I didn't know whether to post this here or in Rabbit Care but this forum doesn't get as much love as Rabbit care so here it is.
I don't much care for going to multiple websites in order to find the information I'm looking for and that is what I've had to do in finding what affects which herbs had on rabbits. I also have found that when you need the information the most from websites, that for some reason those websites are either down or non-existent anymore. So I decided to consolidate all the information I've found in a word sheet. I've also posted the links to the websites here: http://rabbittalk.com/affects-of-herbs-t14499.html
Without further adieu here is my list.
Most information obtained from: http://www.ostararabbitry.com/herbal-rabbit-care/, http://www.sisterzeus.com/Emmeno.htm, http://twohunnyzrabbitry.webs.com/herbinformation.htm, http://www.threelittleladiesrabbitry.com/rabbitsandherbs.php & http://www.healthypetcorner.com/rabbit.html . That was much more difficult than I thought it would be since the format didn't carry over.
Words in red are fruits. Words in black are herbs. Mostly anyway. It's late and I'm not double checking all the reds and blacks.
Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria)
Family: Rosaceae
A safe food for even young animals. Agrimony has been used in Veterinary medicine for its haemostatic and alterative properties. Sheep and goats eat it, too. Also used for Conjunctivitis.
Constituents: Coumarins; flavanoids including apigenin and quercitin; glycosidal bitter; nicotinic acid; silicic acid; iron; vitamins B & K; essential oils.
Actions: Astringent, tonic, diuretic, vulnerary, cholagogue.
Avens (Geum urbanum)
Family: Rosaceae
Used for a variety of intestinal disturbances and conditions affecting the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat. Powerful heart tonic. Strengthener of the stomach and intestines. Cleanser of the liver and spleen.
Constituents: Essential oils with gein and eugenol; tannins; bitter principles; flavone; resin; organic acids.
Actions: Astringent, styptic; diaphoretic; aromatic.
Great for digestion, apples are amphoteric, which means it works to either bulk up the bowels when loose or loosen them up if constipated.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Two tablespoons to a gallon of water, fill bowl as necessary, this increases the appetite, and stimulates weight gain. A mix of apple cider vinegar in olive oil can be used topically to treat ear mites. TIP! Make your own Apple Cider Vinegar with left over apple cores!
Baking Soda
use as a paste by mixing with a little water to relieve the pain of a nail cut too short, a scratch, or sore hocks.
due to the vitamin B12 and potassium, it encourages weight gain and stimulates appetite. Use the peel and banana, fresh or dried chips can be used.
Leaves can be rubbed on insect bites to reduce itching and inflammation. Leaves can also be taken as a warming and uplifting tonic for nervous exhaustion or any cold condition. The juice with an equal quantity of honey can be used for ringworm and itching skin. An infusion (tea) of Basil combined with Wood Betony can be given immediately after birthing to prevent a retained placenta or afterbirth. Cautions- do not use essential oils externally or internally. Harvest before flowering.
Chewing, pain relief, anti-inflammatory, diuretic.
Black Oil Sunflower Seeds (AKA: BOSS)
Coat condition
Used for pregnant does, summer cooling, stimulate appetite, diarrhea
Help relieve diarrhea because they are rich in tannins and pectin
Blue Cohosh
Works the same as Shepard’s Purse. It can be used if doe has a hard time birthing or kit are stuck. It will dilate the birth canal. Do not give while pregnant, wait until doe is due. It will induce labor. Also it will help in healing once kits are born.
Borage (Borago officinalis)
Family: Boraginaceae
Powerful tonic and nervine. Borage is rich in calcium, phosphorous and mineral salts. The seeds are a rich source of GLA. Borage is particularly useful when fed during drug treatment, recovery and periods of stress as it acts on the adrenal cortex, restoring and reviving the function of this important gland. Will greatly increase milk flow. Used externally for general eye ailments and as a ringworm remedy.
Constituents: Saponins; mucilage; tannins; essential oil.
Actions: Diaphoretic, expectorant, tonic, anti-inflammatory, galactagogue.
Calendula (Calendula officinalis)
Family: Compositae
Calendula flowers are a safe food for rabbits. They are tonic and a good heart medicine, having restorative powers over the arteries and veins. Makes miserable and fretting animals cheerful. Sought out by goats and sheep. Reduces muscle tension and spasm. Promotes wound healing and stops bleeding. Calendula ointment, cream and gel are good for rabbits with sore skin; the ointment being water resistant and useful for paws, the gel and cream are more easily absorbed into the skin.
Constituents: Triterpenes; carotenoids; saponins; flavanoids.
Actions: Anti-inflammatory, mucilage, antiseptic, antifungal.
Chamomile, German (Matricaria recutita)
Family: Asteracaea
Chamomile is wonderful for digestion and eye ailments. Roman Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) and Pineapple Weed are also beneficial. Chamomile has a cooling and soothing effect, reduces inflammation, clears toxins, active against bacteria, and promotes tissue repair.
Constituents- flavonoids;
Actions- mucilage, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory
Chamomile Tea Eye Compress
Take a used tea bag and use as an eye compress on a particularly icky eye.
Chamomile Tea Eye wash
Brew 1 tea bag in 1/4 cup of water. Add 1/4 teaspoon of non-iodized salt (kosher, sea salt, canning or pickling salt) and let dissolve. Add a small teaspoon of honey and allow to dissolve. Use a standard 3cc syringe (or the like) and gentle flush the eye with the solution. I always trance my rabbits for this step.
Chamomile tincture
Dissolve 5-10 drops of tincture in warm water, and use as above.
Chickweed (Stellaria media)
Family: Caryophllacae
Not a great favorite as a green food, but can be safely fed in small amounts and is particularly valuable for dry, itchy skin conditions when used externally. Highly tonic food for the digestive system. Chickweed is very high in calcium with a Ca
of 3:1. One of the few edible herbs rich in copper.
Constituents: Saponins; coumarins; flavanoids; triterpenoids; carboxylic acids; vitamin C; calcium.
Actions: Anti-rheumatic, vulnerary, emollient, astringent and stops itching.
Use cooked carrots to treat diarrhea. When they’re cooked, carrots seem to soothe the digestive tract and control the diarrhea while also providing nutrients that are lost.
Cleavers (Galium aparine)
Family: Rubiaceae
Also called Goose Grass or Sweetheart Plant
Constituents: Iridoid coumarins including glycoside asperuloside, gallotannic acid, citric acid.
Actions: Diuretic, alterative, anti-inflammatory, tonic, astringent, may inhibit and combat development of tumours.
Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara)
Family: Compositae
A safe plant to feed, much loved by guinea pigs. Aids in coughs and pneumonia. Do not over-feed as Coltsfoot contains alkaloids.
Constituents: Flowers- Mucin; flavanoids rutin and carotene; taraxanthin; rnidiol and faridiol; tannin; essential oil. Leaves- Mucin; tannin; glycosidal bitter principle; inulin; sitosterol; useful levels of zinc.
Actions: Expectorant, anti-tussive, demulcent, anti-catarrhal, diuretic.
Comfrey (Symphytum officinale)
Family: Rubiaceae
A useful plant, but must not be fed to excess due to the alkaloids it contains. The young shoots are especially nutritious. Aids internal hemorrhage, including uterine. Amazing ability to aid a speedy and firm uniting of fractured surfaces- skin wounds and bones. It encourages the natural healing process and speeds formation of new bone cells, probably due to the allantoin, known to promote granulation and the making of epithelial cells, and the powerful healing agent choline.
Highly recommended for rabbits. It is a digestive aid, helps with wool block and is used for many other things. It is an old remedy which should under no circumstances be discounted. In extreme doses, comfrey can cause diarrhea. This is its effects working too hard and if left unnoticed, the rabbit may dehydrate. When used with common sense, Comfrey is one of the best herbs we can give the bunnies!"
