I have been pasturing my kits in a pen for the past 3 weeks (they are just starting their 8th week) and I use an enclosure 7'w x 7'l x 24"h made from 1/4" hardware cloth wired together and 4 rebar stakes. Today, I also topped the pen with an old king sized sheet held on in the 30-40mph winds with spring clamps. These babies generally don't dig, but when there is a bare patch of nice, moist dirt, one really started digging yesterday

I am also out there with them all day so I can monitor them. They also like to see me, so if I go around the corner of the house for a chore, I make sure to go and check on them and talk to them. I also provide a pan of pellets and oats along with the water bowl, and I use the halves of a pet taxi for hidey holes. This can also be used to block any gap in the fencing, and I will also use bricks to line the outside of the pen if needed. These babies started on greens in the mother's cage, and I started increasing their greens in the inside corral and by limiting their outside time, working up to being outside from 9am to 7pm.
For the adults, I dug out about 6" in an area where there is only about 2 hours of sun 2x per day and laid down a chain link "flooring", wired it to the sides, then back filled with about 4" of dirt. I have been scraping up the bermuda grass that has invaded my expansion joints in my sidewalks and transplanting it into the adult pen along with more dirt on top. The adults are all diggers, so I am probably losing about a quarter of the bermuda transplants, but when it takes, I will be able to get it to fill in the spots where they want to dig. I am also building a sand box for them to take a dust bath in where I will be able to include some DE. This will be taken in when we are going to have rain, so it will stay dry. I am also including plenty of weeds and have several local weeds that they love growing out so I can harvest seed to spread in the pen. I have also thrown in some parsley and basil seed, and have alfalfa growing to seed here too.
So far, I only put a sheet awning over the baby's pen as the adult pen is 4' chain link with a foot print of 9' x 7'. I also live inside city limits and don't have too many aerial predators ... the occassional red tailed hawk, and the local cats are a worry, but so far, the pellet gun has convinced them to avoid my property :lol:
I realize that most cannot be outside and attentive to open-topped cages like I can, but they are convenient for me and the buns love them. However, the adults only get a couple of hours each (5 adults) to run in the pen, but after the first half hour of running, marking, digging, and checking for possible escape routes, I find them either eating on the grass, or lounging around in the shade. The best part is that the babies are easy to move around the lawn and provide 4 footed, all terrain lawn mowing