Wry NECK??

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Cindi Davis

Well-known member
Apr 3, 2012
Reaction score
Hope I spelled that right, but Hooked on Phonics should work to.

Having never dealt with it, what is it exactly and how contagious is it ??
I've read there's two parts to it, one can be infection/disease that causes it and the other is vitamin deficiency. In chickens, it's usually a lack of vitamins.
Next Question: I read the article and that she did continue to breed this animal BUT is it actually a good idea ?
I wouldn't do it, a pregnancy will probably worsen the state of the disease and get passed on to the kits, wry neck is is heritable.
Rabbits can be healthy for a long time and then suddenly get ill and show symptoms.. but the rabbit can continue a happy normal life if it is treated. Also it is contagious and will spread through pee, contaminated rabbits should be treated as well.
Neville had it due to the fast weather change and a draft. Caught it right when it happened and got him to the Vet immediately. The antibiotic worked wonders and now he has no sign of any head tilt. Healthy as a horse. None of my other tribe members got it after he did.

I had one get wry neck I think from the birds nesting in the stable above the colony stalls. I treated them all according to that link and never had another show symptoms. The sick one never recovered. Not wanting to pay for steroids as the next line of treatment I put it down.