Constituents: Mucilage; gum; allantoin; tannins; saponins; pyrrolizidine alkaloids; phenolic acids, including rosmarine, cholergenic and caffeic; choline; resin; volatile oil.
Actions: Vulnerary, demulcent, astringent, expectorant.
Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus)
Family: Compositae
Powerful nervine properties not excelled by any other plant. Valuable tonic and digestive aid. Mildly laxative.
Cornsilk (Zea mays)
Family: Gramicea
A useful tonic and astringent, but the seed pods can get tangled in long coats and should not be fed. Cleavers has a long history of medicinal use, human and veterinary. Particularly valuable in a wide range of problems which involve the lymphatic system and in dry skin conditions. The threads that lie between the corn cob and the outer leaves are not only good food for rabbits and cavies, but are also a valuable herbal remedy for the urinary tract. The soft, brown, dried, fibers can also be used as bedding.
Constituents: Saponins; sterols; polyphenols.
Actions: Increases urine production, soothes internal body surfaces.
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)
Family: Compositae
One of the most valuable plants known to the herbalist. Blood cleansing and tonic, it has an important effect on the hepatic system. The leaves strengthen the enamel of teeth. Goats graze well on it, too. The presence of potassium makes dandelion a very balanced diuretic, but it should not be fed in large amounts due to its laxative properties.
"Dandelion is an excellent food given fresh in unlimited quantities. Fermenting or wilted plants can cause bloat. Dandelions are one of the most nutritious food plants for rabbits. Being rich in protein and poor in fiber. The digestibility percentage is high at an estimated 70%. Well known for it's curative powers. The bitter milky sap stimulates the working of all glands, including the milk glands of lactating does. The plant has both laxative and astringent qualities and regulates constipation and diarrhea.
Dandelion is good for many things in people and can be used for rabbits with these problems also: preventing osteoporosis (for the old bunny), bladder infections, lactating, liver problems, swelling, tonsillitis, warts, and pneumonia.
Constituents: Glycosides triterpenoids; choline; up to 5% potassium; sesquiterpene lactones; bitter principle; taraxin; triterpines including taraxol and stigmasterol; phenolic acids; polysaccharides; carotenoids.
Actions: Diuretic, cholagogue, laxative, anti-rheumatic, tonic.
Increases milk production, increases appetite, increases intestinal health. Leaves work, but seeds are stronger. Sprinkling of seeds over pellets.
Echinacea (Echinacea augustifolia)
Family: Compositae
A native plant of North America where it is grazed by most animals and considered by the indigenous peoples to be their most valuable medicinal herb.
Constituents: Volatile oil; glycosides; echinaceine; phenolics.
Actions: Anti-microbial, alterative.
Elderflower (Sambucus nigra)
Family: Caprifoliaceae
The flowers are beneficial in the cure of almost all common ailments in animals. Very cooling. The dried, powdered leaves act as an external insecticide. Do not feed the leaves or bark. The raw berries are unsuitable for herbivores, although the extract is a rich source of vitamin C.
Constituents: Flavanoids; volatile oil; phenolic acid; triterpenes; sterols; mucilage; tannins.
Actions: Diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic.
Elecampane (Inula helenium)
Family: Compositae
Known also as Inula. Valuable as a food for its inulin content. Inulin is a fructo-oligo-saccharide (fos) which acts as a prebiotic. Elecampane root is a good source of calcium with a high Ca
ratio. Used in human herbal medicine in cough preparations and by the Romans as a digestive.
Constituents: Inulin; volatile oil; saponins; sterol.
Actions: Digestive, expectorant, induces sweating, antiseptic.
Dried and powdered, and sprinkled repel fleas
Weepy eye
Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)
Family: Umbelliferae
Sweet Fennel is a valuable food for rabbits. An excellent vegetable for lactating Does and sows as it increases milk production. Produces an abundance of sweet milk in dairy animals, too. Fennel is an important medicinal plant possessing highly antiseptic and tonic properties. For digestive ailments including colic, constipation, fever and worms.
Constituents: Volatile oil; flavanoids; coumarin.
Actions: Stimulates and soothes the stomach, relieves wind, galactagogue.
Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum)
Family: Leguminosae
Fenugreek benefits cases of diabetes in rabbits and rats and helps protect the liver. The seeds have powerful disinfectant and emollient lubricant properties. An important appetizer and great fattening herb in cases of wasting. Rich in vitamins, including E. High in nitrates, calcium and phosphorous. Seeds should not be fed during pregnancy other than to stimulate delayed labor. *Personal Note: It is also said to help stimulate milk production for women who's milk output is starting to decrease when breast feeding*
Constituents: Volatile oil; alkaloids; saponins; vitamins A, B1 and C; mucilage; protein and minerals.
Actions: Stimulates uterine contractions, lactation and appetite, encourages weight gain.
Increases sperm count and motility of the sperm. Give in small pieces the size of a quarter (coin). Works well for nausea and/or diarrhea. Dried, powdered can be given at weaning to kits to ease transition to grass and pellets.
Garlic (Allium sativum)
Family: Lilacae
Garlic is one of the most effective anti-microbial plants available, acting on bacteria, viruses and alimentary parasites. It supports the development of natural bacterial gut flora whilst killing pathogenic organisms. A general cleansing and protective herb. Supreme immunizer of stock against infectious disease. Used externally, diluted garlic juice is a useful wound wash and a few drops added to drinking water will help prevent infection and act as a mild wormer. Garlic juice diluted 1:10 in water, use on areas where a rabbit has become soiled to encourage the rabbit to clean itself. A fertility herb for both sexes. *Do not use garlic every day. Only when there is need to combat or prevent disease organisms. Long term use of garlic has been reported as causing a form of anemia in dogs.*
Constituents: Volatile oil containing sulfur compounds, particularly alliin which converts to allicin and then aloen when a clove is crushed; geraniol and linalool; mucilage; glucokinin; germanium; crotonaldehyde.
Actions: Antiseptic, anti-viral, diaphoretic, cholagogue, febrifuge, vermifuge, hypotensive, antispasmodic.
Goat's Rue (Galega officinale)
Family: Leguminosae
Goat's Rue is the most powerful of all herbs for increasing milk supply and it may also stimulate the development of the mammary glands.
Constituents: Alkaloid saponins; flavone glycosides; bitters; tannin.
Actions: Reduces blood sugar, galactogogue, diuretic, diaphoretic.
Golden Rod (Solidago virgaurae)
Family: Compositae
Golden Rod is enjoyed by rabbits and guinea pigs for its aromatic, pleasant taste. Useful to disguise disagreeable taste of other herbs. In addition, it grows back thicker when the tops are harvested. A wonderfully aromatic plant, Golden Rod adds taste and flavor to fresh herb salads. A digestive aid. Used externally and internally to induce sweating. Externally to stop bleeding of wounds.
Constituents: Saponins; essential oil; bitter principle; tannins; flavanoids.
Actions: Anti-catarrhal, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, diaphoretic, carmative, diuretic.
Grapefruit Seed Extract
This, and Pumpkin Seeds, are our dewormers of choice. We also administer this to any new animals in our herd because it is antibacterial, a fungicide, antiviral, and anti-parasitic. Put 10 drops of extract in a gallon of water for 2 weeks . . . or longer if there is a known bad problem. Combined with raw pumpkin seeds supplemented into daily salad rations, this mix should clean out your rabbits.
Laxative, molt
Kava Kava
Calms and extends the benefits of chiropractic adjustments.
Lambs Quarter
Another good wormer for rabbits. Use “baby” lamb’s quarters, because older plant may be too bitter and be rejected. In spring it is very useful because it starts early when greens are a bit limited.
