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  1. Celice

    Another baby colour thread :) ADDED new pics

    that's better! The first one is a sable blue chinchilla black sable blue sable broken opal chestnut agouti
  2. Celice

    Raising Quail Question

    okay! that's good news! is there and thing I can feed quail that is organic? seeds, plants, or do that have to be on a crumble diet?
  3. Celice

    Raising Quail Question

    Well, with the good things you guys have been saying about Quail and the benefits of their eggs and meat, I've decided to start raising quail. Now, where I'm at I have to be careful what kind of Quail I get since my state can get picky (example: I can't have more than 25 native game birds like...
  4. Celice

    One of my 3 does obviously does not fit in..

    I honestly don't think you have to cull her since she hasn't done anything wrong. Right now her self-esteem is low and to get it back up is to let her be by herself for a while, let her get used to the fact she's not in a pen with the other 2 and she wont be attacked every time she goes out. Her...
  5. Celice

    She's making me nervous.

    that's quite the dewlap she's got. Cute doe! It's hard to tell if a doe is preg or just fat. you can put her with a buck to test her and if she lets him breed her than you know she wasn't preg. But if she puts up a lot of fuss and is totally not interested then she could be preg. And yeah, it...
  6. Celice

    Is this a chocolate?

    Yes! that broken in the first pic is a broken chocolate and the one beside it is a Black Tort (blue torts tend to be more of a fawn than a red) and the second is a broken chinchilla.
  7. Celice

    new neighbors

    I have ravens galore here. They do an awesome job of keeping an eye on things when I can't or making a racket when something is up. They don't bother the rabbits any which is a really good thing 'cause I've seen the ravens get down into the colony hutch to eat the pellets the rabbits don't seem...
  8. Celice

    ID This female?

    she looks like a Blanc de Hotot. But she could be a mix breed that is a Charlie broken pattern. It's hard to tell. how big is she?
  9. Celice

    Rex Rabbit purse

    just as a purse to carry my sketchbook and whatnot :D
  10. Celice

    Anyone's litters picture thread!

    here is my prize litter of Harlequin Rex! I'm so proud of how they are turning out!
  11. Celice

    Help Identify this Predator

    Guess I should have said 'most of the time' since most predators, if it's small enough, they will pick up what they can and carry it off, and with large predators like Wolves it very rare that they kill more then they can eat but you are right it dose happen. Coyotes and Foxes I know would have...
  12. Celice

    Help Identify this Predator

    sounds like a house cat to me. Wild predators usually take everything they can else where to eat or eat it all there and there will be little left. House cats on the other hand tend to 'play' with their food and can go on a killing spree while only eating one or two leaving half or some of the...
  13. Celice

    Another baby colour thread :) ADDED new pics

    Actually, what I'm seeing in your colors is: broken chestnut black tort chestnut black black sable though I could be mistaken the lighting in your pictures is a little off. maybe taking some better pictures? :)
  14. Celice

    Rex Rabbit purse

    I thought I'd just post this and share with you guys this awesome purse I commissioned FrontierFurs on Deviantart to do for me! This purse is made out of 2 normal coated rabbits (black GTS) and 1 Rex (broken black) the purse is 9" x 11" with black felt fabric inside. I can't say enough good...
  15. Celice

    Anyone with experience caring for orphaned baby coon?

    that's good! I don't want you to get into trouble! best of luck!! also..Pictures??????