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  1. oxrayfarm

    Balding baby *picture heavy*

    I was afraid of that! But I figured better safe than sorry to ask around. I went ahead and did that I've got the 4 biggest in their own cage and then in 2 days I'll take the rest of the small ones and put them in there own away from mom. I just wanted to make sure to wean the kits from her...
  2. oxrayfarm

    Balding baby *picture heavy*

    No not yet and nothing with diet, location, etc... has changed. I just happened to be cleaning out trays and noticed that I've got a bald headed baby. LOL. :shock:
  3. oxrayfarm

    Balding baby *picture heavy*

    Hey all I need some help. I either have fur mite issue or a over grooming problem or .... ? I have a litter of 9 kits about 5 weeks old. Standard Rex. Free choice grass/alfalfa hay plus one scoop of grain mixture per rabbit. Fresh or dried greens/weeds all year long. One baby (in pictures)...
  4. oxrayfarm

    Baby Foot stuck in cage floor?? Question.

    Thanks sammysue63 I appreciate it! It's nice to know I'm not the only one who's had this issue. I wondered if that might be the case. The litter is currently 9 kits, she started with 12! :shock: I wondered if it wasn't bunny pile and the bottom kit's leg fell through and couldn't be...
  5. oxrayfarm

    Baby Foot stuck in cage floor?? Question.

    Yeah I was thinking that myself, I think my best option is to put more plastic resting boards on the bottom and hope for the best. Funnily enough it's only happening to one doe. But both does cages are interchangeable so after I clean them I just put back who ever is closest. I haven't noticed...
  6. oxrayfarm

    Baby Foot stuck in cage floor?? Question.

    Yes it is 1 X 1/2, I usually do spread some hay when they are first out of the nest box since they are so tiny. But it's true they get stuck when they are just a bit older and their leg from hock to toe is longer. Akane- I've never had issues with sore hocks and these cages, and I guess Rex's...
  7. oxrayfarm

    Baby Foot stuck in cage floor?? Question.

    Does any one elses babbies get their foot stuck through the cage floor? The cage's are standard Bass Equipment 30*36 with baby saver wire. The rabbits are standard size Rex. This has happened to me with two different litters this year. One or two babies will get a leg that falls through the wire...
  8. oxrayfarm

    Jerusalem artichoke as feed?

    Thanks MaggieJ I thought so but I just wanted to check! We haven't dug our roots up yet but we've got a 8x4 foot garden bed planted with them so we'll see what kind of harvest we get?!
  9. oxrayfarm

    Jerusalem artichoke as feed?

    I was just wondering if anyone here feeds their bunz Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus). I've always called them sunchokes or sunroots. I did a google search and came up with a few blogs who talked about feeding them to rabbits, but Rabbit Talk gets the final word on the matter...
  10. oxrayfarm

    Buckwheat, anyone?

    I actually grow buckwheat as a cover crop for my garden, so I know for sure it's common buckwheat. I have tied up about half of the crop to be fed as winter food and the other half gets split between fresh bunny food and garden compost. All my rabbits did just fine with it, although it isn't...
  11. oxrayfarm

    33 Day Pregnancy

    Both my does without fail kindle on day 33, for some reason they just "incubate" longer. LOL! Congrats on the big litter!!!
  12. oxrayfarm

    Age to cull breeding stock

    Ok thanks Maggie, I really didn't want to cull her just yet, she's a great mom and produces very tasty good sized babies. I'll keep her around for a few more years and re-evaluate then.
  13. oxrayfarm

    Age to cull breeding stock

    I have a doe who is just now two years old. I am wondering when ya'll cull out your breeders, at what age? I am in the city so cage space is a premium but I want to make sure I start one of her promising girls before she is to old to continue breeding and cull her out. Thanks.
  14. oxrayfarm

    How best to package and freeze?

    When I harvested our chickens and stuck them in a freezer bag right away I too noticed the less than appetizing bloody frozen messy bag. However thanks to this forum I learned to rest the meat in the fridge for 2-3 days. Now when we harvest bunnz we do it like this... Rest the meat, in those...
  15. oxrayfarm

    Lethargic, no appetite buck, Help Please?

    Thanks all! I did add some electrolytes to his water but still not drinking, I'll get a needless syringe and give him some by mouth. I did notice he has pooped and they look normal. He did manage to eat some clover not much but some. Still hasn't touched the grains or hay. I have been doing...