Common Lavender - or - Narrow leaved Lavender - or - Lavender Spike (Lavendula augustifolia) "Lavender is not to be used lightly or frivolously in breeding stock. It has a direct effect upon the uterus in helping to expel the contents, dead or alive, as well as being a diuretic. A late birthing doe will benefit from a little Lavender in order to naturally speed the process and it saves using drugs. The flowers are actually a mild tranquilizer, acting upon the heart in easing blood pressure rather than acting upon the brain as an anti-stimulant. In other words, good for a stressed out rabbit. Lavender Cotton (Abrotonum foemina, Chamaecyparissus) is a specific medicine for internal worms, and also assists the kidneys in cleansing and breaking up of stones. It also helps reduce swellings if applied outwardly, and is generally good taken internally for the liver, chest and uterus."
Lavender is analgesic or pain-relieving, anticonvulsive, antidepressant, antimicrobial, antirheumatic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antitoxic, gas-relieving, bile-stimulating, deodorant, diuretic, insect-repelling, relaxing, circulation-stimulating, tonic and worm-repelling. Effective against burns & scalds, neutralizes the venom of insect bites & stings.
Lavender Oil
Inhaled or ingested, it treats respiratory conditions. Orally, it relieves nausea, prevents flatulence, alleviates cramping, improves digestion & clears urinary tract infections. Applied to the skin & coat, it helps repel insects & treats abscesses, fungal infections, ringworm, lice, scabies, sores, sunburn, dermatitis, earache, wounds & inflammation. Reduces anxiety & lifts the spirits.
"I haven't tried straight Lavender Oil by mouth or used it that way on my rabbits. I have used it in apple cider vinegar or water. I have made Lavender tea from the flowers to give my rabbits by mouth and I've sprinkled some of the flowers on top of their food. One of my books says to add 3 to 5 drops of the oil on a sugar cube and take twice a day orally. So you may want to dilute it with carrier oil, water, or apple cider vinegar."
Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)
Family: Labitae
A safe food for rabbits and guinea pigs. Lemon Balm has a calming action and is good for the digestive system. Strong tonic properties.
Constituents: Volatile oils; flavanoids; polyphenols.
Actions: Soothing, sedative, promotes sweating, increases milk yield, prevents miscarriage.
Gastric inflammation, coughs.
Laxative, molt
Bruises, contusion & strains, slowly healing wounds, ulcers, skin diseases, digestive problems, gall bladder complaints.
Marjoram, Sweet (Majorana, Sampiucus, Amaracus)
A diuretic, opens obstructions of the liver and spleen, is good for colic pains and for disorders of the head (whatever they are) and settles the nerves.
Marjoram, Wild (Origanum Vulgare)
For "colds"- although rabbits do not actually contract the head cold as we know it. Useful for coughs, pleurisy and obstruction of the lungs and uterus (take care here) and is also calming. This one, crushed and applied direct, will help control swellings and eruptions and bruises. Apparently the distilled oil of this will ease toothache.
Marshmallow (Althea officinalis)
Family: Malvaceae
The whole plant is edible and has a long history of use. Used in the pharmaceutical industry, Marshmallow root is particularly valuable in inflammation of the mouth, throat, digestive and urinary tracts. It can also be used externally. Marshmallow is high in calcium with a high Ca
ration and good vitamin C content.
Constituents: Root- 25-35% mucilage; tannins' pectins; asparagine; quercitin and kaempferol; phenolic acids such as salicylic acid. Leaf- Mucilage; flavanoids; essential oil.
Actions: Root- Demulcent, diuretic, emollient, vulnerary. Leaf- Demulcent, expectorant, diuretic, emollient.
Meadowsweet (Filpendula ulmaria)
Family: Rosaceae
A good Spring tonic. Natural source of salicylic acid, the active ingredient in aspirin. An important fever and diarrhea herb. Meadowsweet's tannins and other ingredients act to protect the lining of the stomach and intestines against ulceration. It acts to reduce acidity in the stomach, which in turn helps reduce acidity levels in the rest of the body. Eaten plentifully by sheep and goats.Unsuitable for people and animals sensitive to aspirin.
Constituents: Flavanol and phenolic glycosides; volatile oil; polyphenols.
Actions: Anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, astringent, diuretic, eases stomach pain.
Melilot (Melilotus officinalis)
Family: Leguminosae
An important tonic herb and anti-colic. Liked by all animals and should be encouraged in pastures. For treatment of most stomach and intestinal disorders. Should be used immediately or dried if harvested as it is toxic if spoiled.
Constituents: Flavanoids; coumarins; tannins; volatile oil; melilotic acid.
Actions: Mildly sedative, antispasmodic.
Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum)
Family: Compositae
In herbal medicine the seeds are used, but the whole plant can be fed to rabbits and cavies. A safe food for all ages, but particularly nursing Does and sows. Only the leaves and softer young stems should be fed as animals normally refuse the harder stems. Very tonic. For treatment of debility and female complaints.
Constituents: Flavones silybum, silydianin and silychristin; essential oils; bitter principles; mucilage.
Actions: Cholagogue, galactagogue, demulcent.
Used for colds, eye inflammation, liver stimulant, and used to relax the muscles of the digestive tract and stimulate bile flow so are useful for indigestion, flatulence and colic and similar conditions. Reduces milk flow. Cautions are to avoid prolonged use, it can irritate the mucous membranes. Do not give any form of mint to young babies. To be harvested just before flowering.
Mother Wart
Weepy Eye
Strongly antiseptic
Nettles (Urtica dioica)
Family: Urticacea
When dried, nettles loose their sting. One of the richest sources of chlorophyll in the vegetable kingdom. Excellent forage being rich in iron, lime, sodium and chlorine. It is a preventative against many contagious ailments, also a worm preventative. Increases milk yield. A long famed fattener of poultry. Also aids poor appetite. Nettle hay is particularly valuable to rabbits and cavies as food, especially for convalescent stock. It must, however, be carefully dried and free from mold. As well as being high in protein and iron, nettles are said to be useful in cases of poor elimination such as eczema, rheumatism and arthritis. Nettles have as extremely high calcium level and a good Ca
ration. Nettles are a good source of silica which can help keep the rabbit and guinea pigs fur and bones in good condition.
Constituents: Indoles including histamine and seratonin; formic acid; acetylcholine; chlorophyll; glucoquinine; iron; silica; potassium; vitamins A (15,700 IU per 100gm dried herb) & C (83 mg/100gm dried herb).
Actions: Astringent, diuretic, tonic.
Eczema, diarrhea, hemorrhoid, pro lapse, digestive problems, bleeding of mouth & gums.
Strong teeth, nails and hair. Feed sparingly in summer though. Eczema, digestive problems, diarrhea, kidney & bladder disorders, neuralgia, rheumatic complaints. Small kits may not be able to swallow oats and may actually choke on them.
Heart & circulation problems.
Oregon Grape Root
Anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial
Stimulates appetite and encourages a healthy coat, helps with hair balls, encourages appetite. We give a small piece of papaya to our long furred rabbits every other week to prevent hairballs, and use dehydrated pieces in our pellet topper.
Parsley (Petroselinum crispum)
Family: Umbelliferea
A great enricher of the blood, being rich in iron and copper. Important in the treatment of all ailments of the urinary system, female and rheumatic ailments. Parsley is a stimulant for both Bucks and Does, which when fed ten days prior to and during mating will increase the egg and sperm count, resulting in larger litters. Breeders may find this of help if they have a Doe who has previously only produced one or two large Kits. Those already producing large litters might be better to avoid parsley during breeding. Well liked by sheep and goats. Improves milk yield. *Parsley should be avoided in high doses until later in pregnancy as it is also a womb stimulant* Contractions
Constituents: Essential oil including apiol, myristicin, limonene, eugenol, pinene and terpinene; vitamins A & C; flavanoids including apiin, lueolin and glycosides of apigenin and luteolin; starch.
Actions: Diuretic, relieves wind, reduces muscle tension and spasm, galactogogue, carminative, aperient.
Peanut Butter
encourages a healthy coat, and can stimulate the appetite, use 1 to 1/2 teaspoons per day, can also be baked into bunny treats by eliminating the sugar, egg, and milk and substituting whole wheat flour in a traditional cookie recipe, bake to a hard cookie consistency, but allow for additional cooking on the sheet and remember to make teeny cookies!
flatulence, gall bladder complaints.
