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  • Alaska Satin
    Hey everyone, it's been a while. Used to be Guardian Oasis but we gave up rabbits because I had an opportunity to get back into the Arab...
  • Alaska Satin
    Most of these pairings will depend heavily on what the individuals carry behind their dominant alleles. Any of the pairings could...
  • Alaska Satin
    Alaska Satin replied to the thread Does this count as broken?.
    It may be vienna, or it may be the dreaded "stray white hairs/white spot in colored area" which can occur without either broken or...
  • Alaska Satin
    Alaska Satin replied to the thread Help with colors?.
    I'd call the brokens either chestnut or harlequinized chestnut (also see broken oranges in the group photo). Watch how they develop...
    • chestnut feet 1.jpg
    • chestnut feet 2.jpg
  • Alaska Satin
    Alaska Satin reacted to MsTemeraire's post in the thread Help with colors? with Love Love.
    A blue eye in Dutch is, really, just another mismark. It occurs where a white patch falls over the eye, even if you can't see it. So...
  • Alaska Satin
    Alaska Satin replied to the thread Help with colors?.
    Blue ("china eyes"), marbled or mismatched eyes in Dutch are not entirely uncommon and do not necessarily mean there is a vienna allele...
  • Alaska Satin
    Alaska Satin replied to the thread Help with colors?.
    I agree with @judymac, that is a cool collection of colors! I also agree with you both about the blue, opal and black tort. The first...
    • patchy chestnut.jpg
    • broken chestnut.jpg
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    • 1719385695236.jpeg
    • 1719386203282.jpeg
  • Alaska Satin
    Alaska Satin reacted to Scooter1A's post in the thread Does this count as broken? with Like Like.
    I like the look of the red NZ. Nice rabbit.
  • Alaska Satin
    Alaska Satin replied to the thread Does this count as broken?.
    I have never seen or heard of a broken that did not have white feet. I am not saying it couldn't happen, just that it's pretty rare...
  • Alaska Satin
    Alaska Satin reacted to MsTemeraire's post in the thread New Member with Like Like.
    Yes they are - both 'born black'. St Huberts are agouti (chestnut) and the others are pretty much self explanatory. We also like the...
  • Alaska Satin
    Alaska Satin replied to the thread New Member.
    The argentes are really catching on in the U.S. these days. The trend in names is moving back toward the original French construction...
  • Alaska Satin
    Alaska Satin reacted to eco2pia's post in the thread Questions on expanding with Like Like.
    Ok. That's a lot of questions. My cages would go through a 32oz water bottle in a day or two--moms with kits got 2 or 3 bottles. I...
  • Alaska Satin
    Well turns out it was a wasp bite on her nose. They got in to the room somehow, made a nest right above her cage, and then must have...
  • Alaska Satin
    Alaska Satin reacted to RabbitsOfTheCreek's post in the thread Howdy all! with Like Like.
    I would breed the two Does around the same time. They have their Kits at almost the same time and if something goes wrong, they can be...
  • Alaska Satin
    Alaska Satin replied to the thread Howdy all!.
    I don't raise Tamuks, but all of the normally-sized meat breeds I've raised (Satin, Californian, New Zealand, Champagne D'Argent) do...