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  • R Buns
    R Buns reacted to MsTemeraire's post in the thread Mites with Like Like.
    Where I am (UK) we treat with a liquid spot-on usually sold for sheep. You can either put the drops on the back of the neck or, as I do...
  • R Buns
    R Buns replied to the thread Ear mite healing concerns.
    Thank you. I'm going to try putting the nest box back in again this afternoon. I just wish I knew if she was truly pregnant or not so I...
  • R Buns
    R Buns reacted to jani's post in the thread Ear mite healing concerns with Love Love.
    I feel your pain! I'd keep up with the oil for at least three weeks after you haven't seen any. Also one of the worst tempered does I...
  • R Buns
    R Buns replied to the thread Doe not receptive.
    I suspect at this point this doe didn't conceive. I gave her the nesting box yesterday and all she's done is use it as a litter box. I...
  • R Buns
    R Buns replied to the thread Ear mite healing concerns.
    This evening I got another look in her ear. She's now got scratch marks in it. It is less hot and less hard also. I am seeing a lot of...
  • R Buns
    R Buns reacted to Sagebrush's post in the thread Journey into quail with Love Love.
    Other half decided to have creamed corn instead of mixed veggies.
  • R Buns
    R Buns reacted to Sagebrush's post in the thread Journey into quail with Love Love.
    I decided today was the day to harvest 2 of the extra 9 males. So we are going to have some quail for dinner, going with Grilled quail...
  • R Buns
    R Buns reacted to Scooter1A's post in the thread Ear mite healing concerns with Like Like.
    This conversation made me look at ears this morning. All good. What do most people use to kill them in the cages etc.? Permitherin?
  • R Buns
    R Buns replied to the thread Ear mite healing concerns.
    I plan to cull her after she's earned her purchase price back hopefully. Between temperament and this continual ear mite issues I don't...
  • R Buns
    R Buns reacted to Sagebrush's post in the thread Ear mite healing concerns with Like Like.
    With late pregnancy I would stick with Mineral Oil, even though olive oil has anti-inflammatory properties, Mineral Oil is more...
  • R Buns
    R Buns reacted to TamiPac's post in the thread Ear mite healing concerns with Like Like.
    I had a buck come to me like that. 1 drop of injectable Ivermectin in each ear. 6 days apart and only 2 doses and it was all gone. No...
  • R Buns
    R Buns replied to the thread Ear mite healing concerns.
    Great information. Thank you! I'll look and see if I have any straight ivermectin injectable. If not I'll get some on my next order. I...
  • R Buns
    R Buns reacted to Scooter1A's post in the thread Ear mite healing concerns with Like Like.
    Would it be possible to oil up a cotton ball and place in her ear? Does anyone use young living essential oils to help treat this...
  • R Buns
    R Buns replied to the thread Ear mite healing concerns.
    I can't at the moment with her so close to kindling. She's awful to handle on a good day and refuses to let me anywhere near her ear. It...
  • R Buns
    R Buns replied to the thread Ear mite healing concerns.
    @Alaska Satin The breeder uses this the majority of the time on their rabbits with zero issues. This doe has been treated with it at...
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