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  • Sagebrush
    Sagebrush reacted to Alaska Satin's post in the thread Harli/tri genetics with Like Like.
    As a rule, that pairing is fine. It's known as line-breeding. The main problem that might occur would be if both of the rabbits...
  • Sagebrush
    Sagebrush replied to the thread Harli/tri genetics.
    Breeding a son to mother is like breeding the father to the daughter, it is line breeding and used to set traits. I use it every so...
  • Sagebrush
    Sagebrush reacted to Ljslibby's post in the thread Baby bunnies eating momma's poop with Like Like.
    She only thumped a couple times, shes outside my back door so i can hear her thumping occasionally but most of the time she does just...
  • Sagebrush
    Babies will nibble at the normal poops as well as the Caecotrophs. The caecotrophs are primarily produced at night. As far as babies...
  • Sagebrush
    Sagebrush replied to the thread Records.
    I use a program called Kintraks. I only have 10 holes right now so not too difficult but I do make cage cards from index cards in...
  • Sagebrush
    I use the TB tattoo pen as well. As far as the numbing goes I use a Lidocaine ointment and let it soak in for about 10 min before I...
  • Sagebrush
    Sagebrush replied to the thread Possible New Rabbitry Logo.
    I designed it myself. I didn't use a website, just some photo editing software on my computer.
  • Sagebrush
    Sagebrush replied to the thread Summer breeding?.
    I live in Northern California. I breed primarily during the fall to spring as our summers are far to hot. I try to make my last breeding...
  • Sagebrush
    Sagebrush replied to the thread How do you keep track of kits.
    I use a fine tip colored sharpie and put a mark on the ear to tell them apart. Then when old enough to sex I put an additional mark a...
  • Sagebrush
    Welcome back! It seems that we all drift back to rabbits, we just can't seem to stay away.
  • Sagebrush
    Sagebrush replied to the thread Help with colors?.
    I have some kits that where born from a black Dutch buck and a Golden Yellow Dutch doe. I am guessing the buck is a VM carrier as i get...
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    • IMG_9757.JPEG
  • Sagebrush
    Sagebrush replied to the thread Not new, but returning!.
    If you have a sunny location maybe you can use a solar setup to run some computer fans to each cage so there is airflow to help keep...
  • Sagebrush
    Sagebrush replied to the thread Not new, but returning!.
    Have you considered using frozen gallon jugs? I reuse the jugs from our milk once we have finished it. Wash them out, refill about 3/4...
  • Sagebrush
    Sagebrush replied to the thread Not new, but returning!.
    I have misters in my rabbitry and I often go out there and hang with them during the heat of the day because it is soo much cooler then...
  • Sagebrush
    Sagebrush replied to the thread Mucoid enteritis?.
    So sorry for your loss. It is hard when we loose ones that fight so hard.