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  1. Jolene09

    Pedigree question

    Ok! That makes so much more sense now😂 my doe has a three-generation pedigree. I don’t know anything about my buck except he is full blooded. Another question. How do you register and pedigree them? Is there something you print off for the pedigree? And how would it go for the registration? Thanks!
  2. Jolene09

    Pedigree question

    I just bought a pedigreed red New Zealand doe, and I have a NON pedigreed white New Zealand buck. I plan to get a pedigreed red buck later on. But if I was to breed my ped red doe to my non ped white buck. Would the babies be able to have a partial pedigree? Or how does that work? I’m still a...
  3. Jolene09

    New member!

    Almost 3 years! Started with lion heads then I started doing New Zealand’s but the litter of new Zealand’s that are due today will be my first litter of them!
  4. Jolene09

    New member!

    Hey! I’m new here and thought I would introduce myself. I raise New Zealand’s and lion heads in a small town in Mississippi. I currently have 11 rabbits. And have babies due tomorrow and Wednesday! I raise all my rabbits in hanged 36 x 30 x 18 cages. With fans during the summer to keep them...