Bromelain, the actual enzyme in the pineapple, is most abundant in the stem of the pineapple, the center part that we throw away. Fresh pineapple are best as the enzyme will be removed once frozen or processed. Bromelain is good for diarrhoea. It will reduce intestinal fluid secretion and is suggested that bromelain has mucolytic and digestive properties. So it’ll dilate the mucus coating of the GI tract as well as helping to breakdown proteins good for gut mobility and helping with hairballs good to give to rabbits during a molt
Plantain (Plantago major, Plantago lancelote)
Family: Plantaginaceae
Both Greater and Lesser Plantain are valuable green foods for rabbits. They are a rich source of vitamins and minerals when fed fresh and are good healing plants for a range of conditions used both internally and externally. In Germany, Plantain is the herb of choice for scouring. Psyllium is the name of the Plantain seeds and husk used both as a laxative and to combat diarrhea. The whole plant yields a soothing mucilage similar to Linseed. Goats and sheep enjoy its foliage, poultry its seeds.
"The leaves soothe urinary tract infections and irritations. Good for gastric inflammations. Juice pressed from fresh leaves is given orally for inflamed mucous membranes in cystitis, diarrhea and lung infections. Use the juice for inflammations, sores, and wounds. Plantain does not cause digestive problems. The plant regulates the function of the intestines and is generally good for the mucous membranes. Useful in the diet of weanlings and can be harvested year around."
Constituents: Glycosides including aucubin; mucilage; cholergenic; ursolic and silicic acids; flavanoids including apigenin, luteolin, scutellarin and baicalein; tannins; inorganic fumaric and benzoic acids.
Actions: Expectorant, demulcent, astringent, and diuretic.
Character: Slightly sweet, salty, and bitter; cool, mainly drying
Leaves: Relaxing expectorant, tonify mucous membranes, reduce phlegm, antispasmodic, topically healing
Bronchitis, coughs, soothing skin application,, digestive problems, constipation.
Purple Coneflower
Abscesses, colds chills influenza, mild burns, slowly healing wounds
Contains more Omega-3 fatty acids than any other leafy vegetable plant. There was a study where they fed Purslane to rabbits with high cholesterol and it lowered it.
Raspberry Leaf (Rubus ideaus)
Family: Rosaceae
As well as strengthening and toning the tissue of the womb, Raspberry leaf is typically taken during the last third of pregnancy's duration to help ease labor and support lactation. The foliage possesses a very active principle called fragrine, which exerts powerful influence on the pelvic muscles especially during parturition. Improves condition during pregnancy ensuring speedy and strong expulsion at birth. Raspberry becomes especially potent for female use when blended with Feverfew at a 3:1 ratio. Also an acclaimed tonic for all male animals. A cure for sterility. Highly tonic and cleansing. Its astringent action (like blackberry leaves) in cases of diarrhea. Raspberry leaf is also good for mouth and throat problems.
Raspberry leaves have an extremely high calcium level and a very high Ca
ration. As well as high levels of vitamins A & C. Most forages contain manganese, but Raspberry leaves contain more than any other herb at 14.6mg per 100gm dried herb. Manganese deficiency can lead to bone abnormalities and retarded growth because manganese is required for the formation of the mucopolysaccharide which forms the organic matrix of bone.
Constituents: Flavanoids including kaempferol and quercetin; polypeptides; fragrine; tannins; fructose; volatile oil; pectin; citric and malic acids.
Actions: Astringent, toning, cooling and parturient.
Red Clover (Trifolium pratense)
Family: Leguminoseae
Rabbits enjoy all clovers. One of the most useful internal remedies for chronic skin conditions. Possible anti-neoplastic action in animals. The whole plant is a sedative. Treatment of general debility and infertility. Clover hay is a valuable feed to help animals through molt, but it must be kept dry and in good condition as mold in the clover family can be particularly toxic. Red Clover flowers are powerfully tonic and have an extremely high calcium level and very high Ca
ration. They also contain high levels of vitamins A & C. *Mold in plants of the Clover family can be particularly toxic.*
Constituents: Phenolic glycosides; isoflavones; flavanoids; coumarins; cyanogenic glycosides.
Actions: Alterative, expectorant, anti-spasmodic, stimulates nutrition and elimination, dermatological agent, reduces muscle tension and spasm, sedative.
Rosehips (Rosa canina)
Family: Rosaceae
Rosehips are a good natural source of vitamins A, C and bioflavanoids. Rabbits should have the cut shells of Rosehips, not chopped whole or the whole Rosehips themselves. Rosehip powder is a valuable syringe feed ingredient for all small herbivores which normally synthesize their own vitamin C but may need extra during times of illness or stress. In addition to being a good source of dietary and crude fibers, Rosehips also have a good calcium content and Ca
Constituents: Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C and K; flavanoids; tannins; invert sugar; pectin; plant acids; polyphenols; carotenoids; volatile oil; vanillin.
Actions: Astringent, mildly diuretic, reduces thirst and alleviates gastric inflammation.
Ideal for exhaustion, weakness, and depression. The arial parts (stems, leaves) invigorate the circulation, stimulate the digestion, and are good for cold conditions. Harvest fresh year-round.
Reduces lactation when weaning, digestive stimulant and a uterine stimulant. This herb should be used with caution and should be avoided during pregnancy. Sage contains Thujone, which can trigger fits in epileptics.
dried and powdered, and sprinkled repel fleas
Scotch Pine
Bronchitis, sinusitis, neuralgia, rheumatism.
Shepherd's Purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris)
Family: Crucifereae
An excellent astringent herb and safe food. Shepherd's Purse is a useful first aid measure to help prevent excessive post-partum bleeding, although if there is any doubt about an animals condition, veterinary help should be sought immediately. Shepherd's Purse has a good Ca
Constituents: Tyramine; choline; acetylcholine; tannin; essential oil; resin; saponins; flavanoids; polypeptides; fumaric and bursic acids; glucosinolates; diosmine; potassium.
Actions: Uterine stimulant, diuretic, astringent.
Smooth-Leaf Elm
Hemorrhage, hemorrhoid, mouth & throat inflammation, slowly healing wounds
Another neuralgia herb. Very cooling and soothing, it is a much cherished treat in the summer.
St. John's Wart
Neuralgia & rheumatic complaints, gastritis, climacteric complaints, uterine disorders, stress & nerves (long term dosage needed - 1 month at least)
Whole plant is antiseptic and cooling. Leaves are rich in iron and are supposed to prevent miscarriage. Externally used for inflamed areas, rashes and sore eyes.
The arial parts (stems, leaves) are ideal for deep-seated chest infections marked by thick yellow phlegm. They are also a useful digestive remedy, warming for stomach ache, chills and associated diarrhea (irritable bowel). Expels worms. Cautions are to avoid therapeutic doses of thyme and thyme oil in any form because the herb is a uterine stimulant. Thyme oil can irritate the mucous membranes, so dilute well. Harvest before and during flowering in summer; discard the woody stems.
Uva Ursi
Diuretic and urinary antiseptic that is recommended for urinary tract infections and kidney problems.
Walnut Leaves[/b
Weepy Eye
intestinal inflammation
Yarrow (Achillae millefolium)
Family: Compositae
A valuable urinary antiseptic. Can be used externally to help heal wound. Yarrow is often planted in permanent pasture for its medicinal properties and is good rabbit food when young and tender. Treatment of all fevers. A famed wound herb to stop excess bleeding. Yarrow has a good level of calcium and a good to high Ca
Constituents: Up to 0.5% volatile oil containing azulene; flavanoids including apigenin and rutin; tannins; a bitter alkaloid.
Actions: Diaphoretic, hypotensive, astringent, diuretic, antiseptic, febrifuge.
