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    • J
      jma87 replied to the thread Help with color..
      I will post a photo of the whole litter if that helps decide between black or blue. I'm finding some of the color examples online look...
    • J
      I purchased this rabbit at an animal swap, from the Amish. I'm curious if anyone has an idea what breed it may be & what this color is...
      • 1000010803-01.jpeg
      • 1000010799-01.jpeg
    • J
      jma87 replied to the thread Help with color..
      Thank you so much for that detailed reply! I appreciate it so much! I attached more photos also!
      • DSC_0089-01.jpeg
      • DSC_0098-01.jpeg
      • DSC_0088-01.jpeg
      • DSC_0072-01.jpeg
      • DSC_0062-01.jpeg
      • DSC_0055-01.jpeg
    • J
      Could anyone tell me what colors my lionheads are considered? Could you explain why? The brown one has one blue eye. The white one...
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