Spicerack Rabbitry

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My name is Leo, I grew up in the rural hills of northern California where I spent my time catching lizards and drawing fantasy worlds. As an adult I spent some time pursuing my art before admitting defeat, returning home, and taking a job with my mom's landscaping business. Now, at the end of my 20s, my parents and I have bought our own property and have begun manifesting our dreams on 40 acres of hilltop farm. We've always had chickens, cats, and my own collection of reptiles, fish, and amphibians, but now that we have the room to expand I've embarked on raising rabbits. I keep New Zealand reds for meat and fur and someday would like to expand to Silver Foxes or Champagne d'Argents.
Aug 10, 1996 (Age: 27)
Art, historical clothing, animals of all kinds, and the fantasy genre.
Landscaper and digital artist.