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  • Alaska Satin
    Mucoid enteritis isn't a specific disease, it's more a description of what happens when a rabbit's gut microbiota is imbalanced, giving...
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  • Alaska Satin
    Alaska Satin reacted to Mef4's post in the thread Upscale ? with Like Like.
    I'm in Washington and you can sell live animals from your farm but the buyer has to process. I've done it with Muscovies and once with...
  • Alaska Satin
    Alaska Satin replied to the thread ARBA Show questions.
    Small world, seriously! My first visit to WA was to see a friend who lived in Lynden. And my first wildlife job was at the Nature...
  • Alaska Satin
    Alaska Satin reacted to Phrick's post in the thread ARBA Show questions with Like Like.
    I’m one of those weirdos that LOVES the heat and sun. I often say I”m very much solar powered and I mean sun+heat. I’m the girl that’s...
  • Alaska Satin
    Alaska Satin reacted to PoppyLapine's post in the thread ARBA Show questions with Like Like.
    Oh! I grew up in WA too! I was near Seattle. I came to the heat to take care of my now late grandparents. I personally prefer cold over...
  • Alaska Satin
    Alaska Satin replied to the thread ARBA Show questions.
    Actually, me too. I grew up in So. Cal. and really, really miss the sun and warmth. I'm not sure I'd want 110F just because of the...
  • Alaska Satin
    Alaska Satin replied to the thread ARBA Show questions.
    Whew! I'm looking at a high of -2F today, so 110F almost sounds nice - but not quite. You certainly have rabbit raising challenges I...
  • Alaska Satin
    Alaska Satin reacted to tambayo's post in the thread Upscale ? with Like Like.
    For commercial production you'd need way more animals to have the numbers a shop could be interested in, they´d want a reliable supply...
  • Alaska Satin
    Alaska Satin replied to the thread Upscale ?.
    Several of my friends have customers that buy raw food for their dogs and cats. It's a pretty good deal because up here there's no...
  • Alaska Satin
    Alaska Satin replied to the thread ARBA Show questions.
    I'd be very surprised if you found any TAMUKS at a show, but that doesn't mean there wouldn't be any breeders who might raise them...
  • Alaska Satin
    Alaska Satin replied to the thread ARBA Show questions.
    Each show sets their own rules about sales, so you won't get any information from the ARBA. Some shows allow no sales, some only allow...
  • Alaska Satin
    Thanks for explaining! I'll run by the pros and cons with her and see what she would like to do. We will only be able to do 1 of the 3...
  • Alaska Satin
    Alaska Satin replied to the thread Best growout hutch?.
    When I had growouts in a tractor (which I haven't for several years since it's been so wet for the last few summers), I just put a box...
  • Alaska Satin
    Alaska Satin reacted to Bekah-n-Tennessee's post in the thread Best growout hutch? with Like Like.
    My better half built me two of Teal Stone's growout hutches and I do have the shelves in them. So far I haven't run into any significant...
  • Alaska Satin
    Alaska Satin reacted to maisaksson's post in the thread Best growout hutch? with Like Like.
    My cages are all wire cubes designed to be placed on a structure. This allows for 1. flexibility of placement (some cages are square...