Valerian (Valeriana officinalis)
Family: Valerianaceae
Valerian is a safe, non-addictive relaxant that reduces tension and promotes restful sleep. Its effect is sedative without being narcotic. Its relaxant properties are particularly useful for easing over-contracted shoulder and neck muscles, in asthma, colic and muscle spasm.
Constituents: Volatile oils; iridoids; alkaloids; resin; valeric acid.
Actions: Sedative, relaxant, relieves anxiety, anti-spasmodic, lowers blood pressure, febrifuge, vermifuge.
I don't much care for going to multiple websites in order to find the information I'm looking for and that is what I've had to do in finding what affects which herbs had on rabbits. I also have found that when you need the information the most from websites, that for some reason those websites are either down or non-existent anymore. So I decided to consolidate all the information I've found in a word sheet. I've also posted the links to the websites here: http://rabbittalk.com/affects-of-herbs-t14499.html
Without further adieu here is my list.
Most information obtained from: http://www.ostararabbitry.com/herbal-rabbit-care/, http://www.sisterzeus.com/Emmeno.htm, http://twohunnyzrabbitry.webs.com/herbinformation.htm, http://www.threelittleladiesrabbitry.com/rabbitsandherbs.php & http://www.healthypetcorner.com/rabbit.html . That was much more difficult than I thought it would be since the format didn't carry over.
Words in red are fruits. Words in black are herbs. Mostly anyway. It's late and I'm not double checking all the reds and blacks.
Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria)
Family: Rosaceae
A safe food for even young animals. Agrimony has been used in Veterinary medicine for its haemostatic and alterative properties. Sheep and goats eat it, too. Also used for Conjunctivitis.
Constituents: Coumarins; flavanoids including apigenin and quercitin; glycosidal bitter; nicotinic acid; silicic acid; iron; vitamins B & K; essential oils.
Actions: Astringent, tonic, diuretic, vulnerary, cholagogue.
Avens (Geum urbanum)
Family: Rosaceae
Used for a variety of intestinal disturbances and conditions affecting the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat. Powerful heart tonic. Strengthener of the stomach and intestines. Cleanser of the liver and spleen.
Constituents: Essential oils with gein and eugenol; tannins; bitter principles; flavone; resin; organic acids.
Actions: Astringent, styptic; diaphoretic; aromatic.
Great for digestion, apples are amphoteric, which means it works to either bulk up the bowels when loose or loosen them up if constipated.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Two tablespoons to a gallon of water, fill bowl as necessary, this increases the appetite, and stimulates weight gain. A mix of apple cider vinegar in olive oil can be used topically to treat ear mites. TIP! Make your own Apple Cider Vinegar with left over apple cores!
Baking Soda
use as a paste by mixing with a little water to relieve the pain of a nail cut too short, a scratch, or sore hocks.
due to the vitamin B12 and potassium, it encourages weight gain and stimulates appetite. Use the peel and banana, fresh or dried chips can be used.
Leaves can be rubbed on insect bites to reduce itching and inflammation. Leaves can also be taken as a warming and uplifting tonic for nervous exhaustion or any cold condition. The juice with an equal quantity of honey can be used for ringworm and itching skin. An infusion (tea) of Basil combined with Wood Betony can be given immediately after birthing to prevent a retained placenta or afterbirth. Cautions- do not use essential oils externally or internally. Harvest before flowering.
Chewing, pain relief, anti-inflammatory, diuretic.
Black Oil Sunflower Seeds (AKA: BOSS)
Coat condition
Used for pregnant does, summer cooling, stimulate appetite, diarrhea
Help relieve diarrhea because they are rich in tannins and pectin
Blue Cohosh
Works the same as Shepard’s Purse. It can be used if doe has a hard time birthing or kit are stuck. It will dilate the birth canal. Do not give while pregnant, wait until doe is due. It will induce labor. Also it will help in healing once kits are born.
Borage (Borago officinalis)
Family: Boraginaceae
Powerful tonic and nervine. Borage is rich in calcium, phosphorous and mineral salts. The seeds are a rich source of GLA. Borage is particularly useful when fed during drug treatment, recovery and periods of stress as it acts on the adrenal cortex, restoring and reviving the function of this important gland. Will greatly increase milk flow. Used externally for general eye ailments and as a ringworm remedy.
Constituents: Saponins; mucilage; tannins; essential oil.
Actions: Diaphoretic, expectorant, tonic, anti-inflammatory, galactagogue.
Calendula (Calendula officinalis)
Family: Compositae
Calendula flowers are a safe food for rabbits. They are tonic and a good heart medicine, having restorative powers over the arteries and veins. Makes miserable and fretting animals cheerful. Sought out by goats and sheep. Reduces muscle tension and spasm. Promotes wound healing and stops bleeding. Calendula ointment, cream and gel are good for rabbits with sore skin; the ointment being water resistant and useful for paws, the gel and cream are more easily absorbed into the skin.
Constituents: Triterpenes; carotenoids; saponins; flavanoids.
Actions: Anti-inflammatory, mucilage, antiseptic, antifungal.
Chamomile, German (Matricaria recutita)
Family: Asteracaea
Chamomile is wonderful for digestion and eye ailments. Roman Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) and Pineapple Weed are also beneficial. Chamomile has a cooling and soothing effect, reduces inflammation, clears toxins, active against bacteria, and promotes tissue repair.
Constituents- flavonoids;
Actions- mucilage, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory
Chamomile Tea Eye Compress
Take a used tea bag and use as an eye compress on a particularly icky eye.
Chamomile Tea Eye wash
Brew 1 tea bag in 1/4 cup of water. Add 1/4 teaspoon of non-iodized salt (kosher, sea salt, canning or pickling salt) and let dissolve. Add a small teaspoon of honey and allow to dissolve. Use a standard 3cc syringe (or the like) and gentle flush the eye with the solution. I always trance my rabbits for this step.
Chamomile tincture
Dissolve 5-10 drops of tincture in warm water, and use as above.
Chickweed (Stellaria media)
Family: Caryophllacae
Not a great favorite as a green food, but can be safely fed in small amounts and is particularly valuable for dry, itchy skin conditions when used externally. Highly tonic food for the digestive system. Chickweed is very high in calcium with a Ca
Constituents: Saponins; coumarins; flavanoids; triterpenoids; carboxylic acids; vitamin C; calcium.
Actions: Anti-rheumatic, vulnerary, emollient, astringent and stops itching.
Use cooked carrots to treat diarrhea. When they’re cooked, carrots seem to soothe the digestive tract and control the diarrhea while also providing nutrients that are lost.
Cleavers (Galium aparine)
Family: Rubiaceae
Also called Goose Grass or Sweetheart Plant
Constituents: Iridoid coumarins including glycoside asperuloside, gallotannic acid, citric acid.
Actions: Diuretic, alterative, anti-inflammatory, tonic, astringent, may inhibit and combat development of tumours.
Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara)
Family: Compositae
A safe plant to feed, much loved by guinea pigs. Aids in coughs and pneumonia. Do not over-feed as Coltsfoot contains alkaloids.
Constituents: Flowers- Mucin; flavanoids rutin and carotene; taraxanthin; rnidiol and faridiol; tannin; essential oil. Leaves- Mucin; tannin; glycosidal bitter principle; inulin; sitosterol; useful levels of zinc.
Actions: Expectorant, anti-tussive, demulcent, anti-catarrhal, diuretic.
Comfrey (Symphytum officinale)
Family: Rubiaceae
A useful plant, but must not be fed to excess due to the alkaloids it contains. The young shoots are especially nutritious. Aids internal hemorrhage, including uterine. Amazing ability to aid a speedy and firm uniting of fractured surfaces- skin wounds and bones. It encourages the natural healing process and speeds formation of new bone cells, probably due to the allantoin, known to promote granulation and the making of epithelial cells, and the powerful healing agent choline.
Highly recommended for rabbits. It is a digestive aid, helps with wool block and is used for many other things. It is an old remedy which should under no circumstances be discounted. In extreme doses, comfrey can cause diarrhea. This is its effects working too hard and if left unnoticed, the rabbit may dehydrate. When used with common sense, Comfrey is one of the best herbs we can give the bunnies!"
