come back.
That she didn't eat the placenta might be a sign that she was very exhausted, maybe that kept her from cleaning the amniotic sac off in time, but it would need lucky timing to help with such things and more likely there wouldn't have been anything to be done to help anyway.

Such things happen, it's part of animal husbandry. Good luck with the remaining two :)
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I never had any issue wit first timers, but that might vary with preed, size, line etc. - mine are well sized 10lbs meat mutts, small breeds might really be a different matter.

If you ever find a cold kit it's worth to try to warm it up (plastic bag, body warm water), sometimes they come back.
That she didn't eat the placenta might be a sign that she was very exhausted, maybe that kept her from cleaning the amniotic sac off in time, but it would need lucky timing to help with such things and more likely there wouldn't have been anything to be done to help anyway.

Such things happen, it's part of animal husbandry. Good luck with the remaining two :)
The ones that had passed were warm and floppy, luckily I was there when she kindled and was keeping a close eye from a distance so literally she came out of the box in 30 min and I intervened to remove lifeless kits.

I did notice in the day that they wire kicking in mum a lot less than the previous day though so this may of been an indicator that they had passed inside her tum?! Pure guess work in hindsight though!

I did put them down my chest and then into a bag of warm warmer then onto a heat pad but think it was to far gone.

My mum said I should of tried to revive using gentle cpr compression so wish I had though at the time but too much time had passed by then.

we live and learn!

2 remaining kits look ok
The ones that had passed were warm and floppy, luckily I was there when she kindled and was keeping a close eye from a distance so literally she came out of the box in 30 min and I intervened to remove lifeless kits.

I did notice in the day that they wire kicking in mum a lot less than the previous day though so this may of been an indicator that they had passed inside her tum?! Pure guess work in hindsight though!

I did put them down my chest and then into a bag of warm warmer then onto a heat pad but think it was to far gone.

My mum said I should of tried to revive using gentle cpr compression so wish I had though at the time but too much time had passed by then.

we live and learn!

2 remaining kits look ok
Oh and thanks for the response ❤️
I did notice in the day that they wire kicking in mum a lot less than the previous day though so this may of been an indicator that they had passed inside her tum?! Pure guess work in hindsight though!
When birth is imminent the kits get into position ready to be born and don't move.
The ones that had passed were warm and floppy, luckily I was there when she kindled and was keeping a close eye from a distance so literally she came out of the box in 30 min and I intervened to remove lifeless kits.

I did notice in the day that they wire kicking in mum a lot less than the previous day though so this may of been an indicator that they had passed inside her tum?! Pure guess work in hindsight though!

I did put them down my chest and then into a bag of warm warmer then onto a heat pad but think it was to far gone.

My mum said I should of tried to revive using gentle cpr compression so wish I had though at the time but too much time had passed by then.

we live and learn!

2 remaining kits look ok
my first time I experienced 2 still births, it is not easy. I tried the chest compressions but this did nothing. Sometimes it is just nature, and we have to move on. If you did revive them what's to say they wouldn't be compromised in some way. Im sorry you went through this, try doe again and see how she fairs the second time.
my first time I experienced 2 still births, it is not easy. I tried the chest compressions but this did nothing. Sometimes it is just nature, and we have to move on. If you did revive them what's to say they wouldn't be compromised in some way. Im sorry you went through this, try doe again and see how she fairs the second time.
Thanks, the 2 survivors are doing well. They are just starting to open their eyes. The runt is looking less like a runt now 😂


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