Secuono's latest activity

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  • Secuono
    Secuono replied to the thread Not new, but returning!.
    So close to being finished! One coat for most of the new water pans.
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  • Secuono
    Secuono replied to the thread Not new, but returning!.
    Well, that was it. A furry lost single. Goliath was super willing and so was she, so hoping for more and live kits next time. Got new...
  • Secuono
    Secuono replied to the thread Not new, but returning!.
    Ugh. A single dead broken kit in Navy's nest. Idk if there's more or not.
  • Secuono
    Secuono replied to the thread Not new, but returning!.
    Hoping that by next weekend, the buns will be moving in! Navy is pulling fur! Quincy is close to kitting. Gilt's kits
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  • Secuono
    Secuono replied to the thread Not new, but returning!.
    Another update on that cruddy ped sf doe. Flyback fur. 😑 One of their main breed characteristics, missing. 🤦🏽‍♀️
  • Secuono
    Secuono replied to the thread Not new, but returning!.
    Kicked the kits out, but put their nest bottoms in. Then Quincy got her nest. 3 Rex does got bred, G was not in the mood. Ugh. So, mutt...
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  • Secuono
    Secuono replied to the thread Not new, but returning!.
    Got the other wall frame done! I need to secure them to the carport, though. Then plywood!
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  • Secuono
    Secuono replied to the thread Not new, but returning!.
    Don't look closely, lol. But got one wall framed in! I feel like I have enough plywood to close in the edges, just need new plywood for...
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  • Secuono
    Secuono replied to the thread Not new, but returning!.
    And this guy was born. They'll be in the incomplete rabbit building until I feel he's strong enough to be out permanently without being...
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  • Secuono
    Secuono replied to the thread Not new, but returning!.
    Cleaned out the outdoor growout pen, filled 9 bags! And first timer Gilt had her kits! 7 kit, sire Rivian. Nothing better than an...
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  • Secuono
    Secuono replied to the thread Not new, but returning!.
    Nests were lowered, Cruella kits got to go out for a bit. Gilt & Navy got nests.
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  • Secuono
    Secuono replied to the thread Not new, but returning!.
    Metal is done! 😵 Have enough left over to give the 2nd building 1/3 metal walls. I'll use the bottom grey panels to close off that low...
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  • Secuono
    Secuono replied to the thread Not new, but returning!.
    Almost done with the metal! One wall left. Then I'll start the diy walls/doors. I knew the tree would hit the building, an impossible...
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  • Secuono
    Secuono reacted to Sagebrush's post in the thread Not new, but returning! with Like Like.
    Congrats on being in the green!!! You are also doing a great job with the carport. Those things suck when trying to put them together. I...
  • Secuono
    Secuono replied to the thread Not new, but returning!.
    $785 in the green. 25 in poo sales. Currently $810 in the green!