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  • R Buns
    R Buns reacted to TamiPac's post in the thread Incubating eggs with Like Like.
    We're on the Gulf Coast of Texas so it is very hot and humid. If you're really worried you could put a wet piece of sponge in there...
  • R Buns
    R Buns reacted to TamiPac's post in the thread Incubating eggs with Like Like.
    I'm really rooting for you having at least some of the shipped eggs hatch!🙏 We've hatched both shipped quail and chicken eggs and...
  • R Buns
    R Buns replied to the thread Incubating eggs.
    As far as humidity mine is staying around 20% for "dry hatching/incubating". Do you think that's too low? I read up on the dry hatch...
  • R Buns
    R Buns replied to the thread Incubating eggs.
    I had read fertility dwindles after 6 or7 days but can be still viable at 10 days so hoping they were collected the day they shipped...
  • R Buns
    R Buns replied to the thread Incubating eggs.
    Sadly the hatchery shipped our hatching eggs we won over the New Years holiday. They are at least 8 days in transit. They never even...
    • IMG_7586.jpeg
  • R Buns
    R Buns replied to the thread Ear mite healing concerns.
    I'm using cattle pour on.
  • R Buns
    R Buns reacted to ladysown's post in the thread Has anyone tried these cages? with Like Like.
    if you feed hay, those racks are a bit less than ideal. They work well in pellet only systems. Hay has a tendency to jam up drop...
  • R Buns
    R Buns reacted to DBA's post in the thread Has anyone tried these cages? with Like Like.
    The urine guard goes to the floor of the cage, there is a small gap between the floor and the dropping pan. Urine guards bend in at an...
  • R Buns
    R Buns reacted to McNally Family Rabbitry's post in the thread Sexing 7day old bunnie with Love Love.
    Here is a great video that shows how to do it
  • R Buns
    R Buns replied to the thread Ear mite healing concerns.
    I don't take them out of the cage unless transferring to the buck because they put up such a fight. They really do not approve of being...
  • R Buns
    R Buns reacted to TamiPac's post in the thread Ear mite healing concerns with Haha Haha.
    I'm really sorry to hear that but don't lose heart. I have some of the same problems with the ones I got from other people. Someone gave...
  • R Buns
    R Buns replied to the thread Incubating eggs.
    We are set up and running. Quail rails are in and working so far. Pretty easy to swap out. Fan is a bit loud. My better half is...
  • R Buns
    R Buns replied to the thread Ear mite healing concerns.
    The other two in the trio have now been treated nowl. Saw both having a low ear and itching tonight. Boy it's like a rodeo with these...
  • R Buns
    R Buns replied to the thread Hi.
    Welcome! Glad you've joined us. This is a great group of folks. Super helpful. Jump on in and enjoy!
  • R Buns
    R Buns reacted to Kellilea6's post in the thread Hi with Like Like.
    Hello I’m interested in learning more about rabbits