Constituents: Mucilage; gum; allantoin; tannins; saponins; pyrrolizidine alkaloids; phenolic acids, including rosmarine, cholergenic and caffeic; choline; resin; volatile oil.
Actions: Vulnerary, demulcent, astringent, expectorant.
Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus)
Family: Compositae
Powerful nervine properties not excelled by any other plant. Valuable tonic and digestive aid. Mildly laxative.
Cornsilk (Zea mays)
Family: Gramicea
A useful tonic and astringent, but the seed pods can get tangled in long coats and should not be fed. Cleavers has a long history of medicinal use, human and veterinary. Particularly valuable in a wide range of problems which involve the lymphatic system and in dry skin conditions. The threads that lie between the corn cob and the outer leaves are not only good food for rabbits and cavies, but are also a valuable herbal remedy for the urinary tract. The soft, brown, dried, fibers can also be used as bedding.
Constituents: Saponins; sterols; polyphenols.
Actions: Increases urine production, soothes internal body surfaces.
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)
Family: Compositae
One of the most valuable plants known to the herbalist. Blood cleansing and tonic, it has an important effect on the hepatic system. The leaves strengthen the enamel of teeth. Goats graze well on it, too. The presence of potassium makes dandelion a very balanced diuretic, but it should not be fed in large amounts due to its laxative properties.
"Dandelion is an excellent food given fresh in unlimited quantities. Fermenting or wilted plants can cause bloat. Dandelions are one of the most nutritious food plants for rabbits. Being rich in protein and poor in fiber. The digestibility percentage is high at an estimated 70%. Well known for it's curative powers. The bitter milky sap stimulates the working of all glands, including the milk glands of lactating does. The plant has both laxative and astringent qualities and regulates constipation and diarrhea.
Dandelion is good for many things in people and can be used for rabbits with these problems also: preventing osteoporosis (for the old bunny), bladder infections, lactating, liver problems, swelling, tonsillitis, warts, and pneumonia.
Constituents: Glycosides triterpenoids; choline; up to 5% potassium; sesquiterpene lactones; bitter principle; taraxin; triterpines including taraxol and stigmasterol; phenolic acids; polysaccharides; carotenoids.
Actions: Diuretic, cholagogue, laxative, anti-rheumatic, tonic.
Increases milk production, increases appetite, increases intestinal health. Leaves work, but seeds are stronger. Sprinkling of seeds over pellets.
Echinacea (Echinacea augustifolia)
Family: Compositae
A native plant of North America where it is grazed by most animals and considered by the indigenous peoples to be their most valuable medicinal herb.
Constituents: Volatile oil; glycosides; echinaceine; phenolics.
Actions: Anti-microbial, alterative.
Elderflower (Sambucus nigra)
Family: Caprifoliaceae
The flowers are beneficial in the cure of almost all common ailments in animals. Very cooling. The dried, powdered leaves act as an external insecticide. Do not feed the leaves or bark. The raw berries are unsuitable for herbivores, although the extract is a rich source of vitamin C.
Constituents: Flavanoids; volatile oil; phenolic acid; triterpenes; sterols; mucilage; tannins.
Actions: Diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic.
Elecampane (Inula helenium)
Family: Compositae
Known also as Inula. Valuable as a food for its inulin content. Inulin is a fructo-oligo-saccharide (fos) which acts as a prebiotic. Elecampane root is a good source of calcium with a high Ca
Constituents: Inulin; volatile oil; saponins; sterol.
Actions: Digestive, expectorant, induces sweating, antiseptic.
Dried and powdered, and sprinkled repel fleas
Weepy eye
Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)
Family: Umbelliferae
Sweet Fennel is a valuable food for rabbits. An excellent vegetable for lactating Does and sows as it increases milk production. Produces an abundance of sweet milk in dairy animals, too. Fennel is an important medicinal plant possessing highly antiseptic and tonic properties. For digestive ailments including colic, constipation, fever and worms.
Constituents: Volatile oil; flavanoids; coumarin.
Actions: Stimulates and soothes the stomach, relieves wind, galactagogue.
Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum)
Family: Leguminosae
Fenugreek benefits cases of diabetes in rabbits and rats and helps protect the liver. The seeds have powerful disinfectant and emollient lubricant properties. An important appetizer and great fattening herb in cases of wasting. Rich in vitamins, including E. High in nitrates, calcium and phosphorous. Seeds should not be fed during pregnancy other than to stimulate delayed labor. *Personal Note: It is also said to help stimulate milk production for women who's milk output is starting to decrease when breast feeding*
Constituents: Volatile oil; alkaloids; saponins; vitamins A, B1 and C; mucilage; protein and minerals.
Actions: Stimulates uterine contractions, lactation and appetite, encourages weight gain.
Increases sperm count and motility of the sperm. Give in small pieces the size of a quarter (coin). Works well for nausea and/or diarrhea. Dried, powdered can be given at weaning to kits to ease transition to grass and pellets.
Garlic (Allium sativum)
Family: Lilacae
Garlic is one of the most effective anti-microbial plants available, acting on bacteria, viruses and alimentary parasites. It supports the development of natural bacterial gut flora whilst killing pathogenic organisms. A general cleansing and protective herb. Supreme immunizer of stock against infectious disease. Used externally, diluted garlic juice is a useful wound wash and a few drops added to drinking water will help prevent infection and act as a mild wormer. Garlic juice diluted 1:10 in water, use on areas where a rabbit has become soiled to encourage the rabbit to clean itself. A fertility herb for both sexes. *Do not use garlic every day. Only when there is need to combat or prevent disease organisms. Long term use of garlic has been reported as causing a form of anemia in dogs.*
Constituents: Volatile oil containing sulfur compounds, particularly alliin which converts to allicin and then aloen when a clove is crushed; geraniol and linalool; mucilage; glucokinin; germanium; crotonaldehyde.
Actions: Antiseptic, anti-viral, diaphoretic, cholagogue, febrifuge, vermifuge, hypotensive, antispasmodic.
Goat's Rue (Galega officinale)
Family: Leguminosae
Goat's Rue is the most powerful of all herbs for increasing milk supply and it may also stimulate the development of the mammary glands.
Constituents: Alkaloid saponins; flavone glycosides; bitters; tannin.
Actions: Reduces blood sugar, galactogogue, diuretic, diaphoretic.
Golden Rod (Solidago virgaurae)
Family: Compositae
Golden Rod is enjoyed by rabbits and guinea pigs for its aromatic, pleasant taste. Useful to disguise disagreeable taste of other herbs. In addition, it grows back thicker when the tops are harvested. A wonderfully aromatic plant, Golden Rod adds taste and flavor to fresh herb salads. A digestive aid. Used externally and internally to induce sweating. Externally to stop bleeding of wounds.
Constituents: Saponins; essential oil; bitter principle; tannins; flavanoids.
Actions: Anti-catarrhal, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, diaphoretic, carmative, diuretic.
Grapefruit Seed Extract
This, and Pumpkin Seeds, are our dewormers of choice. We also administer this to any new animals in our herd because it is antibacterial, a fungicide, antiviral, and anti-parasitic. Put 10 drops of extract in a gallon of water for 2 weeks . . . or longer if there is a known bad problem. Combined with raw pumpkin seeds supplemented into daily salad rations, this mix should clean out your rabbits.
Laxative, molt
Kava Kava
Calms and extends the benefits of chiropractic adjustments.
Lambs Quarter
Another good wormer for rabbits. Use “baby” lamb’s quarters, because older plant may be too bitter and be rejected. In spring it is very useful because it starts early when greens are a bit limited.
