Recent content by Secuono

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  1. Secuono

    Not new, but returning!

    Handed out hay. Sky decided that meant early, gave her a nest. Royal is due a nest today, so she got one. DeVil Rew Cruella Jet Sky, before nest- Royal- The luster on Royal 😍 Took her out to feel for kits, feel something....🤞🤞🤞
  2. Secuono

    Not new, but returning!

    300 is pending, as echeck didn't clear. Hoping it's not a scam. Most of it is from "self sales" for garden and dog food. About to drop 400+ on new feed. Anywhere and everywhere.
  3. Secuono

    Not new, but returning!

    $863 in the green. 30 in bun sales, 2 in dog food. Currently $895 in the green.
  4. Secuono

    Not new, but returning!

    Yesterday...Coral had 3 kits, 1 alive. 🤬 today....Coral had 4 more, 1 eaten, all froze or doa. Live one is still alive and fed. No pics of the chewed n suffocated. And Malty is going nuts. Yesterday and today, fur everywhere, bald front legs. Gave her a nest, not due for nest until Friday.
  5. Secuono

    Not new, but returning!

    Well, numbing cream did not help. Will have to buy heavy bags to ball them up into before trying again...
  6. Secuono

    Not new, but returning!

    Moved 3 litters outside. The SF will be dog food if not sold in the next few days. Same with most of the Cruella litter. Gotta stop saving unnecessary replacements and holding out for buyers! "Crowded" Empty! Funny how that works. 90% of the time, they're chilling, all grouped together...
  7. Secuono

    Not new, but returning!

    Did I miscount before or is one missing today?? 🤦🏽‍♀️ 3 were chewed on. All full of milk. Looks like blacks or steel.
  8. Secuono

    Not new, but returning!

    And that's ones I'm for sure keeping...ugh. New brood stock count, grand total of 28 Rex, total 15 Does, 12 Coral, pedigreed amber Steely, steel mutt Royal, pedigreed, mix, otter Sky, partial pedigree, blue Sky's doe, black mutt Cruella, pedigreed broken castor Berry, blue Opal, partial...
  9. Secuono

    Not new, but returning!

    Ugh. Been staring at Quincy buck. Even though he was largest in the litter, he's still small looking. Checking him to the other rex, he's much slower growing and much smaller. Ugh. 4th gen, and it looks like I have to cull the line out.... I have Lynx in Sky & Berry, and Baymax in Sky...
  10. Secuono

    Not new, but returning!

    Cruella's Rew buck is hideous, but he bred a doe yesterday. Months ahead of his dad! Looking at Cruella's first litter's best two, that I held back, It seems her 2nd litter's broken castor buck is going to outgrow both! So, I'll keep breeding the ugly buck, but keep the new one to grow out and...
  11. Secuono

    Not new, but returning!

    And for the best news, Opal FINALLY had kits!! Sire is Vapor. Another nest sitter, so I gave her a pile of hay to sit on instead. Two are booted, 2 got chewed on by mom. Don't believe I've ever had that issue before. Now to see if Royal & Buttons will get their 💩 together or be turned into...
  12. Secuono

    Not new, but returning!

    Had a whole thing written out, then website deleted it...ugh...So, here's the bare bones of what I had typed out. Got lidocaine in today. Found my new tattoo pen kit. Will be tattooing everybun this weekend. Adults have names, so that's what will go in their ear. Rest, will get a code. Kit #...
  13. Secuono

    Not new, but returning!

    What do they need probiotics for? Most feeds don't have that, animals outside don't have it. The acid changes pH. Also not needed for any other animal.
  14. Secuono

    Not new, but returning!

    Cruella's 2nd litter. This one refused to keep still.
  15. Secuono

    Not new, but returning!

    Weigh day for some. One missing, but he was ugly. Chick kits. this buck has nice shape, biggest of litter. These are tort carriers.