Bekah-n-Tennessee's latest activity

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  • Bekah-n-Tennessee
    Bekah-n-Tennessee reacted to TibsyRose's post in the thread Babies!! with Love Love.
    That's awesome!! I understand being nervous for the new new mommas. I've got two coming up in the next month for their very first...
  • Bekah-n-Tennessee
    Bekah-n-Tennessee replied to the thread Babies!!.
    Just five with this litter but I had actually guessed it right as the doe is older (proven brood doe) and the first litter for and...
  • Bekah-n-Tennessee
    Bekah-n-Tennessee reacted to TibsyRose's post in the thread Babies!! with Like Like.
    That's awesome!!!! How many? And me too, I love seeing the patterns and how well they are doing. I'm currently working on momma to...
  • Bekah-n-Tennessee
    Bekah-n-Tennessee replied to the thread Babies!!.
    Congrats! Just got our 3rd litter this morning and I was just as excited as the first, hope that excitement never wanes.