Common Lavender - or - Narrow leaved Lavender - or - Lavender Spike (Lavendula augustifolia) "Lavender is not to be used lightly or frivolously in breeding stock. It has a direct effect upon the uterus in helping to expel the contents, dead or alive, as well as being a diuretic. A late birthing doe will benefit from a little Lavender in order to naturally speed the process and it saves using drugs. The flowers are actually a mild tranquilizer, acting upon the heart in easing blood pressure rather than acting upon the brain as an anti-stimulant. In other words, good for a stressed out rabbit. Lavender Cotton (Abrotonum foemina, Chamaecyparissus) is a specific medicine for internal worms, and also assists the kidneys in cleansing and breaking up of stones. It also helps reduce swellings if applied outwardly, and is generally good taken internally for the liver, chest and uterus."
Lavender is analgesic or pain-relieving, anticonvulsive, antidepressant, antimicrobial, antirheumatic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antitoxic, gas-relieving, bile-stimulating, deodorant, diuretic, insect-repelling, relaxing, circulation-stimulating, tonic and worm-repelling. Effective against burns & scalds, neutralizes the venom of insect bites & stings.
Lavender Oil
Inhaled or ingested, it treats respiratory conditions. Orally, it relieves nausea, prevents flatulence, alleviates cramping, improves digestion & clears urinary tract infections. Applied to the skin & coat, it helps repel insects & treats abscesses, fungal infections, ringworm, lice, scabies, sores, sunburn, dermatitis, earache, wounds & inflammation. Reduces anxiety & lifts the spirits.
"I haven't tried straight Lavender Oil by mouth or used it that way on my rabbits. I have used it in apple cider vinegar or water. I have made Lavender tea from the flowers to give my rabbits by mouth and I've sprinkled some of the flowers on top of their food. One of my books says to add 3 to 5 drops of the oil on a sugar cube and take twice a day orally. So you may want to dilute it with carrier oil, water, or apple cider vinegar."
Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)
Family: Labitae
A safe food for rabbits and guinea pigs. Lemon Balm has a calming action and is good for the digestive system. Strong tonic properties.
Constituents: Volatile oils; flavanoids; polyphenols.
Actions: Soothing, sedative, promotes sweating, increases milk yield, prevents miscarriage.
Gastric inflammation, coughs.
Laxative, molt
Bruises, contusion & strains, slowly healing wounds, ulcers, skin diseases, digestive problems, gall bladder complaints.
Marjoram, Sweet (Majorana, Sampiucus, Amaracus)
A diuretic, opens obstructions of the liver and spleen, is good for colic pains and for disorders of the head (whatever they are) and settles the nerves.
Marjoram, Wild (Origanum Vulgare)
For "colds"- although rabbits do not actually contract the head cold as we know it. Useful for coughs, pleurisy and obstruction of the lungs and uterus (take care here) and is also calming. This one, crushed and applied direct, will help control swellings and eruptions and bruises. Apparently the distilled oil of this will ease toothache.
Marshmallow (Althea officinalis)
Family: Malvaceae
The whole plant is edible and has a long history of use. Used in the pharmaceutical industry, Marshmallow root is particularly valuable in inflammation of the mouth, throat, digestive and urinary tracts. It can also be used externally. Marshmallow is high in calcium with a high Ca
Constituents: Root- 25-35% mucilage; tannins' pectins; asparagine; quercitin and kaempferol; phenolic acids such as salicylic acid. Leaf- Mucilage; flavanoids; essential oil.
Actions: Root- Demulcent, diuretic, emollient, vulnerary. Leaf- Demulcent, expectorant, diuretic, emollient.
Meadowsweet (Filpendula ulmaria)
Family: Rosaceae
A good Spring tonic. Natural source of salicylic acid, the active ingredient in aspirin. An important fever and diarrhea herb. Meadowsweet's tannins and other ingredients act to protect the lining of the stomach and intestines against ulceration. It acts to reduce acidity in the stomach, which in turn helps reduce acidity levels in the rest of the body. Eaten plentifully by sheep and goats.Unsuitable for people and animals sensitive to aspirin.
Constituents: Flavanol and phenolic glycosides; volatile oil; polyphenols.
Actions: Anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, astringent, diuretic, eases stomach pain.
Melilot (Melilotus officinalis)
Family: Leguminosae
An important tonic herb and anti-colic. Liked by all animals and should be encouraged in pastures. For treatment of most stomach and intestinal disorders. Should be used immediately or dried if harvested as it is toxic if spoiled.
Constituents: Flavanoids; coumarins; tannins; volatile oil; melilotic acid.
Actions: Mildly sedative, antispasmodic.
Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum)
Family: Compositae
In herbal medicine the seeds are used, but the whole plant can be fed to rabbits and cavies. A safe food for all ages, but particularly nursing Does and sows. Only the leaves and softer young stems should be fed as animals normally refuse the harder stems. Very tonic. For treatment of debility and female complaints.
Constituents: Flavones silybum, silydianin and silychristin; essential oils; bitter principles; mucilage.
Actions: Cholagogue, galactagogue, demulcent.
Used for colds, eye inflammation, liver stimulant, and used to relax the muscles of the digestive tract and stimulate bile flow so are useful for indigestion, flatulence and colic and similar conditions. Reduces milk flow. Cautions are to avoid prolonged use, it can irritate the mucous membranes. Do not give any form of mint to young babies. To be harvested just before flowering.
Mother Wart
Weepy Eye
Strongly antiseptic
Nettles (Urtica dioica)
Family: Urticacea
When dried, nettles loose their sting. One of the richest sources of chlorophyll in the vegetable kingdom. Excellent forage being rich in iron, lime, sodium and chlorine. It is a preventative against many contagious ailments, also a worm preventative. Increases milk yield. A long famed fattener of poultry. Also aids poor appetite. Nettle hay is particularly valuable to rabbits and cavies as food, especially for convalescent stock. It must, however, be carefully dried and free from mold. As well as being high in protein and iron, nettles are said to be useful in cases of poor elimination such as eczema, rheumatism and arthritis. Nettles have as extremely high calcium level and a good Ca
Constituents: Indoles including histamine and seratonin; formic acid; acetylcholine; chlorophyll; glucoquinine; iron; silica; potassium; vitamins A (15,700 IU per 100gm dried herb) & C (83 mg/100gm dried herb).
Actions: Astringent, diuretic, tonic.
Eczema, diarrhea, hemorrhoid, pro lapse, digestive problems, bleeding of mouth & gums.
Strong teeth, nails and hair. Feed sparingly in summer though. Eczema, digestive problems, diarrhea, kidney & bladder disorders, neuralgia, rheumatic complaints. Small kits may not be able to swallow oats and may actually choke on them.
Heart & circulation problems.
Oregon Grape Root
Anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial
Stimulates appetite and encourages a healthy coat, helps with hair balls, encourages appetite. We give a small piece of papaya to our long furred rabbits every other week to prevent hairballs, and use dehydrated pieces in our pellet topper.
Parsley (Petroselinum crispum)
Family: Umbelliferea
A great enricher of the blood, being rich in iron and copper. Important in the treatment of all ailments of the urinary system, female and rheumatic ailments. Parsley is a stimulant for both Bucks and Does, which when fed ten days prior to and during mating will increase the egg and sperm count, resulting in larger litters. Breeders may find this of help if they have a Doe who has previously only produced one or two large Kits. Those already producing large litters might be better to avoid parsley during breeding. Well liked by sheep and goats. Improves milk yield. *Parsley should be avoided in high doses until later in pregnancy as it is also a womb stimulant* Contractions
Constituents: Essential oil including apiol, myristicin, limonene, eugenol, pinene and terpinene; vitamins A & C; flavanoids including apiin, lueolin and glycosides of apigenin and luteolin; starch.
Actions: Diuretic, relieves wind, reduces muscle tension and spasm, galactogogue, carminative, aperient.
Peanut Butter
encourages a healthy coat, and can stimulate the appetite, use 1 to 1/2 teaspoons per day, can also be baked into bunny treats by eliminating the sugar, egg, and milk and substituting whole wheat flour in a traditional cookie recipe, bake to a hard cookie consistency, but allow for additional cooking on the sheet and remember to make teeny cookies!
flatulence, gall bladder complaints.
