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  1. R

    Guard hairs on 9 week old mini rex

    I have mini Rex bunnies but I’m not sure what guard hairs are. I’ve probably seen them but never really noticed them. They might molt out, but you never really know.
  2. R

    Is this normal for a tricolor mini Rex?

    I’ll try to get some pictures, but she’s a little flighty so we’ll see if I can get any good pictures. An idea was brought up to me by my father, who is much more experienced then I am, that maybe she is a normal tricolor but the black and the orange are mixing together making it look like...
  3. R

    Is this normal for a tricolor mini Rex?

    I have a tricolor mini Rex who isn’t like what I’ve seen before. Instead of having tan she has chocolate. I don’t know how it happened exactly. Her father was a broken black and her mother tricolor. Her father had a black otter mother and a tricolor father. I don’t know if that makes a...
  4. R

    Color Crossing Rules...fabulous resource!

    I found another way to get tricolor bunnies from my experience. At least in mini Rex. If you take a black otter and breed it with a tricolor you will get more otters and maybe some broken blacks. Keep a broken black and breed it with a tricolor and you should get more tricolor bunnies. Not all...
  5. R

    Fed vs. Unfed Kit Pictures

    We will be breeding our two does this weekend so this is definitely helpful! One of my does has been bred before and she’s a great mom, but I’m worried about my other doe since this will hopefully be her first year as a mother. Last year we tried to breed them but the male want fertile so she...
  6. R

    Will I get tri-colored babies from my rabbits?

    Thanks! I think we just have normal tricolor bunnies. The mother of the daughter was from two tricolor bunnies. We probably won’t get tricolor babies but I guess that’s a mystery about it. Unless of course the male has harlequin or tricolor in him. We don’t know what his color origin really is...
  7. R

    Brand new to breeding, questions about females!

    We have our rabbits separated. There was once where we kept a mother rabbit with her baby for too long and I think they fought once. When we finally sold her baby, which we were trying to do before, that’s why she was with her for so long, the mother got traumatized and wasn’t as friendly as...
  8. R

    Will I get tri-colored babies from my rabbits?

    I have two mini rex does that are tri-colored. I had a broken black male that I used to breed with one of them, until I kept one of her babies to breed as well. Then I needed a new male. I was looking for a friend-colored one because we only got tri-colored babies because the buck’s father was...
  9. R

    Male or female...this is how you tell them apart!

    Definitely correct with your sexing. Sometimes rabbits are hard to sex when they’re younger, but it is very easy when they’re older. :)