Weed and Feed - Rabbit safety question

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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2012
Reaction score
Payson, Utah
Our yard is being overtaken with weeds (mainly dandelions). Dh bought some weed and feed.

I was planning on building a rabbit tractor. We occasionally have a rabbit out running around (like yesterday when our nephews were over, we got out one of our mellow rabbits and let him hop around so they could pet him and chase him). I am sick of these weeds, but don't want to endanger my buns.

Will I be able to let them out on the grass again? When? He hasn't treated the lawn yet, but the weeds are absolutely horrible. We have to do something.
Dandelions are not 'weeds,' they are rabbit food!!!

A weed is just a plant whose virtues have not been found---

And, if you don't like the yellow flowers, pick them every day-- feed them to the rabbits-- then, when the inevitable summer drought hits, the leaves of the dandelions will be green, making your lawn the envy of your neighborhood...

I'm sooooo jealous of your dandelions! I'm trying to find some to grow, but have been coming up empty-handed.
I don't use pesticides or herbicides, so don't know the answer to your question on safety.

I bet if you tractor your rabbits, the first thing they will eat is the weeds though. Until you get a tractor built, maybe you could just use a regular rabbit cage flipped upside down or on its side so the 1" x 2" wire is on the ground to make grazing easier.
before putting any weed killer down, I would try the rabbits to see if they
could keep the problem at bay.
you will be surprised how well they can keep the lawn mowed.
I agree, use the rabbits to keep the 'weeds' down. With liquid killers, it should be listed how long to wait. But with granules, those take a long time, many good rains, to be liquified and soaked into the ground. I wouldn't risk it or at least, make a section of your yard, where water won't run in from treated lawn, just for the rabbits.
They're right, it all depends on the herbicide and how it's delivered.

Does something have to be done about the weeds? Are you required to keep the weeds at bay? Or is it a matter of perspective?

If you're not required to keep the weeds at bay, maybe what you're looking at isn't a bunch of undesirable plants encroaching on your lawn, but loads of free bunny food! :p
It is one of those ones that you hook up to your hose. I didn't mind the flowers, but then we got hot and they all went to seed. My front and back yard are covered. Dh thinks he can control them by using it every couple of months. That should be fine for still allowing the rabbits to graze. They love dandelions when they find them in the hay or if you bring them fresh ones. I have never seen any of the rabbits eat them when they are out running around though.
*note that the following comes from an organic gardener*

The Weed and Feed solutions are, obviously, an herbicide and fertilizer combo. Most folks now recommend getting away from the combos and using just what you need. They are finding some issues with repeated use, especially for children, involving neurological issues and cancers. The children are more affected because they spend more time out in the yard. I would assume the same holds true for animals in the yard.

That being said, once the product dries, it is "presumed" safe. Oh, and Weed and Feed is recommended for use just twice a year- spring and fall.