Bromelain, the actual enzyme in the pineapple, is most abundant in the stem of the pineapple, the center part that we throw away. Fresh pineapple are best as the enzyme will be removed once frozen or processed. Bromelain is good for diarrhoea. It will reduce intestinal fluid secretion and is suggested that bromelain has mucolytic and digestive properties. So it’ll dilate the mucus coating of the GI tract as well as helping to breakdown proteins good for gut mobility and helping with hairballs good to give to rabbits during a molt
Plantain (Plantago major, Plantago lancelote)
Family: Plantaginaceae
Both Greater and Lesser Plantain are valuable green foods for rabbits. They are a rich source of vitamins and minerals when fed fresh and are good healing plants for a range of conditions used both internally and externally. In Germany, Plantain is the herb of choice for scouring. Psyllium is the name of the Plantain seeds and husk used both as a laxative and to combat diarrhea. The whole plant yields a soothing mucilage similar to Linseed. Goats and sheep enjoy its foliage, poultry its seeds.
"The leaves soothe urinary tract infections and irritations. Good for gastric inflammations. Juice pressed from fresh leaves is given orally for inflamed mucous membranes in cystitis, diarrhea and lung infections. Use the juice for inflammations, sores, and wounds. Plantain does not cause digestive problems. The plant regulates the function of the intestines and is generally good for the mucous membranes. Useful in the diet of weanlings and can be harvested year around."
Constituents: Glycosides including aucubin; mucilage; cholergenic; ursolic and silicic acids; flavanoids including apigenin, luteolin, scutellarin and baicalein; tannins; inorganic fumaric and benzoic acids.
Actions: Expectorant, demulcent, astringent, and diuretic.
Character: Slightly sweet, salty, and bitter; cool, mainly drying
Leaves: Relaxing expectorant, tonify mucous membranes, reduce phlegm, antispasmodic, topically healing
Bronchitis, coughs, soothing skin application,, digestive problems, constipation.
Purple Coneflower
Abscesses, colds chills influenza, mild burns, slowly healing wounds
Contains more Omega-3 fatty acids than any other leafy vegetable plant. There was a study where they fed Purslane to rabbits with high cholesterol and it lowered it.
Raspberry Leaf (Rubus ideaus)
Family: Rosaceae
As well as strengthening and toning the tissue of the womb, Raspberry leaf is typically taken during the last third of pregnancy's duration to help ease labor and support lactation. The foliage possesses a very active principle called fragrine, which exerts powerful influence on the pelvic muscles especially during parturition. Improves condition during pregnancy ensuring speedy and strong expulsion at birth. Raspberry becomes especially potent for female use when blended with Feverfew at a 3:1 ratio. Also an acclaimed tonic for all male animals. A cure for sterility. Highly tonic and cleansing. Its astringent action (like blackberry leaves) in cases of diarrhea. Raspberry leaf is also good for mouth and throat problems.
Raspberry leaves have an extremely high calcium level and a very high Ca
Constituents: Flavanoids including kaempferol and quercetin; polypeptides; fragrine; tannins; fructose; volatile oil; pectin; citric and malic acids.
Actions: Astringent, toning, cooling and parturient.
Red Clover (Trifolium pratense)
Family: Leguminoseae
Rabbits enjoy all clovers. One of the most useful internal remedies for chronic skin conditions. Possible anti-neoplastic action in animals. The whole plant is a sedative. Treatment of general debility and infertility. Clover hay is a valuable feed to help animals through molt, but it must be kept dry and in good condition as mold in the clover family can be particularly toxic. Red Clover flowers are powerfully tonic and have an extremely high calcium level and very high Ca
Constituents: Phenolic glycosides; isoflavones; flavanoids; coumarins; cyanogenic glycosides.
Actions: Alterative, expectorant, anti-spasmodic, stimulates nutrition and elimination, dermatological agent, reduces muscle tension and spasm, sedative.
Rosehips (Rosa canina)
Family: Rosaceae
Rosehips are a good natural source of vitamins A, C and bioflavanoids. Rabbits should have the cut shells of Rosehips, not chopped whole or the whole Rosehips themselves. Rosehip powder is a valuable syringe feed ingredient for all small herbivores which normally synthesize their own vitamin C but may need extra during times of illness or stress. In addition to being a good source of dietary and crude fibers, Rosehips also have a good calcium content and Ca
Constituents: Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C and K; flavanoids; tannins; invert sugar; pectin; plant acids; polyphenols; carotenoids; volatile oil; vanillin.
Actions: Astringent, mildly diuretic, reduces thirst and alleviates gastric inflammation.
Ideal for exhaustion, weakness, and depression. The arial parts (stems, leaves) invigorate the circulation, stimulate the digestion, and are good for cold conditions. Harvest fresh year-round.
Reduces lactation when weaning, digestive stimulant and a uterine stimulant. This herb should be used with caution and should be avoided during pregnancy. Sage contains Thujone, which can trigger fits in epileptics.
dried and powdered, and sprinkled repel fleas
Scotch Pine
Bronchitis, sinusitis, neuralgia, rheumatism.
Shepherd's Purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris)
Family: Crucifereae
An excellent astringent herb and safe food. Shepherd's Purse is a useful first aid measure to help prevent excessive post-partum bleeding, although if there is any doubt about an animals condition, veterinary help should be sought immediately. Shepherd's Purse has a good Ca
Constituents: Tyramine; choline; acetylcholine; tannin; essential oil; resin; saponins; flavanoids; polypeptides; fumaric and bursic acids; glucosinolates; diosmine; potassium.
Actions: Uterine stimulant, diuretic, astringent.
Smooth-Leaf Elm
Hemorrhage, hemorrhoid, mouth & throat inflammation, slowly healing wounds
Another neuralgia herb. Very cooling and soothing, it is a much cherished treat in the summer.
St. John's Wart
Neuralgia & rheumatic complaints, gastritis, climacteric complaints, uterine disorders, stress & nerves (long term dosage needed - 1 month at least)
Whole plant is antiseptic and cooling. Leaves are rich in iron and are supposed to prevent miscarriage. Externally used for inflamed areas, rashes and sore eyes.
The arial parts (stems, leaves) are ideal for deep-seated chest infections marked by thick yellow phlegm. They are also a useful digestive remedy, warming for stomach ache, chills and associated diarrhea (irritable bowel). Expels worms. Cautions are to avoid therapeutic doses of thyme and thyme oil in any form because the herb is a uterine stimulant. Thyme oil can irritate the mucous membranes, so dilute well. Harvest before and during flowering in summer; discard the woody stems.
Uva Ursi
Diuretic and urinary antiseptic that is recommended for urinary tract infections and kidney problems.
Walnut Leaves[/b
Weepy Eye
intestinal inflammation
Yarrow (Achillae millefolium)
Family: Compositae
A valuable urinary antiseptic. Can be used externally to help heal wound. Yarrow is often planted in permanent pasture for its medicinal properties and is good rabbit food when young and tender. Treatment of all fevers. A famed wound herb to stop excess bleeding. Yarrow has a good level of calcium and a good to high Ca
Constituents: Up to 0.5% volatile oil containing azulene; flavanoids including apigenin and rutin; tannins; a bitter alkaloid.
Actions: Diaphoretic, hypotensive, astringent, diuretic, antiseptic, febrifuge.
Valerian (Valeriana officinalis)
Family: Valerianaceae
Valerian is a safe, non-addictive relaxant that reduces tension and promotes restful sleep. Its effect is sedative without being narcotic. Its relaxant properties are particularly useful for easing over-contracted shoulder and neck muscles, in asthma, colic and muscle spasm.
Constituents: Volatile oils; iridoids; alkaloids; resin; valeric acid.
Actions: Sedative, relaxant, relieves anxiety, anti-spasmodic, lowers blood pressure, febrifuge, vermifuge.